FEP Awards? (Joe P, Tony L)
Posted by: Arthur Bye on 30 August 2001
I just read through Joe's original thread on FEP's again. That has to be one of most enjoyable posts I've seen on the web.
As reigning high priests of all things Flat it seems to me that you (Tony and Joe) should have an award ceremony. This especially since the Snappys seem to have disappeared.
Some suggested categories:
Least money spent/most FEP's gained
Most money spent/ fewest FEP's gained(since I can't nominate myself, Mike Hanson)
Most fabricated FEP's (Vuk's remarks about getting free FEP's re: LP12's belt iterations, even though he doesn't own an LP12)
Cheapskate system, most FEP's (Tony L?)
Front end heaviest system (who's got a Clearaudio Insider/Prefix/Supercap to go with their Nait 1/used Kans?)
Most annoying poster(probably several ties for first place here)
Most drunken stupor posts/ Boorish behavior (probably just one nominee here)
Best FEP post (I nominate J Petrik)
Most neurotic Flat Earther (too many to choose from here)
Most posts/ least useful information ( several ties for first place here)
Least posts/ most useful information (I nominate Frank Abela)
Most neurotic Mana poster (Nominee will require the name of an animal)
Stupidest reverse upgrade
Most FEP's
Fewest FEP's
Best/worst mullet system
Most failed attempts at a Coup d'etat of FEP shaman (Vuk I think you're now at two and counting)
FEP points, both positive and negative can be awarded for winners or losers.
I've found a suitable 1st prize as well; sure to please the most ardent Flat Earther.
Arthur Bye