
Posted by: Den on 02 August 2001

I am a bit confused. I want to upgrade my NAD cdplayer to a NAIM. I have a couple of options:
A new CD5 (connected to my FlatcapII)
A used CDX (if I can find one)
A used CD1
A used CD2

At the moment I own a Nait5 + FlatcapII so a CD5 would be the logical upgrade. would be almost a dead end considering upgrades in the future, since I'm also considering upgrading to a NAP250 or NAP180 and a NAC82 in the future.

A CD1 or CD2 is the cheapest option, but will it give me the performance of the CD5+FlatcapII? A CDX is probably the best upgrade, but in this forum it's often discribed as harsh without the PSX power supply and it's hard to find in the Netherlands (for a fair price). Which option will give me the best result ??


Posted on: 02 August 2001 by Team Reeves
You forgot to mention a CDi, there are bargains to be had out there second-hand.


Sounds good to me.

Posted on: 02 August 2001 by Den
Yes, I thought it was a CD1 because it's replaced by the CD2.
Posted on: 02 August 2001 by Team Reeves
Yep, it's a fair cop. Good spot.


Sounds good to me.

Posted on: 02 August 2001 by Den
Well..actually I hope this will be my last cd upgrade for a long period. So, I think I have to buy the best I can affort. Unfortunately, a CDS2 is an upgrade to far.


Posted on: 02 August 2001 by ken c
a cdi or cd2 will do very nicely given where you are. i owned cd2 for more than 6 years and developed a lot of respect for it. my nephew has a cdi -- which, whenever we compared, was definitely better than my cd2.

