The RR1 so far.

Posted by: Mike Sae on 21 November 2001

Just installed the RR1s last night. Some observations:

-They sound bl**dy atrocious. I've never heard a speaker sound so muffled, it's like listening with two pillows pressed to my ears. I hope this is an extreme case of break in.

-10 o'clock on the dial gives me sufficient volume, 2 o'clock for vinyl. Problem is, one the drivers makes a "cracking" sound with low bass. It was suggested that I don't play music too loud and that synthesized bass isn't the RR1s forte (now they tell me roll eyes ).
However, since only one driver does it, I'm assuming the cone is hitting a wire or some stuffing inside during a long excursion.

-The spikes are almost impossible to adjust. Took me 2+ hours to get them level. I'll try some WD40 on them next time I move them.

-Some good points: They look cool. They come up to my knees. Compared to what i'm used to, they're amazingly free of box coloration.

Hopefully the bum woofer gets sorted and these things totally transform within the next week or so.

Stepping back for a moment, i've noticed that with each upgrade, a host of other problems arises. Since i'm not wealthy, I can't really go on like this and have pretty much hit the ceiling.
Wouldn't it be nice to sell whole damn system and re-enter society?

[This message was edited by Mike Sae on WEDNESDAY 21 November 2001 at 09:01.]

Posted on: 07 December 2001 by Mike Sae
Some detail shots for Edwin...

If you haven't alerady, you should drop by the HFC. Lots of great stuff in stock. Royd RR2, my old RR1s, my old ElaMkIII, Mystiques, Allaes, NBL...

Didn't bother fixing the grille. It sticks on w/ velcro and I prefer the brightness anyways...

[This message was edited by Mike Sae on SATURDAY 08 December 2001 at 06:34.]

Posted on: 07 December 2001 by Mike Sae
neat backside
Posted on: 07 December 2001 by Edwin
Thanks for the piccies. Thats a nice room you have there. I wish my setup had such a good environment. My Kans would work a treat in that room!
Posted on: 08 December 2001 by redeye
Just a tip. Lose the plugs from the Naca5 at the speaker end. Dump the jumpers next. Cut about 50mm of insulation off and feed the copper thru both sets of terminals from bottom to top!
I did this recently with my Pmc's and the improvement is HUGE.
And don't worry about the copper oxidising, it will but it'll take a year or so for it to make the slightest difference to the sound. When it does simply repeat the above.
No doubt learned types on this forum will say bare wire is a no no. But bollocks to that, it works!!
Only downside to this tweak is that Naca5 is a complete bastard to manipulate. Once done tho' you will be heard to utter.......

Cheers redeye, great tweak.

Posted on: 08 December 2001 by Mike Hanson
Get two sets of plugs on the speaker end. I just had my dealer do this for me, but I've not had a chance to pick them up. Once I do, I'll finally take some pictures of my recently-painted little room and post them here on the forum.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 09 December 2001 by Mike Sae

It's a deal, then. Your 82/250 for my room.

Redeye, Mike

I've been weaned to believe that plugs are usually better than bare wire, as pressure scrunching bare wire is a bad thing, but I can't explain why. Conversely, bypassing the plugs means one less "wall" between source and speaker, surely a good thing?
Anyways, I'm so happy with my setup now that I must have stumbled onto some sort of inconvceivable synergy. So, I'm not in a tweeking mood smile

Mike H said: I'll finally take some pictures of my recently-painted little room and post them here on the forum.

Please do, surely I'm not the only one who's curious for a pic of your setup.

From now on, when anyone inquires about speakers, Neats will be my kneejerk reaction