More details required on Bristol Show
Posted by: Andrew Randle on 12 February 2001
1) I am currently under the impression that the DBL demo is a limited ticket event - can anyone confirm? If so, where in the hotel would I get the tickets from?
2) Will the forum meeting be on the Saturday or Sunday?
3) The floor plans are of a low resolution, but it looks like there are 5 Naim demos, wow!
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Book your (free!) DBL session at the Naim Audio CD stall on the Terrace as soon as you arrive, as it will be popular! Two other Naim Audio rooms on the first floor.
Bet the DBLs are beech.
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
This is the first show I'll have been to (as long
as I get there) for a few years, certainly the first since I started following this forum.
Note: I've updated my display name to Brian D because another Brian has joined in.
For those of you who are Bristol virgins (surely shome mishtake)the closed session will take place on the 10th floor Presidential suite. System will be CDS/Nac52/3xNap500/active DBL.
The DBL's will be black. Other finishes available
to order!
Bristol is truely one of the Hi-Fi/AV events of the year with superb organization and atmosphere so if you've never been try and make the effort.
[This message was edited by Doug Graham on TUESDAY 13 February 2001 at 14:02.]
Thanks for the kind offer of the Saturday 4.00 pm dem. Unfortunately I can't make Saturday along with quite a few forum members including Mick Parry & Mark Ellis-Jones.
Is there any chance that you could also extend your invitation to a Sunday dem as well?
Kind regards, Bob
Whenever I hear that track I keep reckoning the DBLs would render it a stonking kind of way.
Its not my most favourite music and would probably bring something else, hmmmm...
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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I'm in favour of anything which delays the inevitable Yes track ;-)
Well, its bad news for you all I'm afraid. My wife wants to hear the DBLs (they better be bloody good she says - hopefully I'm on solid ground here with £30k of power amp behind them) and she has some tastes in music that I don't share (some would say unfortunate tastes, I'll be more charitable as I have to live with the consequences). One example is Madonna. Especially the album 'Ray of Light' (which as Maddy's albums go, ain't bad). So, unless she forgets (or decides that she really wants to hear her other fave 'The Grease Soundtrack', that may be my request when DJ Douggie 'spins the wheels of steel'. Having said that, 'Little Fluffy Clouds' makes a Grateful Dead Live album seem concise as I recall so that may be the only track heard....
[This message was edited by Martin M on THURSDAY 15 February 2001 at 08:33.]
I'm putting my hopes on accidently forgetting the CDs and then suddenly finding some more mutually acceptable ones in my coat pocket. As you do.
PS I might need some of that whiskey.
PS I might need some of that whiskey.
We might all need that whiskey after a rendition of "whella whella whella bump - tell me more, tell me more...".
Alternatively I could threaten to bring along some "Marilyn Manson" in an attempt to stop the "Grease Soundtrack", i.e. following up Summer Nights with The Dope Show.
However, some may also object to that...
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
PS You ALL owe me a drink now. I will need it.
Talking of which for those who are around what is the best watering hole innthe vacinity of the Marriott?
[This message was edited by Martin M on THURSDAY 15 February 2001 at 11:32.]
Make sure you see the gloss black DBLs at the demo before you buy. These HAVE TO BE SEEN before you make your final purchasing decision.
I still suspect your wife will hide a copy of the Grease Soundtrack in her handbag on the day. A good way of getting a private demo though, everyone will be running out of the room screaming!
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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PS I'll do a bag search before leaving the house.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Please don't tell my wife the price you had to pay. It would give her ideas!
Best get down to the furniture shop right now.....
I better get on and buy 4 more 135s while I'm at it then.
[This message was edited by Martin M on MONDAY 19 February 2001 at 13:53.]