A tweak a day...

Posted by: Paul Gravett on 14 December 2001

This weekend I hope to finally move my system onto a 6 shelf Quadraspire rack I picked up weeks ago. The delay is due to my having to move lots of furniture around in order to get the rack set up properly.
As my system now sits on an old Argos tv/video stand, customised with extra shelves for the hifi, which also includes a telly and vcr, I am expecting to hear a dramatic improvement and the full glory of my system for the first time.
I would like to know about any really simple tweaks I could make whilst setting it up. My technical ability is very limited and I am only equiped with a screwdriver, so please keep them straightforward and do not use technical language.
Also, in what order should the hifi be placed on the rack? My LP12 will have to go on the top shelf, which I know isn't ideal but I haven't got round to buying a wall shelf for it yet. In what order should the boxes go underneath, and what should be kept away from what?
My system is comprised of: LP12 Lingo/Ekos/Klyde, 82/Hicap/180, Linn Saras. I also have a Cambridge Audio CD4 cd player, a Rega tuner and an Aiwa cassetter deck.
Thanks for your help
Posted on: 14 December 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
In terms of positioning the ideal is to get things with transformers in away from things that haven't.

In your system, the LP12 and 82 ideally want seperation from the Hicap 180 , Lingo, CD4, Rega tuner and cassette deck (in an ideal world).

My guess would be LP12, 82, tuner, CD4, cassette deck, with Lingo and Hicap sharing.

The tuner / cd4 / cassette deck are open to movement, as one wants the device with least radiated transformer field closest to the 82, and the tape deck may be affected by fields too (hum).

A bit of juggling would be worth trying here.

Other tips - try to get cables neatly hanging and not too tangled, keep mains away from signal leads where possible, clean all connections by plugging / unpluggin a couple of times or a cotton bud / pipe cleaner with isopropyl alcohol on it for stubborn grime (with power off!).

Tighten any screws in mains plugs, and if really keen strip back wires to clean shiny copper and remake, check fuse contacts too whilst in there.

Try to avoid cables touching walls, although it's not a big deal if space is limited - you've seen my system!

Make sure your LP12 is level, clean belt, motor pulley, inner platter where belt runs and outer platter mates, clean outer platter in the same area (isopropyl or a barely damp clean cloth / kitchen tissue).

For LP12, once up and running, select phono (without a record playing) turn volume to full, and move cables for minimum noise / hum - turn down volume before doing anything else!

Check speaker stands for rigidity, and drive units for tightness (don't overtighten tweeters or you'll break the faceplate). Clean speaker plugs, sockets etc.

I'm sure there's more but that will keep you busy for a while, we'll see what others come up with.



Posted on: 14 December 2001 by Mike Sae
Don't forget to perform anorak self-flagellation:

make sure all your kit and speakers are dead level, even though the rack might be level, doesn't mean the kit is. All spikes must have surface contact, as well.