72 boards

Posted by: ebirah on 07 September 2002

Well, after a good few months suffering from intractable upgraditis I’ve decided to return to a 72/hi-cap preamp setup and shift my 52/super. This is somewhat irrevocable in that the 52 winged its way out of my front door the other night, into the arms of a well-known Forumite who will undoubtedly reveal all in the near future. Said Forumite will also reveal that my music room is equally full of guitars and drumkits as hi-fi and funds could easily be displaced elsewhere. In the final event I’m happy and content lower down the Naim food-chain…I’m afraid the 72/Hi doesn’t sound ‘broken’ to me after the 52/super, merely (a little) less good.

Anyway, the upshot of this is the need to get my hands on a 72 pronto since I am sans pre-amp, ergo sans music. My old 72 has long gone and I cannot for the life of me remember what the latest board revisions were for this particular pre-amp. It had a long life-span and IIRC a few board revisions. Does anyone here know what the last revision numbers are/were for the various boards? The 72 I used to have sounded very good, and I want to get as close to it as I can. It was an older Phono1/Phono2 model rather than Phono/CD but the boards had been periodically replaced.


PS Incidentally, Whist flicking through the 552 review in WH Smiths the other day, perhaps the most satisfying thing about the preceeding Naim Audio article was the picture of the chap working on a 12S. That amp is prehistoric yet there Naim are, still servicing and maintaining it just like the day it was born! Perhaps the best example of why I may downgrade but am highly unlikely to change brands.
Posted on: 08 September 2002 by ebirah
Andrew, you are a true star! Just the sort of info I need to make an informed decision. Thanks.
