Naked Nait2 picture, please

Posted by: Lightkeeper on 22 April 2002

Hi all !

I have Nait2 for years, but few days before I was sprayed with contact spray potentiometer. After spraying there is no hurs sound from pot, but something else worried me a lot. I was bought Nait2 from S/H and there is some capacitors inside which are wear in yellow-black iso-tape, which was looking to me like amateur work.
Can someone send me some picture of open (without chassis) Nait2 latest version.
Thank you very much and please send on


[This message was edited by Ozren Herold on MONDAY 22 April 2002 at 09:47.]
Posted on: 22 April 2002 by Tony L
I was bought Nait2 from S/H and there is some capacitors inside which are wear in yellow-black iso-tape, which was looking to me like amateur work.

It does not sound like Naim's handywork, they are incredibly neat. Here is mine with the lid off...

Posted on: 22 April 2002 by Lightkeeper
Thank you very much Tony.
You help me a lot.
My problem is that my Nait2 have two relatively big silver blue Alco capacitors right behind transformer and right of two black Raycon capcitors which are on yours too. Those Alco capacitors are about double size of Raycon and they are layed down and isolated with tape together. Another two compromiting capacitors are on the left side of transformer which means right behind volume pot. They are similar sized as original Raycon and they are black, but I can't see which brand they are because they are better isolated than Alcos. All of those four "mystic" capacitors are laying free on board isolated with tape (as I said before) and they are normaly connected with cables and operate completely normal. I have made some photos of my Nait2 few days before and I will made them today, so I can post it here and you will see.
I must said that my amp work perfectly well and there is no problems. I think that is possible that the amp is burned before me and it is serviced, but the question is... If it's burned, burned components are must exchanged, but what makes sense to add some additional components.
I mean, for example, if two capacitors are burned, then you should change them and that's it, so why add four more?
Anyway, thanks a lot once more, but if you have any other comments I will apreciate it.

p.s. sorry on bad english.

Posted on: 22 April 2002 by Craig B
Did you happen to notice if the two sets of Alcos behind the transformer were wired in parallel with the 2 sets of unknown caps on the left behind the volume pot and the original Raycons?

It sounds as though some wunderkind decided that the little Nait would do well with much larger capacitance in the power supply and paralleled up two sets of alternative caps with the originals. There are quite a few tweakheads out there that mistakenly believe that greater power supply capacitance is the one true path to better performance.

The Nait is a compromise, no doubt, but it is a balanced compromise.

Not only will those modifications upset the Naits performance, they could very well present a fire hazard! Using the amp in its present state just isn't worth the risk.

Unless you have a nearby Naim distributor or dealer with in house service facilities, I would suggest that it be sent to Naim HQ for a proper restoration/service.


[This message was edited by Craig Best on MONDAY 22 April 2002 at 16:11.]
Posted on: 22 April 2002 by Lightkeeper
Thanks Craig !

You help me a lot, but how can I know if my amp is burned before. Will Racon caps burned if it is burned before? Do you think that those additional two pair of capacitors I can disconnect and everything will be fine?

