New vs old vs weekes lingo

Posted by: Not For Me on 26 July 2002

Somebody asked if anyone has done this.

Hi-Fi World wet their pants about the new Lingo, so I asked my friendly dealer about one. Don't bother, it is the same as the old was the view coming back (after trying to get me to try the Armageddon. No 45 = No chance

Has anybody done a comparative in a Naim amp environment ?


OTD The light gave us away - Hector Laxou / Harold Budd
Posted on: 26 July 2002 by Paul Ranson
AFAIK there are two new Lingos, there's the original circuit board in the wide case and a new layout, possibly different circuitry, definitely surface mount rather than pth. There's no reason to suppose the former would be worth 'upgrading' to, the latter would definitely be worth investigating. Particularly if your old Lingo goes for £500 on EBay....
