Hi end speaker from Israel

Posted by: Arye_Gur on 12 July 2002

A famous speaker’s manufacturer from Israel, Yair Tamam, started to sell hi end speakers two weeks ago. Their price in Israel 7K$. Ran Levi, the stereo journalist here (who wrote about Naim several weeks ago) describes these speakers as an excellent product and has no fear to compare the sound they produce to speakers that have a tag price of 40 – 60 K$ !!!

The elements of the new speaker are Super-Revelator made by Scan-Speak (I hope I write it well). Scan-Speak is a Danish company, and these elements were designed by the first engineer of the company, Lars Grover.

The mid, Aluminum made 7” diameter, Zlaton 2707, was designed by a German engineer Anthony Gerlish (I’m sorry if I don’t write the names well, it is Hebrew written) for ATD, an Italian company.

The woofers are made by Scan-Speak too.

Ran Levi describes the sound of these speakers with the highest superlatives you can imagine. The only problem is with the bass units (sounds familiar to Ibl owners???) but it is not destroy the pleasure the speakers are giving.


[This message was edited by Arye_Gur on FRIDAY 12 July 2002 at 10:12.]

[This message was edited by Arye_Gur on FRIDAY 12 July 2002 at 10:14.]
Posted on: 12 July 2002 by Arye_Gur
You are right.

The name is written twice in the article, once as
"Scan-spin" and once as "Scan- Speak".
I'm not familiare with this name so I wrote it as I saw it at the first time.
