Phono stages

Posted by: Tony L on 21 August 2001

Phono stages.
Looks like I will need to start thinking about out board phono stages. I'm predictably looking to get the job done as cheaply as possible. The ones that come to mind are:

I can't think of a lot else out there at the sort of price I want to pay, any ideas? How much does the likes of a Linto or the Exposure stage change hands for second hand? Either might be a pretty good option.

Ideas folks?


Posted on: 21 August 2001 by Rico
used prefix. dual-railed SNAPs, or keep your hicap.

Rico - Save the Kans!

Posted on: 21 August 2001 by Andrew Randle
There is of course the Rega phono stage (you do have a P9 don't you?).

Creek do something similar too.

Sounds like a nice little home-demo is in order.


P.S. you do right to find a CDX, it is a revelation [once warmed up!!!].

Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 21 August 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes

A prefix is the dog's with a SNAPS, so I've no reason to suppose a Stageline will not be either.

You can buy a SNAPS s/h for £70 or so, so it'd be a good option, and give even more money to the CDX fund. It's what I'd do unless the other options sound significantly better, which I doubt.

Naim's phono stages rock.


Posted on: 21 August 2001 by Top Cat
My email and Naim forum access has been severely jiggered for the last fortnight since my ADSL went a bit wonky. I also seem to have lost my email, so apologies to anyone who has been in contact in the last few weeks. Email is still gone, but at least my ADSL is back...

Anyway, try to hear the Clearaudio phono stages, and don't discount something like a s/h Linto or even a MF XLPS with XPSU - it sounds a hell of a lot better than I expected, and responds well to the cleaner juice...


Posted on: 21 August 2001 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Juan Zenuff:
...and I'm told that the Stageline circuitry is basically the same as the prefix.


trouble with this statement is that the 52x boards you removed from your 82 are 'basically' the same design.

AFAIK, the same is even true of the 32x boards that were used in 72s, and even 32s before them.

The devil is in the detail of the design.


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Tony L
Thanks for the replies, I suspect I need to track down a dealer to listen to the main contenders.

Anyone know where I could get a dem of the Tom Evans vs. Densen vs. Stageline? I suspect these are the serious contenders.

The rest: The Rega Fono is a nice idea, but is a pretty low cost unit and may not be better than the onboard stage in my 32.5 (this has to be beaten, its half the reason to go for the Nait in the first place). If there is a dealer with the above three stages who also has a Fono, I would certainly listen to it. Musical Fidelity - I would be completely astounded if they made anything I could listen to without wanting to kick it across the room in a matter of seconds. I'm going to rule that one out based on lots of previous experience with their (mushy, bloated, slow sounding) electronics.

I am ruling the prefix out for the sake of my RB900's (non-detachable) armlead. The Lehmann Black Cube is interesting, and I have once heard it sounding excellent, but I believe it is not a great match with Naim kit, so I will probably just concentrate on the above three.

So, where to dem / buy? (preferably in the North West).


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Rico
I am ruling the prefix out for the sake of my RB900's (non-detachable) armlead.

Clearly, you have two options.

  • Find out Vuk's solution.
  • buy an LP12.

Rico - ok, the Kans are sorted, now whatabout the rainforests?

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Tony L
Clearly, you have two options.

  • Find out Vuk's solution.
  • buy an LP12.

I believe that Vuk originally ran the Prefix just plugged into the Rega arm lead, so no real benefit over the Stageline. Later I think he had the arm lead de-soldered, I am simply not prepared to do this, it would kill the second hand value of my deck, and there are plenty of good general purpose phono stages out there so there is absolutely no need to. I have absolutely no problem with using a non-Naim product!

The LP12 idea has not actually been ruled out, I am going to see how well the new system gels, what the outcome of tomorrows equipment table death match is, what I think of the Nait, and many other factors before making a decision. Now I know that the Lingo can be made to work properly by removing that horrible mains filter it puts the whole LP12 back in the running, I have never been able to take the Valhalla or Armageddon even remotely seriously as I have over 800 excellent 12" or 7" singles which would be rendered unplayable. In fact I nearly landed a LP12 two weeks ago that I was going to build up as a side project (LP12 / Lingo / LVX for 400 quid) but the complete a***hole selling it did not hold it for me until I could get to it. My plan was to land another LP12 / Ittok and mix and match a deck to keep and one to sell. I could have ended up with a really nice LP12 / Lingo / Ittok for absolute peanuts.


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Peter Stockwell
Originally posted by Tony Lonorgan:
the onboard stage in my 32.5 (this has to be beaten, its half the reason to go for the Nait in the first place).... Musical Fidelity - I would be completely astounded if they made anything I could listen to without wanting to kick it across the room in a matter of seconds. I'm going to rule that one out based on lots of previous experience with their (mushy, bloated, slow sounding) electronics.


The XLPS is better than you could imagine, I think the Stageline is better still. The Stageline is more upgradeable, with a Nait 5 doesn't need extra power supply, and matches visually.


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Frank Abela

I believe you can rule out the Fono - it's not as good as the boards in my view. The Rega EOS (£400 new) phono stage was pretty good, though I found it too dry for my taste when the Tom Evans came out.

The Densen DP-02 retails for £500. Personally, I don't really get on with the Densen, but I know you really like the Densen amps so....

You know how good I think the Tom Evans is...:)

The Stageline is better than the boards, especially when driven by a Hicap.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Alex S.
Are your FEPs suitably insured? Vuk cannot be trusted not to expedite some sort of burglary.


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Tony L
Are your FEPs suitably insured?

Yes, I have them tattooed on my forehead. I actually want more FEPs for planning to dump a big amp to upgrade my sources.


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Rico
Yes, I have them tattooed on my forehead. I actually want more FEPs for planning to dump a big amp to upgrade my sources.

I bolded that bit. The bit about upgrading sources. The key here really. You know the LP12 makes sense - and you don't need to blow out a 250 to do it, either! big grin

There have been a few CDX's turning up lately, so your hunt there should not turn out to be a lengthy one!

Rico - ok, the Kans are sorted, now whatabout the rainforests?

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Joe Petrik

What type of connectors does the Stageline use for phono input -- RCA or BNC? Also, can the Stageline be ordered as an S or K version, or is it simply MM or MC?


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Alex S.
The latest Catatonia album advises the following:

"Plant 1 tree and offset the CO2 emmissions from your TV, Hi-Fi and VCR for 2 years. . . Plant 1 tree and offset the CO2 emmissions from your PC and monitor for 7 years".

Hope this helps.

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Alex S.
I am fearful of this rumour that you are hunting a CDX - why?
Posted on: 22 August 2001 by John C
My Stageline came with RCA connections as standard but it can be adapted for BNC. You can specify S or K boards. Unfortunately it seems you can't swop boards. Its a great little item.

sorry for butting ing

[This message was edited by John C on WEDNESDAY 22 August 2001 at 16:26.]

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Joe Petrik
John C,

No problem. I thought Andy W. had a Stageline but after I posted the message I clicked on his profile to find out the lucky bastard has a Prefix wink

Did you or you dealer retrofit the Stageline to use BNCs or is it ordered to spec?


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Tony L
I am fearful of this rumour that you are hunting a CDX - why?

I'm definitely not abandoning vinyl if that is what you were thinking!

What I am attempting to do is finally balancing my system. I want to get it to a finishing point, where I am not chasing upgrades that I have no chance of affording etc. I have a great record deck, as this thread suggests I am looking for a good phono stage, so that’s my vinyl front end sorted. I do like the CD 17KI that is my current digital disk spinner, it sounds suffers from few digital nasties, is smooth and weighty etc. It does however not play music as well as a CDX. I own over 1000 CDs, so have quite a lot invested in the medium, and whilst I could never consider a CDS2, a second hand CDX is financially feasible with a bit of system re-jigging. This is all possible by sacrificing the amp a little.

I already have a Nait 1, and I do the deal on a Nait 2 tomorrow. Changing from my 32.5 / Hicap / 250 to the Nait 1 the first time really surprised me, yes it is not as good, but what it looses is to my ears not actually very important. It looses some low level detail and a little definition, and does not have the sense of power of the 250. What it does not loose is pitch, rhythm, or timing, bizarrely it sounds just as much fun to my ears, and as soon as I picked my jaw back off the floor I started thinking that the Nait is really all I need. I ran the Nait 1 for a week in my main system (just CD as I had no MC stage), and I definitely could live with it. Things like low level detail are forgotten in a few days, the ability to play music is what keeps me listening. The Nait 1 plays music big time.

I am a firm believer in source first, so am utterly convinced that getting a better phono stage and CD player will result in a better system. I have come to the conclusion that I definitely don't need a 82 or 52 or whatever, I just need a simple system that plays tunes. I am also really lucky as I do not really enjoy listening loud, so the Nait drives the Kans to the level that I require without any noticeable stress. If I can get the prices I think I should for my existing amp and CD player I should be able to do this at next to no cost. Might even make a few quid wink


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by John C
I still have the RCA but they told me it could have BNC. I think it also says on the NANA site that you can preorder fitting of BNC connectors (for an additional charge)

While you two guardians of the flat earth and source first principal are here - Should a power supply Hi Cap go on the Phono stage or the amp, Nait? I seem to have broken my stone tablettes with the commandments.


Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Andrew Randle
OK Tony, I assumed when you said cheap you meant really cheap - which is why I went for something as cheerful as the Rega smile

Let's try again. I would also like to second the Linto as being a really excellent phono stage. The Linto gives a very solid and musical performance. However, whether it partners well with the NAIT is another thing.

The Densen stage may be the best partner for the NAIT.

Alternatively, your financial reserves may have improved by the time you track down and hear all the options. In which case don't sell the HiCAP until the last minute, you might afford a CDX and Stageline by that time


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by woodface
Tony, you have obviously given the downsizing thing some serious thought and persuing what is most important to you. But I would just like to suggest that you really take your time over this decision, as once you have jumped it will very difficult to get to the level you are at. It is very feesable that 6-months down the line you could be missing the power and refinement of the 250 - the lack of black boxes may also be disconcerting! If you do end up regressing - and I think you will - what about a 2nd hand CDS1. This is better than a CDx, it can be serviced and can also be upgraded top full CDS11 level.
Posted on: 22 August 2001 by David Dever
Did you or you dealer retrofit the Stageline to use BNCs or is it ordered to spec?

We charge $25 extra to fit the BNC connectors at time of order, though the holes drilled for the RCA sockets need not be modified to fit the BNCs.

Also, can the Stageline be ordered as an S or K version, or is it simply MM or MC?

K / S / E / N--same types as phono boards.

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Alex S.
Make sure you listen very thoroughly before you buy one.

It was 1995 before I bought my first CD player (all vinyl B4 then) - a CD3. This ran through 32.5/HC/250/AE1s and I was reasonably satisfied.
It was no substitute for vinyl but the sound was in no way unpleasant - a well enough balanced system. Then I had some money and bought a CDX and my upgraditis suddenly started. I may post like some Nouveau but apart from the CD3 (why did I even do that) I had been strictly LP12/32.5/HC/250 for some years although I did go from Kans to AE1s (FEPs down plug-hole).

The point is that once I had a stand alone CDX some sort of synergie was lost. Immediately it was obvious that it needed an external power supply, then the pre-amp seemed inadequate, then the Hi-cap on the 82 didn't quite do it so I added another and that didn't do it either. So I bought a Supercap. Then the AE1s were deemed not good enough, and the CDX still seemed inadequate and I had to get a CDS2. At last satisfied (apart from the 52).

I may be very stupid, I am certainly poorer than I wanted to be - but beware the stand alone CDX, especially if you love the analogue sound, it may force you down a road which I know you do not wish to tread.


Sorry if this is gobbledygook, I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Posted on: 22 August 2001 by Joe Petrik

While you two guardians of the flat earth and source first principal are here - Should a power supply Hi Cap go on the Phono stage or the amp, Nait? I seem to have broken my stone tablettes with the commandments.

A few years ago a friend brought by his Prefix and Flat-Cap for me to try in my LP12/Lingo/Ekos/Klyde/32.5/Hi-Cap/250/Sara system (sorry for pulling a -=>Mike<=- but I wanted to the provide context for the dem wink ).

We tried both configurations -- Hi-Cap on the Prefix and Flat-Cap on the 32.5, and Flat-Cap on the Prefix and Hi-Cap on the 32.5. The verdict? No dem has been more clear cut to me or to my friend -- put the better supply on the phono stage.

It gets more complicated if you have other decent sources, say a good tuner and CD player. You might opt to put the Flat-Cap on the Prefix so the preamp gets the better supply, benefitting all sources. But this wasn't an issue for me since I was running only a table back then.
