FEP Awards? (Joe P, Tony L)

Posted by: Arthur Bye on 30 August 2001


I just read through Joe's original thread on FEP's again. That has to be one of most enjoyable posts I've seen on the web.

As reigning high priests of all things Flat it seems to me that you (Tony and Joe) should have an award ceremony. This especially since the Snappys seem to have disappeared.

Some suggested categories:

Least money spent/most FEP's gained
Most money spent/ fewest FEP's gained(since I can't nominate myself, Mike Hanson)
Most fabricated FEP's (Vuk's remarks about getting free FEP's re: LP12's belt iterations, even though he doesn't own an LP12)
Cheapskate system, most FEP's (Tony L?)
Front end heaviest system (who's got a Clearaudio Insider/Prefix/Supercap to go with their Nait 1/used Kans?)
Most annoying poster(probably several ties for first place here)
Most drunken stupor posts/ Boorish behavior (probably just one nominee here)
Best FEP post (I nominate J Petrik)
Most neurotic Flat Earther (too many to choose from here)
Most posts/ least useful information ( several ties for first place here)
Least posts/ most useful information (I nominate Frank Abela)
Most neurotic Mana poster (Nominee will require the name of an animal)
Stupidest reverse upgrade
Most FEP's
Fewest FEP's
Best/worst mullet system
Most failed attempts at a Coup d'etat of FEP shaman (Vuk I think you're now at two and counting)

FEP points, both positive and negative can be awarded for winners or losers.

I've found a suitable 1st prize as well; sure to please the most ardent Flat Earther.

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Arthur Bye
Here's the prize for 1st place
Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Alex S.

before I nominate you with confidence I urge you to have a little look around - you must have a few FEPs lurking somewhere - try the 2nd system in the garage, the spare bedroom's backup to the ancillary system or the cupboards under the stairs under the cupboards under the stairs.



Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Andrew Randle
What's the difference between a Mark Levinson toaster and a Naim toaster?

The Naim gives better taste, and the ML gives better texture.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Martin Payne

see "calibrating the FEP scale".

Don't worry, you'll soon get the hang of it...

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 30 August 2001 by dave simpson
Does the Levinson toaster have a detachable powercord (future upgrades you know)and can you tell us which model is given away in the contest ?



Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Arthur Bye
If the missus doesn't like the toaster there's always this

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Steve Toy
Those things are the worst for polluting your mains...
If your missus has got one, then it's time to get rid when she's not looking! wink
There are lots of ironies about the power output of hairdryers - more than that of a (musical) hi-fi system; and as much as a Vespa /Lambretta/ other brand of *motorini,* often referred to as "hairdryers" in Britspeak!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on FRIDAY 31 August 2001 at 03:28.]

Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Arthur Bye

Please note that that is not just your everyday hair dryer, but a "Krel"

Looks like it includes a mains filter.

I wonder if you can get in on installment payments?

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 30 August 2001 by Steve Toy
I could see very well that it was a Krell., hence my reference to ironies...
A bit underpowered for a Krell though, don't you think? wink

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Joe Petrik
Since the original FEP scale was created, many have complained (bitterly and ad nauseum I should add) that their score should have been higher. OK, sore losers aside I now see that the the original scale had limitations and inaccuracies. I've responded to the legitimate criticism to create a new 'n' improved scale, FEP 2.0

If you're up to it, grab a pencil and paper and tally your FEPs. If you disagree with your score, a tripartite Counsel of Elders, consisting of Tony Lonorgan, Andy Weekes and me will hear grievances. But bear in mind that the Elders can rescind as well as award FEPs. Their decision will be final and very likely capricous.

Power FEPs
* Do you have a separate spur for your hi-fi? If yes, add 40 points.

* Is your system plugged into a power conditioner, powerline enhancer, or computer power bar? If yes subtract 100 points (because this one thing kills the groove more than a legion of active Kans could ever hope to fix).

Source FEPs
* Do you own any of the following tables: LP12, Rega P9, or Roxy? If yes, add 40 points.

* Or these tables: Linn Axis, Rega P25, or the Michell rotating cake stands? If yes, add 30 points?

* Or these: P3, Linn Basic, old Heybrook, or Revolver? If yes, add 20 points?

* Any American table? If yes, subtract 30 points.

* Is your turntable placed on a dedicated altar? If yes, add 20 points.

* Does your table have an external power supply? If yes, add 30 points.

* Is your turntable worth more than your speakers? If yes, add 35 points.

* Is your table better than your arm? If yes, add 20 points. If not, subtract 10.

* Is your arm better than your cartridge? If yes, add 20 points. If not, subtract 10.

* If you understand why the last two questions were asked, add 10 points. If not, subtract 10. (Be honest.)

* Do you own a record cleaner? If yes, add 25 points.

* Do you use fancy anti-static inner sleeves? If yes, add 10 points.

* Does your turntable's platter weigh 50 kg or more? If yes, subtract 25 points.

* Does your turntable have a record clamp? If yes, subtract 10 points.

* Is CD your only source? If yes, subtract 10 points, unless you own a CDS-II (add 30 points), a CDS, CDX + XPS or CD12 (add 20 points), a CDI, CD2, or CDX (add 10 points), or a CD3 or CD3.5 (add 5 points).

Electronics FEPs
* Does your preamp have a mono switch? If yes, add 30 points.

* Have you ever accidentally left the preamp in mono but didn't notice for days? If yes, add 20 points.

* Did you paint the front of your 52 silver to match the rest of your classic Flat Earth kit? If yes, add 20 points. (This is to establish whether you're a Flat Earther of yore, obviously worth 20 points in and of itself.)

* Did you chintz out and get your preamp without a phono input? If yes, subtract 50 points, unless you did this specifically to free up money for a separate phono stage. If you did that, add 80 points.

* Does your preamp weigh 5 pounds and your power amp weigh 500? If yes, subtract 40 points.

* Did you go active before maxing out your source, preamp and power supply? If yes, subtract 20 points.

* Does your preamp have tubes? If yes, subtract 30 points.

* Does your power amp have tubes? If yes, subtract 30 points.

Speaker FEPs
* Do you own any of the following speakers: Kan I, Kan II, Sara, Isobarik, IBL, SBL, NBL, DBL, Quad 57s? If yes, add 40 points.

* Do you own speakers by any of the following manufacturers: Royd, Neat, Epos or Dynaudio? If yes, add 30 points.

* Do you own speakers by any American manufacturer? If yes, subtract 80 points (because this is almost as bad as line conditioners for killing the music).

* Do you position your speakers for the best overall groove and image (zero points), best groove (add 20 points), or best image (subtract 20 points)?

Lifestyle FEPs
* Do you enjoy air, space and blackness? If yes, subtract 40 points.

* Do you go to live concerts to enjoy air, space and blackness? If yes, subtract 80 points for being a wanker.

* Is it better to have thin but groovy bass (add 20 points) or full but flubby bass (subtract 20 points)?

* Have you ever spent an afternoon adjusting the tracking force for that magic value between 1.95 g and 1.96g? If yes, add 20 points.

* Do you vacuum your cartridge regularly, knowing full well that one day you'll suck the generator right out? If yes, add 15 points.

* Did you try all four positions of the belt and both positions of the mat on your LP12 to determine which sounds best? If yes, add 10 points. (If you ever wondered whether the belt and mat combinations interact and therefore exponentially increase the number of permutations add another 10 points. Add another 10 if you tried all permutations.)

* Do you spend Saturday afternoon at garage sales, looking for 50 cent LPs? If yes, add 10 points.

* Do you own a 45 RMP version of Yello's "Stella"? If yes, add 5 points.

* Do you own a half-speed master of ELP's "Tarkus"? If yes, subtract 40 points.

* Do you buy half-speed mastered audiophool LPs for their smooth, silky sound? If yes subtract 35 points.

* Have you ever gone to a shop that carries high-end American gear? If you go to deliberately take the piss in front of the salesdude, add 40 points. If you go to report here how dire the system sounded, add 20 points. If you go because you're wondering if a soundstage is for you, subtract 20 points.

* Have you ever dreamt about hi-fi? Was it about hearing or owning better Flat Earth kit (add 20 points) or about hearing or owning better Round Earth kit (subtract 20 points).

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Joe Petrik
I'm good for 420 FEPs.


Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Dev B
my fep's were better than all of yours before i had to deduct 400 for owning an american turntable. do i get bonus ones for having owned a phonosophie p3 though?
Posted on: 31 August 2001 by matthewr
>> I'm good for 420 FEPs <<

That's becuase its not so much a Flat Earth test but a Are You Joe Petrik Test ;-)


Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Steve Toy
195, me!
BTW, why have Rega speakers been missed out this time?

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Mick P
Young Petrik

Why have you not awarded mega points for those flat earthers who use a Garrard 401.


Disgruntled of Swindon

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Joe Petrik

That's becuase its not so much a Flat Earth test but a Are You Joe Petrik Test ;-)

Let's just see if anyone else scores exactly 420 FEPs. If so, we may have an impostor here wink


Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Todd A
* Do you own speakers by any American manufacturer? If yes, subtract 80 points (because this is almost as bad as line conditioners for killing the music).

I think this is a little unfair. Not all American speakers are bad. Just most of them. Joseph Audio and Avalon both produce quite good speakers, and both display sonic characteristics that I think would go well with Naim. (Of course, I bought Viennese speakers to better suit my classical predilection.)

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Joe Petrik
my fep's were better than all of yours before i had to deduct 400 for owning an american turntable. do i get bonus ones for having owned a phonosophie p3 though?

why have Rega speakers been missed out this time

Load of rubbish.... Why have you not awarded mega points for those flat earthers who use a Garrard 401.

I think this is a little unfair. Not all American speakers are bad.

Must I repeat this so soon? If you disagree with your score, a tripartite Counsel of Elders, consisting of Tony Lonorgan, Andy Weekes and me will hear grievances. But bear in mind that the Elders can rescind as well as award FEPs. Their decision will be final and very likely capricous.


Posted on: 31 August 2001 by kan man
Joe. Does a Sound Org stand on a paving slab qualify as an altar???

360 or 380 depending on the answer.

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Keith Mattox
Q: Do you own a turntable specifically for playing 78s? If so, add 40 points.



Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Hammerhead
..145 FEP's.

Oh well, I am heavily source first (in my system context anyway). Do I get any more for that? razz


Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
I'm up to 295 FEPs. However, I need clarification on two questions, which I omitted from my score:
* Is your table better than your arm? If yes, add 20 points. If not, subtract 10.

* Is your arm better than your cartridge? If yes, add 20 points. If not, subtract 10.

I have a P3 with an RB300 tonearm and DV 10x4 Mk2 cartridge. I suspect that the RB300 is better than the P3, and I have no idea about the cartridge. Do I get any of these points?

If I get both of these, then I'll be at 335 instead. smile

Otherwise, I'll be at 275. frown

Either way, that's not bad for someone who likes a good soundstage with his PRaT. razz

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
if you are Mike Hanson, subtract 275 FEPs

I bow to your holy FEP-ness, and humbly admit my zero-stature. (I'm so happy now that the stress is off. smile)

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Tony L
I'm good for 420 FEPs

I’m only good for 390 with no minuses this time. I’ve lost a few points due to recent system changes – no mono button on a Nait, and I no longer have the TT on a dedicated alter (though it will probably end up on a QS Ref wall shelf, so I will get the FEPs back). I picked up points for having both a P9 and a Revolver, though I do obviously want a bonus for having owned all the top score decks (LP12, Roxy, P9).

I still have the fifty used FEPs that I liberated from Vuk yesterday for his part in stand fascism, and seeing as no one is using them, I will add them to my score bringing it up to 440, thus proving I am more Joe Petrik than even Joe Petrik can hope to be. wink


PS Joe, Andy, we need a public breakdown of Vuk’s alleged 505 score, it sounds deeply suspicious to me.

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Martin Payne

what's all this blather about 'do I get the points because I used to own xxx'??? Surely they used to have the points until they sold said item?

Now then, according to my interpretation I tally up 375 points.

I presume that I don't get the points for the CDS-II in the 'CD only' question, since I'm not 'CD only'? If I do, add another 30.

I presume that I only get one lot of +40 for having Isobariks and Kans? I guess this would also imply that no-one should take both the +40 and +30 points for speaker models or turntables? (And shame on anyone for cheating in this fashion).
