linn speakers

Posted by: Action on 20 February 2002

Hi eveyone.

Can someone fill in my blanks!!!

I am leaning towards s/h linn speakers(£700ish).
But I'm confused ;

1. sara/isobarik
2. isobarik
3. isobarik/dms

Any info on suitability for my 72/180 etc would be gratefully accepted

Thank you ....

Posted on: 20 February 2002 by davewarehouse
You are correct to be following the Sara, Isobarik route than chasing Keilidhs, Kabers etc.
A set of Saras will set you back £300ish.(If you decide to go down this route, Ihave a pair for sale in black) Isobariks will cost more, but if you have the space and listen at realistic levels then I feel it is worth it. You will need the DMS which is passive ie only needs a single amp, whereas the PMS requires an electronic crossover and 3 poweramps. Expect to pay £400-£700 depending on age/condition. Remember these speakers were in production for over 15 years.
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Action
My cellar(?)when converted will be 12'x15'x8'.How is this space best suited by the

mentioned speakers ?

Posted on: 20 February 2002 by davewarehouse
I use Isobariks in a 13 by 14 foot room, which is definately on the small side, but I find they work well and don't boom. A cellar should be acoustically dead and far better than my living room(modern house,paperthin walls etc). The definitive answer is....I don't know! Saras can outpunch many bigger speakers so don't worry about them not being big enough. I probably sound really indecisive but you really could use either.
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Action
do yours have the xlr connections,if so what the hell are they ,and will i be better getting my dealer to make up the cables
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by davewarehouse
Yes, my Saras use XLR plugs (as do Isobariks) They are a single plug with 3 pins (like a din plug but bigger and beefier) these connectors are often used in pro audio but rarely in domestic, but theres no need to worry. Plugs are readily available, and they are as easy to solder as 4mm banana plugs. Needless to say, I would supply a set of Linn k20 cables with the speakers. They also come with Linn sara stands and are boxed.(Hope I don't get into trouble for turning the advice coloumn into a sales and wants list!)
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Greg Beatty
...the amps.

Do you have a *-cap with your 72/180? The end result could be rather flat with 72/180 into Sara's or Bariks. These speakers need juice. Might not be too bad since your room is on the small side - and depends how loud you want to play.

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 20 February 2002 by davewarehouse
I actually used Saras with a NAP160 for a time and was satisfied,but with isobariks I would imagine a NAP250 (or a LK280/SPARK) is the way to go in the long term. I was only using a 32/62 pre with the 160 too.
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Paul Ranson
IIRC there are 4 generations of SARA,

Flat/square fronted cabinet edge, horizontal XLR
Round cabinet edge, horizontal XLR
Round cabinet edge, vertical XLR
SARA 9, round cabinet edge, 4mm bananas.

The latter has a normal dustcover on centre of the outer bass driver, the earlier ones (I don't now for how long) had a large disc of soggy cardbaord stuck onto the cone.

FWIW any SARA will be at least 12 years old. And will be comprehensively blown away by a pair of Kabers. Kabers are also more flexible at room integration.

But you should also get to a dealer and listen to the new stuff in your price range. Nostalgia aside and with the rose tinted spectacles aside a pair of Ninkas will probably outperform any of the 'old' favourites, unless we're at the seriously active Isobarik level.


Posted on: 20 February 2002 by davewarehouse
I actually upgraded from Kabers to Saras and (looks aside) never looked back. I heard at least another octave of bass, and the scanspeak HF unit (used in SBL,NBL,Allae and DBL!!!) was far better than the scratchy ceramic unit as used in Keilidhs/Kabers.
I suppose different peopla are just looking for different things.
One last point, There were two versions of the 4mm plugged Saras.Single wire and Bi-wire with removeable links as per Kabers.
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Paul Ranson
I actually upgraded from Kabers to Saras and (looks aside) never looked back.

I went the other way....

I still have the SARAs, they're a pretty old horizontal XLR version, but more appositely last year I impulse bought a late pair of KAN 1, with the 4mm sockets. And I've tried these in my present room. And there's still no comparison.

My Kabers have the so-called 'scratchy' ceramic tweeter, I shall probably try the newish whatever it's called version. I can twiddle the activ cards to rebalance if necessary.


Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Action
My hicap is pencilled in for arrival late june,the reason I,ve considerd the sara,isobarik comes from a drooling spotty teenager 14 years in the past wetting himself outside shop windows and over those magazines .But to get it right I'll listen to all and think carefully...
Now where is that june 88 copy of hifi review???................


Posted on: 20 February 2002 by davewarehouse
I don't remember seeing any Linn Saras in "those" magazines!!!!!!
Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Action
Now was it linn or sara I can't quite remember?

big grin