Walnut SBL pics please.....
Posted by: Name on 30 March 2002
What finish are the SBL's depicted on the front page of the web site.
Cheers Guys..happy snapping
[This message was edited by Naheed on SUNDAY 31 March 2002 at 09:58.]
The walnut is leaning more towards lighter brown, without so much red in them.
The flash plays tricks; but this will give you an idea.
Walnut is normally darker and browner in my experience.
Naheed...cool set up....what's it like without the mana(or is that a silly question to ask).
J.N and Gary...yip I think your right Gary..
J.N's SBL's look very Cherry to me.
FWIW I think the cherries look better, but then I would wouldn't I?
Suffice to say - the short time was only a day, the SBLs sounded bloody awful, slow, confused, just plain lifeless...
Anyway here's another frontal snap of my walnuts
PS. Excuse the coiled wires - its quite an old picture...
PPS. Try Frank Abelas SBLs earthing trick - it was a marked improvement for me
What Mana products are you using under the SBLs?
I've also heard a few people relating the mana effect, well in detrimental terms to speakers as well - all i can say is arse, the SBLs sound dreadful without as do the boxes...
Hello Vuk - the pictures are a bit off.
To be honest when i bought them i compared the cherry and walnut, the Cherry finish looked better but the walnuts were a closer match to my flooring.
Ahhh - don't SBL's have a certain elegant simplicity about them? There's certainly nothing like them - and I dig the look. I'm really looking forward to getting mine in and working. Progress report is the system is now mana'd and in the room proper, and doing hard duty with the ES11's. A few more days work and then it's "hello SBL's".
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
but...Are SBLs seriously much better than Credos if they're driven properly?
I know they are 'supposed to be'
legging it
Have you tried everything to get the Arcs going?
Like rearranging the room?
Shame they didn't work out man.
Are SBLs seriously much better than Credos if they're driven properly?
In all honesty, yes. Source first and all, but when I changed from Credo to SBL last year (playing a the end of CDX/82/Super/Snaxo/Hi/140s) I was absolutely flabberghasted. Next to 3.5 -> CDX the most significant upgrade I made (and funnily enough it brought about the same improvements you would expect from a source upgrade - guess it was time to get some balance into the system).
It probably does depend a lot on the system in question, though.
Great in some awful in others..
All speakers are I know..but SBLs more than most?
- Jun
I know they are 'supposed to be'
Aren't the SBL very room dependant tho'?
Great in some awful in others..
All speakers are I know..but SBLs more than most?
you just need to hear them.
But do apply "once bitten, twice shy" approach - don't be going to the speaker salesman again until you've completely de-mulletted your rig.
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Originally posted by NAME:
What finish are the SBL's depicted on the front page of the web site.
If I'm not mistaken they are Beech... like mine.
Was looking for months.. then the first second-hand pair I saw came up in my home town! How lucky was that! Bit pricey mind at £1100, (compared with all my other Naim purchases that is...) still snapped 'em up...
But if he's happy..cool
Speaker salesmen can sod off...my de-mulletting of late has led me to a CDX
Pretty good cd player eh?
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
The Arcs didnt work out for one reason or another.
Originally posted by garyi:
Na surely they are cherry.
Not convinced is Cherry that light?...
Here are my Beech SBL's in my old flat in Braunschwig Germany.
FWIW everybody here has Cherry veneer AFAICT. Even Naheed.
And those Sybilles on the main Naim website are most certainly CHERRY!
Walnut is a murky sorta muddy wood - kinda uncheerful.
Think of your nuts at christmas (sorry Alex)