Burndy or not burndy.

Posted by: Charlezz on 11 May 2002

I have a Nac102/Supercap and of course intend to buy a Nac52;
But does the Nac 52 come with a grey burndy?
If not , how much does it cost?
Is there a really big difference between Grey and black burndy?
How does the black burndu cost?

Thank you
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Mark Russell:

Newer 52s have black SNAICS. Older ones came with grey SNAICs.


please note that an alternative name for a 52 Burndy is SNAIC-17 (as opposed to SNAIC-4 & SNAIC-5 for the normal thin wires). They are usually described as Burndy's here on the focum, though

Still, as Nark says, a black SNAIC & a black Burndy should come with a new 52. (Grey ones with older 52's).

More generally, SNAICs usually come with the power supply or power amp, but the SuperCap has so many options that nothing is included with it. The 52-to-Super Burndy is required for the 52, so it is included with that instead. Super-to-SNAXO is a different config, and other preamps or CD players will need one or more SNAIC-5's (or even SNAIC-4s!)

cheers, Martin