FEP Awards? (Joe P, Tony L)

Posted by: Arthur Bye on 30 August 2001


I just read through Joe's original thread on FEP's again. That has to be one of most enjoyable posts I've seen on the web.

As reigning high priests of all things Flat it seems to me that you (Tony and Joe) should have an award ceremony. This especially since the Snappys seem to have disappeared.

Some suggested categories:

Least money spent/most FEP's gained
Most money spent/ fewest FEP's gained(since I can't nominate myself, Mike Hanson)
Most fabricated FEP's (Vuk's remarks about getting free FEP's re: LP12's belt iterations, even though he doesn't own an LP12)
Cheapskate system, most FEP's (Tony L?)
Front end heaviest system (who's got a Clearaudio Insider/Prefix/Supercap to go with their Nait 1/used Kans?)
Most annoying poster(probably several ties for first place here)
Most drunken stupor posts/ Boorish behavior (probably just one nominee here)
Best FEP post (I nominate J Petrik)
Most neurotic Flat Earther (too many to choose from here)
Most posts/ least useful information ( several ties for first place here)
Least posts/ most useful information (I nominate Frank Abela)
Most neurotic Mana poster (Nominee will require the name of an animal)
Stupidest reverse upgrade
Most FEP's
Fewest FEP's
Best/worst mullet system
Most failed attempts at a Coup d'etat of FEP shaman (Vuk I think you're now at two and counting)

FEP points, both positive and negative can be awarded for winners or losers.

I've found a suitable 1st prize as well; sure to please the most ardent Flat Earther.

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Arthur Bye
My spies have reported to me that Vuk may be cheating on his claimed FEP's again.

I received this anonymously. A photo of what Vuk has done to his early style 250. Looks like rubber door bumper guards to me. I imagine it provides better blackness and a rounder sound with fewer sharp edges.

I think that Tony, Andrew and Joe need to see this!

Penalty FEP's must be assessed!

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by matthewr
-- Do you think that to be scientifically credible the polar bears in the Coke ads should be dirty yellow rather than white, if so add 10 points.

-- Do you leisure pusuits include donning make up and dressing as a comedy German art critic, is so add 40 points.

-- Do you neighbours wonder what you get up to on "that no good pesky Interweb", add 30 points.

-- Do fellow Eastern Europeans think your refusal to eat sausage is "frankly a bit gay", add 100 points.

That should get Joe comfortably above Vuk and other Petrik wannbes ;-)

LP12/Ittok/Lydian/Armageddon/CDS2/82/HC/135/135/SBL(x2) (Damn there goes 275 FEPs!)

Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Joe Petrik
Mike: 275 FEPs? Looks like FEP 3.0 will be released sooner than I thought. Future versions of the scale will include this question: "Do you or your wife own a Cher disc? If yes, subtract 275 FEPs."

Kan man: Sound Org on a paving slab? Sure, take the points, plus another 10 for having the only pseudonym that doesn't sound like a Boybander.

Tony: Your math sucks. I just tallied your score based on your system and lifestyle. You have 530 FEPs without even touching the 50 you can rightful steal from Vuk. (Did you take 20 points for purposely listening off axis, which is the same as mono, and 40 points for having the gall to play Leftfield's "Leftism" through a Krell system at an audio show." That's taking the piss, mate.)

Martin: You're right about double dipping. A pox on them.

Matthew: All worthy additions. I'm now at 600 FEPs. cool


Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Steve Toy
Listening off-axis is NOT the same as mono. Off-axis is like seeing a 3D film off-axis - you still get all the same 3D info, but the image is slightly, well, off-axis!
...Unless your soundstaging is so weak that it only works in the *hot spot* - only an issue with really budget equipment, i.e: Jap stuff <1000 GBP for all the electronics!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 01 September 2001 by Tony L
Tony: Your math sucks. I just tallied your score based on your system and lifestyle. You have 530 FEPs without even touching the 50 you can rightful steal from Vuk.


You are indeed quite correct, my math does suck, and always has. Doing a recount I score 485 not including the 50 I am looking after for Vuk. I enclose my exam paper for your scrutiny.


* Do you own any of the following tables: LP12, Rega P9, or Roxy? If yes, add 40 points.

Yes - I own a P9. I have owned them all, but now only have a P9, so will only take for that. 40 points.

* Or these: P3, Linn Basic, old Heybrook, or Revolver? If yes, add 20 points?

Yes - I own a Revolver Rebel. 20 points.

* Does your table have an external power supply? If yes, add 30 points.

My P9 does. 20 points.

* Is your turntable worth more than your speakers? If yes, add 35 points.

Yes, lots more. 35 points.

* Is your table better than your arm? If yes, add 20 points. If not, subtract 10.

Financially the RB900 is less than half the cost of the P9, so I'll have these. 20 points.

* Is your arm better than your cartridge? If yes, add 20 points. If not, subtract 10.

Yes. 20 points.

* If you understand why the last two questions were asked, add 10 points. If not, subtract 10. (Be honest.)

I understand wink 10 points.

* Do you own a record cleaner? If yes, add 25 points.

Yes, a VPI 17F. 25 points.

* Do you use fancy anti-static inner sleeves? If yes, add 10 points.

Yes. 10 points.

* Does your turntable have a record clamp? If yes, subtract 10 points.

My second TT, the Revolver Rebel has a thing called The Pig, but I don't use it, so I'm not going to deduct the points.

* Have you ever accidentally left the preamp in mono but didn't notice for days? If yes, add 20 points.

I did a few times with the 32.5, I can't any more as neither of my Naits have a mono switch. 20 points as the wording of the question was "Have you ever…".

* Did you chintz out and get your preamp without a phono input? If yes, subtract 50 points, unless you did this specifically to free up money for a separate phono stage. If you did that, add 80 points.

My Nait 2 does not have a phono stage, I plan to use a high quality out board phono stage that will cost more than the Nait, so I'm having these 80 points. In fact I can't play any records until I do this!

* Do you own any of the following speakers: Kan I, Kan II, Sara, Isobarik, IBL, SBL, NBL, DBL, Quad 57s? If yes, add 40 points.

Out of that list I have owned a pair of Kan 1s, two pairs of Kan 2s and a pair of Isobariks, I currently own a pair of Kan IIs, so to my mind only qualify for 40 points.

* Do you position your speakers for the best overall groove and image (zero points), best groove (add 20 points), or best image (subtract 20 points)?

Groove definitely. 20 points.

* Have you ever spent an afternoon adjusting the tracking force for that magic value between 1.95 g and 1.96g? If yes, add 20 points.

Maybe not those particular two weights, but I have spent many hours adjusting tracking weight, and have even been known to seasonally adjust it! 20 points.

* Do you vacuum your cartridge regularly, knowing full well that one day you'll suck the generator right out? If yes, add 15 points.

Oh yes, even selected my vac because it has a pretty cool tool that’s just right for the job. 15 points.

* Did you try all four positions of the belt and both positions of the mat on your LP12 to determine which sounds best? If yes, add 10 points. (If you ever wondered whether the belt and mat combinations interact and therefore exponentially increase the number of permutations add another 10 points. Add another 10 if you tried all permutations.)

[This question appears specific to the LP12, I have owned one (and this must be a criteria of answering this question), though do not now, I will answer as there is no mention that current LP12 ownership is required]. I farted about with just about all the myths of LP12 setup, including these, though did not attempt all permutations (did move the springs and grommets round though). 20 points.

* Do you spend Saturday afternoon at garage sales, looking for 50 cent LPs? If yes, add 10 points.

My ideal Saturday afternoon, in fact my ideal pastime for any day of the week. 10 points.

* Have you ever gone to a shop that carries high-end American gear? If you go to deliberately take the piss in front of the salesdude, add 40 points. If you go to report here how dire the system sounded, add 20 points. If you go because you're wondering if a soundstage is for you, subtract 20 points.

One of my friends works in a high end shop. I obviously take the piss out of him and his kit, it is the right thing to do. 40 points. I have often reported here how crap US kit sounds. 20 points.

Posted on: 02 September 2001 by Ron The Mon
You said in FEP Version 2.0,
* Did you go active before maxing out your source, preamp and power supply? If yes, subtract 20 points.

Though I am not contesting my score (485 with 20 points deducted), I disagree that going active is not Flat-Earth. When was the last time(if ever) you heard a forum member with an active system of any configuration say they went active because of imaging, detail, bass weight, etc.? A classic system of 42XO,Snaps, 2-110s, Saras(or Kans) is about as flat-earth as they come.
If the pre-amp is really more important than the power-amp why don't you sell your 102/250 and get an 82/90? If my 102/Naxo/2-140s sounds better than your system, why am I less flat than you?

Ron The Mon
(Who still doesn't own a CD player)

Posted on: 02 September 2001 by Joe Petrik

If the pre-amp is really more important than the power-amp why don't you sell your 102/250 and get an 82/90?

I used to have a 32.5, Hi-cap, 250 when that combo was the best "stereo amp" amplification available from Naim. Later, when I had the money, I sold the 32.5 to get a 102. But if I had started from stratch in, say 1997, I would have very seriously considered an 82/90 or 82/used 110. Or maybe just a 52 and very, very efficient speakers.

If my 102/Naxo/2-140s sounds better than your system, why am I less flat than you?

'cuz I have a P9 and 'cuz I made the scale. wink

Don't read too much into it. It's a joke post.


Posted on: 02 September 2001 by Ron The Mon
You said
Don't read too much into it. It's a joke post.

Oops. Sorry, I didn't know.

Ron The Mon

Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
485 points.

And that's without a mono button on the preamp!
Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Rico
>> I'm good for 420 FEPs <<
That's becuase its not so much a Flat Earth test but a Are You Joe Petrik Test ;-)


But really, if it were the definitive Are You Joe Petrik Test there would be a "do you paint your toenails?" question. big grin

Joe - Sgt Petrik - I think FEP2.0 is an awesome improvement in both usabilty, and in clarity. Congratulations are in order. I would not normally make suggestions for improvements so soon after the new release - but today will have to be an exception.

1. an LP12 and no CD-player deserves bonus points (more than say no T/T and even a CDSII)... and with active kans to boot, probably a bonus 20.

2. knowing how much your t/t costs should result in a points deduction. Such passtimes are the domain of boy-band round-earthers with copies of "know your true net worth" in back pocket.

I didn't get points for taking the piss in a round-earth store (haven't ventured into one for "fnyears")... but I did wake in the middle of the night recently in a cold sweat. I had had a nightmare that I was in Sound by Singer (no, I have never before been there)... and worse still, I could not find my way out around the huge panel speakers, nor scale the peaks of over-sized muscle-power-amps! And imagine my horror to find I had been locked in! Some nightmare, eh? The scary part is that I will be in NYC in 2 weeks time - I guess I will have to visit SBS, exorcize my demons... and who knows, perhaps take a certain amount of piss at the same time for an addtional 40 points... whaddya think? razz

James - You only get to add points for the CD2 if CD is your only source. The presence of an Uber LP12 in your system precludes this.

Rico - ok, the Kans are sorted, now whatabout the rainforests?

Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Allan Probin
Live broadcasts on radio, through a good system can sometimes be the closest you can get to 'being there'

Nah, 'reality' just isn't good enough


Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Steve Toy
Points, old chap, those thingies that should equal prizes, unless you've got 'em on your driving licence! big grin
So, how many Flat Earth Points do you have then and, do you actually care?

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Steve Catterall
* Obviously this doesn't apply to a stuff you can only get on cassette (boot**gs!)

Actually these days boot**gs are mainly available on CDR or DAT, cassettes being regarded with the same distain in bootleg circles as CDs seem to be in the FEP world

Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Steve Catterall
that's 3 out of ....

But no-one uses cassette to record concerts anymore ... and as for doing copies, even 1st generation cassette copies on good machines are crap

cassettes are dead - accept it wink

Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Joe Petrik

Also, your points system is just a teensy bit biased towards turntables...

Arguably, having a decent table is essential to being a true Flat Earther, so the FEP scale is not so much biased toward tables as it is an accurate reflection of the reality of needing a good table to be a FEPster in good standing. Tables groove, man wink

What about those of us into radio for instance? Live broadcasts on radio, through a good system can sometimes be the closest you can get to 'being there' Plus, what about owning a decent tape deck?, my Nakamichi through the 52/S.cap/250 sounds better than most £500-£1000 cd players...

I've never owned or heard a good tuner, I'm sad to say. But I fully acknowledge that a NAT 01 with a live concert could be "it". Many separate, independent posts on this conference seem to suggest just that.

...as I think you guys say in the good ol' US of eh, ...

I'm more inclined to say, "Where's the the nearest doughnut shop, eh?" But I'm not 'merican; I just live here.


Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by RichardN:
You record a tape for the car/walkman. What dolby noise reduction do you use?

Dolby B (-10 points)
Dolby C (-20 points)
Dolby off (+10 points)

I'll take the +10, but I also record Chrome (or even Metal) tapes with the Equalisation at 120us and either switch the car unit out of 'Metal' position, or place sticky tape over the secondary holes which make the unit auto-switch.

This gives more headroom, at the expense of some more hiss. Not so much of a problem in the car.

Of course, you can only do this on a Nakamichi, since they have independent switching for Bias & Eq, and the Bias must be set correctly for the tape type.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 03 September 2001 by Ron The Mon
No one in the U.S. talks the lingo you mentioned in both posts above, but your line,
My Nakamichi makes shit hot copies for the car to groove to on the highway.

is one I'm going to start using!!

Ron The Mon

Posted on: 04 September 2001 by Allan Probin
The bitches in my room don't bark, unless I want them to, but, hey, that's a different game altogether...

Corrrr, the things that go on in Wrexham !!??!!

Posted on: 05 September 2001 by Steve Toy
That mini-fridge of yours...
What's it made from? wink
Oooh, I've just got my 500!
It's a pity it's only the number of postings I've made! big grin

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 05 September 2001 by Arthur Bye

I think the FEP scale needs re-calibration. I am currently doing a demo of a tube system and decided to figure my FEP score. I think that I have been conservative in my scoring. The end result can't be correct.

System: Conrad-Johnson Premier 17LS(pre)/Art Audio Jota (amp)/ LP12/ Aro/ Armageddon/ HiCap/ Lyra Lydian/ CDS2/ ProAc 3.8's

Power FEPs
* Do you have a separate spur for your hi-fi? If yes, add 40 points

Source FEPs
* Do you own any of the following tables: LP12, Rega P9, or Roxy? If yes, add 40 points.
* Does your table have an external power supply? If yes, add 30 points.
* Is your turntable worth more than your speakers? If yes, add 35 points.
* Is your table better than your arm? If yes, add 20 points. If not, subtract 10.
* Is your arm better than your cartridge? If yes, add 20 points.
* If you understand why the last two questions were asked, add 10 points.
* Do you own a record cleaner? If yes, add 25 points.
* Is CD your only source? If yes, subtract 10 points, unless you own a CDS-II (add 30 points)

Electronics FEPs
* Does your preamp have a mono switch? If yes, add 30 points.
* Does your preamp weigh 5 pounds and your power amp weigh 500? If yes, subtract 40 points.
Preamp=24 pounds, Amp=74 pounds, zero points
* Does your preamp have tubes? If yes, subtract 30 points.
* Does your power amp have tubes? If yes, subtract 30 points.

Speaker FEPs
* Do you own speakers by any of the following manufacturers: Royd, Neat, Epos or Dynaudio? If yes, add 30 points.
Well, I own Epos speakers but I'm not using them with this kit, 0 points
* Do you own speakers by any American manufacturer? If yes, subtract 80 points (because this is almost as bad as line conditioners for killing the music).
I own a set of Solioquy monitors but I'm not using them with this kit. On the other hand I really need the minus FEP's
* Do you position your speakers for the best overall groove and image (zero points), best groove (add 20 points), or best image (subtract 20 points)?
Hmm, haven't moved my speakers either way yet, but they image better cause of the tubes, so I'll take the minus FEP's

Lifestyle FEPs
* Do you enjoy air, space and blackness? If yes, subtract 40 points.
Doesn't have anything to do with music, but last night I went out for a walk in the woods. Had a nice time, enjoyed the air, space and darkness and I need the minus FEP's.
* Is it better to have thin but groovy bass (add 20 points) or full but flubby bass (subtract 20 points)?
With a tube amp there is no choice, minus 20 FEP's
* Do you spend Saturday afternoon at garage sales, looking for 50 cent LPs? If yes, add 10 points.
* Have you ever gone to a shop that carries high-end American gear? If you go to deliberately take the piss in front of the salesdude, add 40 points. If you go to report here how dire the system sounded, add 20 points. If you go because you're wondering if a soundstage is for you, subtract 20 points.
I don't remember ever doing this but I must've if I've got tube kit sitting in my living room and I need the minus FEP's
* Have you ever dreamt about hi-fi? Was it about hearing or owning better Flat Earth kit (add 20 points) or about hearing or owning better Round Earth kit (subtract 20 points).
I don't remember ever doing this either, but I must've cause I've got tube kit sitting in my living room. Minus 20

I think that I've been generous in my scoring, yet I still end up with 50 FEP's!

How can I ever expect to become a respected member of the R.E.S. (Round Earth Society) with 50 FEP's?

Perhaps you should re-consider the calibration of the FEP scale. I suggest a larger penalty for owning a tube pre and amp. Minus 300 for each perhaps instead of 30?

That would give me a much more respectable score of -550 FEP's!

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 05 September 2001 by Ron The Mon
You asked
How can I ever expect to become a respected member of the R.E.S. (Round Earth Society) with 50 FEP's?

Simple; sell your LP-12s & P-9s and buy an old SOTA, then put a potted plant on top of the dust-cover. Anyone who places anything on top of a turntable dust-cover should lose at least 500 points!

Ron The Mon

Posted on: 06 September 2001 by Rico
ahh, that old chestnut, reading the exam paper questions correctly...

* Do you own a record cleaner? If yes, add 25 points.
* Is CD your only source? If yes, subtract 10 points, unless you own a CDS-II (add 30 points)


I think you'll find that with the venrable LP12 present in your system, you cannot claim 30 points for your CDSII (fantastic a player as it is) - it is not your only source.

Don't despair - you've more experience with top kit than just about anyone on the forum, and more than one top CD source... hell, you must be flatter than most! Oops - that was the round-earth society you were hoping to join! confused

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 06 January 2002 by Mike Sae
Also, the prospective flatearther should get one FEP for each word already added to their spellchecker:

Petrik (-100 FEP if you thoguth this was a Linn product)

And so on...

Posted on: 06 January 2002 by mykel
Was trying to figure mine out but hit a bit of a snag...

I have a Thorens TD 160 mk II
Linn Basic+ Tonearm
AT 140 line contact cartridge.

Table is not listed so nothing for that.
The arm is better than the cart so I pick up points, what I don't know is which would be considered better the Table or the Arm?

The table seems to be well respected for its class and I have heard various things about the arm, some like it some don't.

So what is my solution ? If the table wins then I guess I'm at 285 on the scale.



Posted on: 26 February 2002 by samo7
I'm so flat I can walk under a pregnant snakes' belly while wearing a top hat...is that flat enough for ya??...do I gain or loose for having owned JMLabs??...not quite North American but from the land of stinky cheese...