power supply

Posted by: raymond on 28 May 2001

Posted on: 28 May 2001 by Mike Hanson
All Naim pre-amps require an external supply. Most of these (like the 32.5) have the option of getting it from a dedicated supply like a SNAPS, Flat-Cap, Hi-Cap or Super-Cap, or from the lower level Naim power-amps (all but the 250, 135 and 500). The NAC52 pre-amp requires the Super-Cap.

The bottom line: your 32.5 is useless by itself. Find yourself a cheap SNAPS, which will cost almost as much as the 32.5 did.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 28 May 2001 by Mike Hanson
I suppose my previous message may have been too concise. Here's the deal: The 32.5 requires one of the following power sources:

  • SNAPS/SNAPS2 - There are two varieties of SNAPS. As sold by Naim, they each supply a single rail of power to a Naim pre-amp, using a 4-pin SNAIC cable. When used in this configuration, the 5-pin socket on the back of the 32.5 must be filled by a Naim shorting plug. Some of the later SNAPS (called SNAPS2) can be modified to supply two rails of power. To achieve this, one of the sockets must be changed to a 5-pin, and the internals must be rewired so that both regulators supply power to the same socket. Then it uses a 5-pin SNAIC, just like the rest of the "Cap" power supplies. In dual-rail configuration, the four-pin socket at the back of the 32.5 is left vacant. Most feel that a dual-rail SNAPS2 is "approximately" as good as a Flat-Cap, but a regular SNAPS is definitely less.
  • Flat-Cap - This supplies dual rail power via a 5-pin SNAIC cable, just like a SNAPS2.
  • Flat-Cap2 - This supplies dual rail power via a 5-pin SNAIC cable, just like a SNAPS2. There are actually two supplies provided by the Flat-Cap2. The primary should be used with the pre-amp, and the secondary with the CD player (if you have one). BTW, if you have only a Naim CD player but no Naim pre-amp, then use the primary supply on the CD player. The Flat-Cap2 is a little better than a Flat-Cap, but not nearly as good as a Hi-Cap.
  • Hi-Cap - This supplies dual rail power via a 5-pin SNAIC cable, just like a SNAPS2. The Hi-Cap is about twice as good as a Flat-Cap.
  • Super-Cap - This supplies dual rail power via a 5-pin SNAIC cable, just like a SNAPS2. There are actually two 5-pin supplies from the Super-Cap, but this is not the same as the Flat-Cap2. The second supply should be used only when powering the NAC82 pre-amp with two SNAIC5 cables. In other words, don't try to use it for a CD player and power amp at the same time. The Super-Cap is a whole lot better than a Hi-Cap.
  • NAP90 - It supplies a single rail of power to a Naim pre-amp, using a 4-pin SNAIC cable. When used in this configuration, the 5-pin socket on the back of the 32.5 must be filled by a Naim shorting plug (just like with a regular SNAPS). The supply is not quite as good as a SNAPS.
  • NAP110 - Same as the NAP90.
  • NAP150 - Same as the NAP90.
  • NAP140 - Same as the NAP90.
  • NAP160 - Same as the NAP90.
  • NAP180 - Roughly the same as the NAP90. The pre-amp power supply in the 180 is better than most other NAPs. Naim says that it's almost as good as a Flat-Cap, even though it supplies only a single rail.

I don't know of any other ways to power a 32.5, except, perhaps, with hamsters on a treadmill. wink

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on MONDAY 28 May 2001 at 22:20.]

Posted on: 28 May 2001 by Chris Dolan
I found Richard's reply rather more confusing than Mike's - although of course you are both right.

Ray, even if you propose to get a stand alone power supply, get a Naim power amp as well.
