New Power Supply

Posted by: Steve B on 05 April 2002

I was wondering whether the new supply for the 552 preamp can be used to power lesser pre-amps (like the current Supercap can).

Does anyone know?

Steve B

Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Martin Payne
It seems very unlikely.

It's a new generation of PS, which includes both positive & negative voltages. The current stuff (except CDPS, XPS) is just 0V & +24V.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 05 April 2002 by vern
At these prices it's going to have to be a massive trickle.


Posted on: 05 April 2002 by Greg Beatty
The Naim News page on the website says of the new 552 power supply:

For the Naim NAC 552 a radical new split rail power supply configuration has been used, which almost eliminates power supply noise in the signal earth.

Now, in all the reading I've done on dirty mains and such, the conclusion I've been getting to is that it is the noise in the earth (?) that defines dirty mains.


...Does the new supply lessen the dependence of the system on perfect mains?

- GregB

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