
Posted by: ken c on 15 February 2002

ever since i sorted out the problem with a tempremental 250 almost exactly 1 month ago, my active system has been sounding shockingly good -- in fact its been getting better and better each day. this is not just my view, my daughter -- my nephew -- my wife -- all confirm this.

i can't think of any explanation for this continual improvement other than that perhaps the system is settling down after the extended power-down last month, with the swapped 250 perhaps "learning" to live with its established partner.

however, all this is totally insignificant compared to what happened today.

i had run out of space on my soundstyle cd rack, so i went out looking for an additional cd rack --found a wooden one that holds 240 cd's and bought it. i was going to buy 2 of them, but wasnt sure whether they would fit in the space i intended.

as it turned out, the best place for the new wooden rack was where the soundstyle was -- so i moved the s/style out of the way to another corner of my office away from the naim electronics, to make room for the new wooden rack. then loaded it up with all those cd's that were beginning invade by bookshelf. now i can put all those o'reilly books back on the shelf where they belong, rather than on the window sill and on the floor; all very nice.

please note that i didn't touch my system in doing all this. as you may recall, i said i wasnt going to "mess around" unless i was making a major component change or upgrading my racks.

while i was doing all this, keith jarrett's "tribute" was playing. i thought i noticed something different with the sound -- but it was time to do the school run.

i have now had a more extended listen. ladies and gentlemen, this has been a very enjoyable session.

the change is dramatic. remember we are talking about a system that i was deliriously happy with before hand anyway.

the biggest change is in the acoustic. which is now much more apparent. which gives the music not only "space", but a certain "swell" -- the characteristic that makes you quiver with anticipation and makes it difficult to keep still. the sound is "fuller". "quiter" (darker background?).

and doesnt matter what instrument. voice now has a much better positioned and more clearly defined "body". harmony lines are easier to follow. lyrics are now much much easier to pick out, e.g. bob dylan's "girl from the north country" on "freewheelin' " (vinyl). the system also sounds a little "sweeter", a little more "flowery" (god knows what that means!!!).a lot less "dry".

well, to cut a long story short, my system now sounds a hell of a lot better than befor ethe change, and thats without me touching it!!!

the only slight drawback is that i am now much more aware of what it is that i didnt like about the QS Std which is now supporting my power components (instead of the Projekt). i.e. some bite has been stolen from the kettle drums in Copland's "fanfare....". but, to compensate, the tune is now much clearer. what clean trumpets too!!! so am not too bother about this; i'm sure a better rack in future will bring the bite back...

now, one possible explanation for all is that this is just evidence of the continuing settling down process -- perhaps just coincidentally accelerated today.

but there is another perhaps more plausible explanation. unfortunately, the luddite in me is simply refusing to accept it...

meantime, back to listening. right now its - schubert's "schwanengesang - 4 lieder", with baritone dietrich fischer-dieskau in full voice.

not sure what time i am retiring, there wont be much work done, and i will not be solving any puzzles...


ps: apologies for the length of this post. i do go on so...

[This message was edited by ken c on SATURDAY 16 February 2002 at 00:54.]

[This message was edited by ken c on SATURDAY 16 February 2002 at 00:55.]

Posted on: 15 February 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by ken c:
as it turned out, the best place for the new wooden rack was where the soundstyle was -- so i moved the s/style out of the way to another corner of my office away from the naim electronics, to make room for the new wooden rack.


I presume the Soundstyle is steel?

Guess you've just been bitten with the non-ferrous bug?

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 16 February 2002 by ken c
I presume the Soundstyle is steel?

i presume so...

Guess you've just been bitten with the non-ferrous bug?

no, more like the "music" bug...



Posted on: 16 February 2002 by ken c
...sounds more like the placebo bug to me.

i am sure there are many names you can give the effect. doesn't really matter to me. i am just enjoying it and hope it lasts. its the same way that i am enjoying the DV XX2, which i found to be hugely better than my Arkiv A -- placebo bug? music bug perhaps?



Posted on: 16 February 2002 by jpk73
ken c, I am glad to hear that your system is enjoying you so much!

I recently upgraded the old interconnect between CDS1 and 52 to a new one, put the 135s on an old s/h-rack (I traded in 3 spare Black-Snaics for the new interconnect and the rack) and removed the Armageddon from the top of the prefix-powering Supercap.

Sound improved quite noticable!


Posted on: 16 February 2002 by ken c
jun keller,

...I am glad to hear that your system is enjoying you so much!

what a nice way of putting it!!! rather than i am enjoying my system, its probably more the system is enjoying me. i like that!!

i actually didn't set out to investigate the effect of removing the cd rack at all -- hence the title of the thread. i went to bed at 0330 this morning. the system still sounds good, so i doubt if i am hallucinating.

the wooden cd rack also looks MUCH better than the soundstyle one... win win situation.

how is your system?? last time you were a little concerned about ths uncomfortable sound? have you sorted it out now? your system should sound a lot better than mind, cd rack or no cd rack...



Posted on: 16 February 2002 by Don Atkinson
Ken c,

and i will not be solving any puzzles... this is a disaster!!!!!......but perhaps the magical music will bring new inspiration??

However, you have moved the metal rack away from your hifi and substituted a wooden one and at the same time have noticed a significant improvement in the hifi sound. You have also powered down and put back into the system a virtually new 250. You are sure you can recognise there is a contibution from both changes (rack and 250)

When the system has stabalised you might try two things.

1. Remove the wooden cd rack
2. reposition the metal rack in its old location

Listen to each change separately (the wooden rack MIGHT be influencing the sound as well as the metal rack)

If the sound returns to the 'old' style after steps 1 & 2, then remove the metal rack and substitute the wooden one again. If you get that magical sound back, then you (and the rest of us) will be pretty convinced about metalic effects.

If you don't get that magical sound back, well......sorry!!!!!



Posted on: 16 February 2002 by ken c
However, you have moved the metal rack away from your hifi and substituted a wooden one and at the same time have noticed a significant improvement in the hifi sound. You have also powered down and put back into the system a virtually new 250. You are sure you can recognise there is a contibution from both changes (rack and 250)

don, the 250 swap was about a month ago, and the replacement wasnt new -- serial no: 146xxx. i may not have been too clear in my delirium last night. and yesterday, i didnt power down the system at all. however, the system WAS powered down last month -- and as i mentioned, it has been improving very noticeably ever since. however, as i said, yesterday after the cd rack swaps -- this musical miracle took place; massive improvement... which my daughter confirms.



Posted on: 16 February 2002 by ken c
1/ system has been improving anyway, and this massive change yesterday is perhaps a combination of this process and good mains. i.e. rack change may be a red herring...

2/ the soundstyle cd rack has a larger footprint than its replacement -- which is effectively a floor standing shelf -- so hugs the wall. there is therefore much more space in front of the right hand sbl. perhaps the effect i am noticing is an improvement in room acoutics -- there is now much freer space in front of the this sbl. if this is the case, then i am moving house to have a dedicated listening room -- rather than having the hifi in my office (i would miss it though frown frown

3/ i'm hallucinating. in which case, so is my daughter, my wife, my nephew, etc...

4/ the so called "ferrous effect". no comment.

i suppose i could drum up enough enthusiasm to do the test properly, i.e put the metal rack back, but this such a hassle i doubt i will bother... i am too busy going through my record collection.

oh, i played joe cocker's "into the mystic" on "organic" (vinyl). frightening!!! awesome!!! is all i can say...



Posted on: 16 February 2002 by jpk73
I forgot to mention that I put a sheet of cloth on the wall behind the listening-place. Also I realized that I was listening too loud...

In the future I plan 2 upgrades:

1.) Fraim :-)
2.) CDS2 Head-unit (as soon as the transport passes away)

But first I want to upgrade my apartement!

Some instruments like Triangel or HiHats do not sound very real - - I presume it depends on the Tweeter of the SBLs... Does anybody have experience with Manger-speakers?

Anyway, I am enjoying music very much and buying lots of LPs and CDs these days!


Posted on: 17 February 2002 by ken c
Anyway, I am enjoying music very much and buying lots of LPs and CDs these days!

bravo!!! that's what all this hifi is about isnt it?? easy to forget sometimes...

