Thoughts on Upgraditus!
Posted by: Peter Gear on 02 January 2002
Thought I would start the new year year by giving you my thoughts on the perennial problem of the upgrade syndrome!
I started with Naim about 8/9 years ago now with a CDI/NAT02/72/180/Linn Kelidhs. Cost? - about £5k including a soundstyle stand which was thrown in with the deal.
It all sounded very fine and I was a very happy chap for a few years until I found I had a few pounds to spend and started on the upgrade trail with the aim of getting the classic system CDS2/52/250/SBLs). I found myself saying to myself that it could all be better if I did this or that. So as a result I have, over the last few years, upgraded towards the 'classic system' with CDS2/82/hicap/250 all on Fraim and with SBL's. Cost? - about £17k! (still 52 and supercap to go you notice).
My son Matt who became converted to the Naim sound a few years ago benefited from this and bought my 180, became the recipient of the CDI (as a xmas pressie this year from me when I bought the CDS2) and bought one of the few remaining 72's last year - he also has my old soundstyle stand. So Matt now has the same system as I first started out with those long years ago i.e. a CDI/72/180 - his speakers are avon castles however.
I can now carry out A/B comparisons on what I had started out with and what I now have!
The question I am asking myself is: - is what I'm now hearing worth the extra £12k or so? The answer at the moment (with the CDS2 admittedly only 3 weeks old) is no. My old system (sorry Matts new system) really sounds superb, but no better than when I had it, and although arguably (in my set up) there is more space around instruments and their location is rather more defined I feel slightly let down. What I'm hearing is not more than 3 times better than previously. There is clearly the effect of diminishing returns however I would expect say a 50% improvement for the 350% increase in cost of the set up. Any one any thoughts?
Anyway my future upgrade to 52 and maybe a NAT01 is on hold at present until I resolve my thoughts on all this. The money required for an 52/supercap etc would buy a nice plasma screen with all the cinema surround sound goodies. Now that would be clear upgrade path over my presnt 24inch tele.
Regards to all and a happy new year