Stylish Stylus Sought

Posted by: phil. S on 02 October 2001

Sondeck with Linn LVX arm through Naim Stageline (not bought yet) 112, FC2, 150, Credos.

Current stylus, Linn K9, overdue for replacement. Am looking for recommendations up to £150. I am aware that cartridge mass plays an important roll, but don't know how important. I have seen threads mention the OC9 ??? who makes this? Is the LVX good enough for a moving coil or should I stick to MM?
Thank you for your ideas.

Posted on: 02 October 2001 by SaturnSF
I had a K9 on my Ittok, then a K18, and my current Rega Exact (more expensive than the Elys) trounces them both soundly, both tonally and in PRaT. I'm on my second one and will happily buy a third. It is light, however, requiring the Ittok's counterweight to be cranked up as far as it will go.
Posted on: 03 October 2001 by Martin M
When I worked in retail one of tricks was to take a K9 remove its stylus and put a AT-93 or AT-95 stylus on its place. Suddenly the K9 would develop guts while getting rid of the shrillness the K9 could exhibit while keeping the K9s keen sense of timing.

To everyone I played it to, this combination beat the K9 for pleasure. Try it, the stylus is dirt cheap (PS the At-110 stylus doesn't fit).