Naim CD player bang/buck ...

Posted by: Peter Stockwell on 17 April 2001

Any of the other NAIM CD players: a CD2, CDI, CDX, CDX with XPS, CDS, CDSII would all represent a significant improvement over the 3.5 with hicap

I'm planning a CD player upgrade, sooner or later, and I'd like to get the best sound for, say, +- 800 GBP. Messrs Parry & T have intimated that the 3 is currently a bargain at a lot less (+- 300 GBP ?). I've seen a CDI offered at about 800 GBP recently.

So what are the dark horse 2nd hand machines ?


Posted on: 17 April 2001 by ken c
hi james: i have a cd2. my nephew had a cdi. we compared the two sometime ago and we found that the cdi was rather more musically relaxed. however, results may be skewed by the fact the cdi had just been serviced, so, take our conclusions with a pinch of salt...



Posted on: 18 April 2001 by Peter Stockwell
Thanks for comments, I'm now strategising for one or 2'other cool

Unrelatedly, I've sneaky feeling that if I activate my turntable, A Garrard 401, that it plays nasties on the sound of the CD player. i.e. Through the Nait 5 I've been very impressed with some more recent CDs, but when I have 'La platine Garrard' revolving over the CD player that the CD sound is, well, woollier.

Anybody else noticed these kind of effects ?
