TT – To Buy or Not to Buy – That is the question
Posted by: John on 30 June 2001
I am having difficulty making the decision on whether to buy a TT and between buying something at the Rega P25 level or the P9 level. The cost difference is substancial. With my setup 52, super, 135s, SBLs it also makes sense to go the prefix route. I have heard the P25 and a full blown Linn LP12. I was very impressed with the ease they presented the music. That is the only finger I can put on the LP benefit. I was not blown away by the LP12 but I heard it on a Mark Levenson system with monster Wilson speakers. My CDS1 in my Naim setup is just as impressive and IMO out performed the LP12 in the Levenson system.
At this point I think it might make sense to try a P25 with the prefix and upgrade to the P9 level if I find I like playing LPs. My concern is the number of used TT advertisements that state “used for less than 40hrs”. Are there many people who have gone down this same path and in the end rarely play LPs? Will I find the TT source is just different and not better? Do I need to jump to the P9 level before I am really giving the TT source a fair trial? I am concerned that I will not be impressed with the P25 relative to my CDS1.
I could probably bring the P25 home but I don't have any phono boards to listen to it. The dealer also only has a Nait with phono boards. Far from a 52, 135s.
Do I sound confused? I am!
Help please!