LP12 will not rotate/spins slowly
Posted by: Jellyheadjeff on 31 December 2001
I switched on my LP12 today (last having used it about 2 months ago) & it struggles to turn the platter. If you give it a helping hand it then rotates but very slowly (even with a 45 adapter in it spins slower than 33rpm).
I was assuming it would be the AC motor but a similar article posted on Vinyl Asylum semed to imply it was the 47mf caps on the Valhalla supply.
Can any body suggest the likely cause?
I was assuming it would be the AC motor but a similar article posted on Vinyl Asylum semed to imply it was the 47mf caps on the Valhalla supply.
More than likely that's the problem. You can also replace them with the caps that are used on later Valhallas-33uf350v. Also if your ps still has a rectangular bridge rectifier, Linn has an upgrade kit which is worth doing while you're at it (about $15 US).
It could be a Valhalla fault, but first, lift off the mat, remove the outer platter and start the LP12.
Does it still rotate slowly and is the belt running OK, i.e. not slipping etc.
If it works like this refit the outer platter upside down then you will be able to see the belt and what it is doing.
Could be loose / slipping belt, as well as dirty pulley / platter - try cleaning these as well, it should be done regularly as part of your LP12 housekeeping.
Failing that it's likely to be a Valhalla fault, and I wouldn't recommend poking around that - they're evil!
A dealer is likely to have a few s/h boards from Lingo upgrades - talk nicely to your dealer, and maybe have a service at the same time, you won't regret it.
If it is the valhalla does that mean that if I was feeling flush an upgraded supply from Naim/Linn/Origin Live would also resolve the problem? How do I know it's not the motor?
If you don't feel like splashing out on a new PSU and/or motor I have some spare bits you can have.
I have the Valhalla board left over from a Lingo upgrade, and when I had the Cirkus fitted my dealer fited a new motor (supposedly better performance than my original one), so I have a spare working motor also.
A replacement motor cured the problem.
If it is the caps, you can DIY for about $6. It's close to $175 for a dealer rebuild. Problem is that you need the exact same size axial caps cause there is so little room on the board. Mouser has these in the same value and size. I think Linn went to 33/350 because all the axial 47/350 caps out there are a bit to large and would require a new board layout. So it's up to you whether you choose 47/250 or 33/350. The later should endure the Valhalla stress longer. If you DIY make absolutely sure you get them oriented the right way!!! If I remember correctly one cap is a trickster and faces opposite the others, and remember this thing is always live when plugged in and you might still get a jolt from the caps even after it's unplugged but these caps shouldn't hurt too bad. And if your board is really old and toasty looking maybe a total Linn rebuild is a good idea. The really, really, really hard part is getting the board off those little *&%$ snap-on standoffs. This is a real time consuming bear - and you're upside down the whole time. Must be the reason the dealer charges $175!
Thanks for the gallant offer - I've e-mailed you on your profile address to expand on that. You can get me on jeff.erlam@ntlworld.com.
For anybody with similar symptoms it turned out to be the Valhalla power supply - changed it & bingo.
Thanks for your help.