Is this forum becoming boring?
Posted by: woodface on 26 March 2001
Over the last few weeks I have noticed that the number of interesting posts has dropped through the floor! Is it just me who thinks this?
Posted on: 26 March 2001 by Steven Phee
YES it is!!!!
Posted on: 26 March 2001 by Cheese
Too bad that Naim offers affordable no-nonsense interconnections and speaker cables. Otherwise, we could offend the other 50% by starting a collection of useless cable threads.
Concerning the present state of the forum, I agree that we don't actually deserve many rewards for creativity, but as a buddhist would say, it comes and it passes away - don't cling to the feelings.
Posted on: 26 March 2001 by woodface
At least some people agree with me. I think part of the problem is that the sane questions keep getting asked over and over again! It's usually to do with upgrading eg "I have X should upgrade to Y or add a Z". Do decent dealers not exist? Trust your own ears no one elses! The other thing is that unless it is expressly about naim no one bothers. Ok I know this is a naim forum but it's all about enjoying the music, if someone has a good experience with an accessory or a product they should share it.
Posted on: 26 March 2001 by ken c
hi, i find the forum very useful. i dont read everything -- i select what i am interested in. i also find it interesting to hear other peoples views -- and thinking -- (remember the marathon mana threads!). and i have picked up a huge amount of good recommendations from the music section. i dont expect to find something interesting everytime, but every now and then, there are real gems.
i have visited other similar forums and not felt "at home"...
Posted on: 26 March 2001 by Greg Beatty
Too bad that Naim offers affordable no-nonsense interconnections and speaker cables. Otherwise, we could offend the other 50% by starting a collection of useless cablethreads.
...I DID read in the current issue of Listener where Art Dudley uses non-Naim speaker wire and interconnects. Prefers the cheap Nordost stuff to A5 I believe. He even mentioned the M**a interconnect, tho I don't recall if he uses it.
OK - I did my part
- GregB
Posted on: 27 March 2001 by woodface
Since I posted this thread there has, indeed, been a marked improvement. Re Jason's point about narrowing down choices etc. Surely this is the role of the dealer! Naim place great stall by their delaer network - are we basically saying that some naim dealers are poor? My own is excellent by the way.