Am I crazy?

Posted by: Bas V on 16 March 2002

Hi guys,

I have made a rather radical decision. I have offered my total system for sale...
I have decided to move in with my girlfriend and her neighbours even complain when something drops on the floor. Thereby, I don't have the room for proper setup over there. My girlfriend doesn't mind and tells me to think twice. What do you guys think of my idea of selling the bunch and buying something like a Linn Classik + Ninka's for two years or so. Then, when we move to a bigger house, I will buy me a new Naim system.
One other thing, right now I hardly go and sit down to listen to music anymore as my work takes up a lot of time. I mostly listen to music during the 3 hours a day I spent in my car...

Desperate greetings, Bas

Posted on: 18 March 2002 by Bas V
I have just bought me a Classik. I will collect it on sunday. This thursday I get someone over to listen to my system. If anybody can stop me, please do ;-)

But serious, I'm thinking this way:
1. I only sell at a good price. Why not, there's no urgency.
2. If I can't sell, I can test the Classik (which I get at a very good price) extensively to see if it suits my needs.
3. I can always use the tuner part of the Classik and sell my Nat-03. I already have some interested folks.
4. The Classik has a headphone-output. I save the money I'd have to put towards a Headline.
5. I now have a spare cd-player, pre- and power amp.

Catch my drift?

Greetz! Bas

Posted on: 18 March 2002 by Rico
I catch your drift.

There have been some most meritorious suggestiuons in this thread, Bas! Move in with your girlfriend in the appartment that you find together - there's much more fun in setting up a pad together in new territory than the old "can I have any more room in the bathroom cabinet/wardrobe/lounge for the hifi" etc etc... smile

best of luck!

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

PS - oh, you're mad to sell the system. Ain't lurvvvv grand.

Posted on: 18 March 2002 by JWinston
Please post on your experiences with the Classik!
Someone I trust tells me that it has to be taken VERY seriously...


Posted on: 19 March 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
I helped a friend set up a Classik system a while ago, choosing speakers to go with it was fun and certainly showed it is a more than half decent item, the tuner is fairly ordinary but you cannot argue with the price. Nice to use and easy on the eye too.

I have a rega planet 2000 which we used for comparisons, vs the Classik the listening panel was split on preferences.

Picking speakers for it was not that easy though, it can sound muddy and bass thick with some. Needs a good fast speaker with plenty of life to make it shine, at least to my Naim-accustomed ears. I'll go through what we tried if you are interested in some suggestions for an audition.



Posted on: 20 March 2002 by Bas V
Hi Bruce!

I'd certainly appreciate some advice. I have heard that with Sonus Faber the bass gets woolly. They were an option. Other options I have thought of are Monitor Audio Studio 2 (still love them), Dynaudio Contour 1.1 or 1.3, Neat (?), Linn Katan, Linn Ninka, ....

What can you suggest?

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
My audition with the classic was only of bookshelf speakers, I was there primarily as an independent view whilst a friend chose those he wanted to match his Classik. All were listened to on stands but have actually been placed on wall brackets, fairly close to the wall. Remember i am used to SBL's at home.

Here is a bit of a summary from memory, I never made notes.

New Kan III-Neat and small, but disapointing. It sounded dry and had a quite compressed mid range, voices in partcular (the test was largely with choral and classical) lacking real life. The dealer thought these were the worst of the bunch we heard-and was surprised at that.

Katan-on stands a very impressive performer, natural and clean sounding with a sharp snappy base and particularly good at sounding 'un-boxy'. When placed nearer the wall they seemed to bit a little bit thick to me, I found the bass a bit uncontrolled then. Also just a tad 'bouncy' for my taste, perhaps more so with non-classical music. Chosen by dealer and my friend eventually.

Dynaudio Audience 42. Compact and nicely made. Very clean and fast sound without too much bounce. Bass detail actually better and using a foam pad to block the rear port they coped well close to the wall. Overall character slightly 'sharper' than Katan, I liked this, the others thought slightly brittle and lightweight.

B+W CDM series (forgotten exact model but about £550ish). I hated these, sounded fat and juicy without any actual musicality, lots of colouration and a boomy bass. The dealer was a little more polite but my mate was quite impressed-I think confusing quantity with quality!

Hope this is some help, I know none of these were on your short-list!

My conclusion with the Classik was it can make a good system with speakers which suit. Each pair we tried was very different and you just have to get out and listen.


Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Mike Sae

I've yet to hear the combo, but if you get a chance let us know what you think of Classik/Neat Critique, which on paper look pretty damn classy.

Posted on: 24 March 2002 by Bas V
Hi guys!

A little update. I have the Classik now and I have to say, it's pretty good. With my Intro's it gives a bit to much bass, but I think some smaller speakers could do the trick. After a short trial I think I could live with it for a few years.
Thursday night a potential buyer came over to listen to my setup. I have to say, I was amazed as he was. My set sounded gorgeous. I remembered what I dit all for once. Naim is really fantastic, too good to not sit down and really enjoy it. I think this is my bottleneck...

I keep you all informed!

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 29 March 2002 by Bas V
Hi all!

I have been listening to the Classik once more. It sounds good for the money. I don't know if it sounds special for the money, but it sounds pretty good, far better than any other stereo-package. It's difficult to say what it does alright, I think it's easier to say what the Naim does better.
The first thing that strikes me is that the music comes alive. Richard was right over there, the Linn does sound a bit boring. When I listen to Alanis' unplugged album, I hear everything her mouth does, and that's more than singing. The second thing is that the sound is so much bigger. With the Linn, I have to sit on the right spot, while with the Naim my whole room is filled with beautiful music. Especially when I'm standing the Linn doesn't sound as realistic as the Naim. The third thing is the details. The Naim lets me hear so much more than the Linn...
So, the Naim is quit a bit better. No surprise. Is the Linn value for money? Yes. Could I live with it? Tough one. Perhaps with the right speakers, the right cabels and the right stand I could. Comparisons were made with the Linn on a cupboard and with ordinary speakerwires, so perhaps it can improve a bit.
I was thinking of perhaps buying Neat speakers, using Cardas speakercable and a quadraspire miditable. Any suggestions?

Greetz and happy Easter! Bas

Posted on: 29 March 2002 by Greg Beatty


Here it is from anther angle.

I got married back in September and my wife moved in to my 1 BR apartment. Man, we were *cramped* - the two of us, two cats, and two apartments of stuff.

We bought a townhouse and moved in just before the new year. This was the best thing we could have done. Our relationship was feeling the strain and the things are so good now :-)


Keep the Naim, keep the girl, and get a bigger place big grin

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 29 March 2002 by Bas V
Hi Greg,

I spend about 3 hours a day in my car. I want a Naim in that! I got better things to do when I'm with my girl ;-)

Greetz! Bas

Posted on: 30 March 2002 by Bas V
Just wanted to let you know I connected the CDI to the Classik today. That sounds just great! I guess the Classik does have a pretty capable amp. I never liked the Genki, so perhaps the lack of reality is al due to the cd-part. This might be the way to go, keep the CDI, the Classik and perhaps the Intro's. This will save me a lot of space already and gives me musical satisfaction. Maybe selling th Classik and buying a Nait-2 would even be a better idea, but the pro's of the Classik are 1. tuner 2. spare cd player 3. less use of the CDI so it will last longer. Maybe I have found a way...

Greetz! Bas (who isn't shure if anybody is still reading this topic...)

[This message was edited by Bas V on SATURDAY 30 March 2002 at 16:52.]

Posted on: 30 March 2002 by herm

You bet I'm reading this, and you know why. wink

Looks like you're going to redefine mix 'n' matching. However let me know if there's not enough space for a certain half-wide component...

Good luck with the move


Posted on: 30 March 2002 by Bas V
I will be hearing within a couple of days if the deal goes through Herman. If not, I will sell the 102+napsc, 180, hi, 03 and solidsteel 5.5 probably separately. You know what that means for you!

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 02 April 2002 by Greg Beatty
CDI into a Classik - so yer up to 2 boxes now with a wasted (in the Classik) CD player. How about returning the Classik and keeping your 102/180 combo?

Or, if you must, replace the Classik with a Nait.

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 02 April 2002 by mykel

Just keep the kit. Simple.
You are talking about the downgrade, but keeping the CDi, and the Intro's to partner with the Classic. Well, based upon floor space taken by the required rack, you can keep what you have or go the classic route, but with the addition back of the CDi, you need the supports, hence the rack, and golly-gee the same amount of floor space.

All you are doing by this circular argument is releiving your rack of music. Trust me if your GF isn't into music, buying it back is gonna hurt, been there done that. My wife, on the other hand isn't into music but bless her heart understands my disease, and supports my affliction to the best of her ability.

Just my not so humble opinion, based partly on experience, but opinion just the same...



Posted on: 02 April 2002 by Frank Abela
...but not a musical one:

Give back the Classik and get a Classik DVD Home Theatre System with ELAC Cinema 3 satellite speakers (about the same size as Bose) and the complementary sub. It'll sound reasonably good, give you DVD's with surround sound, tuner, CD player, timer and the speakers are small enough to screw to the wall with 2 screws each. The whole lot retails for around £3300. Oh, and it's really pretty so the girlfriend will love it.

Not bad with music, but no Naim system of course. But then again, neither is the straight Classik. At least, this way, you'll have the whole music/cinema system sorted in one fell swoop.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 02 April 2002 by Harris V

Having been down this road once before I can see the doubt creeping in already. My advice is to either:

Keep it All - Stack it in a cupboard if you have to!


Sell the lot and buy something really cheap - like a CD walkman and do most of your listening in the car until you get a bigger place.

If you start messing around (I suspect you already have) then this could turn into the longest thread ever....

Posted on: 06 April 2002 by dave brubeck not to move in with your girlfriend and keep your Naim. Let's get things in perspective here.