Flatcap question

Posted by: Thomas Breding on 19 April 2001

Hi all!

Being new to Naim and all the special thoughts/stuff that it involves, I have a question regarding the Flatcap 2. I just brought homa a Flatcap 2 to upgrade my Nait 5 and CD5.

Using the "better" power output for the Nait5 seems logical, so far I am following. One cable provides more power to the amplifier, but what does the SECOND cable (SNAIC4) between the Nait and the Flatcap 2 do? They didn´t really explain that in the NAIT5 manual, and the manual included with the FC2 was a general Naim manual with nothing refering to FC2.

Just curious. Can someone explain, please? (of course you can)

:-) Thomaso

Posted on: 19 April 2001 by Thomas Breding
Well, not if you´re a "Junior Member"...


