Format wars

Posted by: Rockingdoc on 13 June 2001

I'm decorating most of the house at once, which has involved moving a lot of music hardware and software about. As I was "storing" about a hundred 7 inch reels of 1/4 inch TDK tape in a bin bag, I realised that even the most Luddite of us gives in to convenience over sound-quality in the end. A decent open reel tape deck is still cheap second-hand, and easily out-performs any other domestic recording format, but who still uses them?
I have just been into Maplins and found that each tape now costs £20, so I'm off to rescue them.
Posted on: 13 June 2001 by bdnyc

My friend, the late Steve D'Quisto, who many in the Linn and Naim community in the US knew from his years as a saleman at Innovative Audio in NY, and more recently, just up until this Spring, as the east coast Linn USA rep, had what I was told was the only Linn Sondeck ever customized for 78 use. He even had a modified Troika on it. Whether it really was the only one, I don't know. I do know that Steve felt there was magic in those old 78's, and that his Linn brought them back to life. Steve was so passionate about his LP 12's that if Linn would have made him one that could have worked in his car stereo, I'm sure he would have used it with a big smile on his face as the sounds of Frank Sinatra or some great, obscure R&B tune drowned out the noise of another traffic jam...

[This message was edited by bdnyc on THURSDAY 14 June 2001 at 06:27.]

Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Peter Stockwell
the 301s and 401s do 33/45/78 no problem. with a big enough plinth you could mount two arms one for 33s the other for 78s.


Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Frank Abela
You can have Gyrodecs modified to take two arms, one on each 'ear' of the mickey mouse chassis. There is a special pulley for swapping to 78 speed available for the motor. On old Gyrodecs, the motor position would have to be moved from top left corner to bottom left corner.

With new Gyrodec SE's, you just move the motor around. A new gyrodec with the plinth would have to have a hole made in the bottom left corner to accommodate the motor. Again, this is all do-able by John Michell.

Of course, now we're talking about two phono stages or a phono stage with two inputs etc.


Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Bernard Paquet
Or a 32.5 with two phono card!!!

Bernard Paquet