Nait-2 with Kan's demo,...finally

Posted by: Alco on 01 May 2001

Hi folks,

Finally I've the chance to check out those
old Kan's. I read a lot about those very special speakers,but never had the chance to listen.

Today is my day off,and I talked to a Naim dealer on the phone, who told me he stil had 3 pairs of the old Linn Kan's (still new,but sold with about 40% discount)
So, as soon as I heard it, I called up Budget-rent to rent me a car,and this afternoon I'll
check 'em out. I hope my little Nait-2 will be able to drive 'em succesfully. (dealer said it would)

Well, I'll give you a full report a.s.a.p!


Posted on: 01 May 2001 by Tony L
I hope my little Nait-2 will be able to drive 'em succesfully.

Try to get the dealer to let you hear them with something upmarket like a CDS2/52/250 as well, so you can see how well they grow with your system if you were to upgrade later.


Posted on: 01 May 2001 by ken c
i recall i reported sometime ago an experience with Kan I's in a CD2/52/Supercap/250 system. i was in the middle of disgnosing a problem and when i had nailed it down and eliminated it, all i can say is hearing the Kans so driven was a spiritual experience... even with the humble CD2. what with the mighty CDSII??? or even ,dare i say it, with the other mighty -- the NAP500!!!



Posted on: 01 May 2001 by Mick P

If you have a 250 power amp, why not go for a Sara?

Is it purely because of the size of room or what.

I can remember years ago the classic system was 32.5+hicap/250/Sara.



Posted on: 01 May 2001 by Tony L
If you have a 250 power amp, why not go for a Sara?

Whilst I do like the Sara, it is far slower, more coloured, less open and just less musical than a well set up pair of Kans. This is not to dis the Sara, they are great speakers. I had Sara's on home dem when I went for my first pair of Kans, I just prefer Kans. A few of the Mana crew prefer Sara's, but very few others share their view.


PS Remember I used to own Isobariks!

Posted on: 01 May 2001 by Alco
Hi folks, I'm back,and as promised, here's my report:

I went to my Naim dealer this afteroon.
He has 2 Linn Kan-1's and one pair of Kan-ll's.
They were demo speakers for allmost 10 years, but
were in fine condition.
(payd about 250 UKP for 'em)

He didn't had many upmarket Naim-stuff, except for
some 72/140 and 42.5/140.Well, I didn't had that much time either,so.. The only CD-players he had were a Naim CD-3, a cheap Teac and a Sonneteer.
(he's still a diehard vinyl-junkie!)

So,I took a Nait-2, hooked up the CD-3 and placed the Kan-ll's on some Sound Factory stands,as close to the wall as possible.
(he didn't had some Kan stands,but the Sound Factory stands are allmost identical)

The stands were very wobbly (right word??) and, to
my surprise, without spikes!
But.....with the Naim stuff cold as ice,he started the demo.
BOING!!! holy.... this was goood!
Even though the demo conditions weren't that good,the sound of these little babies was so natural and fast. They had foot-tapping bass and
the highs weren't as bright as I expected.
The music just flowed and I sat there foot tapping, totally forgetting time.

Now, to me that's what a fine system should be!
(I'm sure the Kan's will have better bass control when coupled with a 140 or 250,but that's (maybe)something for the future. For now, I'm very happy with this humble and affordable setup.

They don't even bother standing at boths sides of the fireplace. (at first I expected some bass boom, because of that)

Well, that's about it,really

Another happy Naim/Kan user joined the club,


Posted on: 01 May 2001 by ken c
i never owned the sara's so i am afraid cant say whether the saras would have been better. however, sounds like quite a few people who have similar tastes to me prefer the kans. interesting...

