Source first? No - speakers first!

Posted by: Steve Toy on 19 June 2001

Taking Steve T's query in hand today I decided to find out once-and-for-all today whether the JM Lab 816s would work on the end of a Nait.
Well, they do. Extremely well in fact. The bass was bold and yet well controlled, and the whole thing timed beautifully. Fortunately when I turned up at the shop the Nait had been switched on and running for three days. The system may seem a little imbalanced, with the speakers costing a bit more than the amp, but it doesn't matter. The Nait and CD5 are both good enough to do the job, and the beauty of it is that the speakers will withstand future upgrades. I believe that speakers are more subject to personal taste than anything else, so you should try to get them right in the first place. Then, over time you can upgrade the rest of your kit without having to go through the upheaval of changing your speakers again - something that will cause you more grief from the missus than, say changing your 180 for a 250, which she wouldn't even notice!
I went throuth the full upgrade path and the sound just kept on improving, such is the potential of these speakers.
Firstly I added a Nap 140, using the Nait as a pre. That was an improvement - more slam and dynamic reach etc.
Then I ditched the Nait for a Nac 102. More of the above plus more drama and detail, and better timing.
CDX replaced CD5/FC2 - more definition and detail, better timing, more bold sounding.
Then I swapped the 140 for a 250, adding a Hi-cap -- I couldn't be bothered to stop off at the 180. Again dynamics, bass punch and timing improved.
Next, I added a Napsc - more punch and detail again.
Now it was time to go for the '82. The music was now seriously dramatic. I stayed with this setup for about half an hour before realising that the 816s, good that they are, were not really my cup of tea. So I swapped for the Rega Naos I have at home. Much nicer to my ears, my personal taste. Now I'm looking forward to being able to get a CDX in place of my CD5/FC2 and an '82/Hi/'250 in place of my Densen B200/300! But the Regas will stay because, well, I like them. It's as simple as that! cool
Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Chris Brandon

I kind of get the idea where you are coming from with the speakers first,although you can never really get round the GIGO principle. (fact !)

To me,speakers are by far the hardest things to get right,they never seem to sound the same in any two listening envoronments whereas "electronics" on the whole can be made to work in near enough any location.

The title of the post may be somewhat extreme,but I can certainly appreciate where you are coming form.



Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Mike Hanson
Speakers certainly have the most variation in "personality" from one model to the next. Big sloppy woofers can pump out bass, and fancy electrostatic panels can dazzle with beautiful midrange. In comparison, CD players don't vary much at all one to the next.

However (and that's a big however), just because speakers vary the most doesn't mean that they should be viewed as the most important component. You can put a $10K speaker on the end of $1K electronics, and it will still sound lacklustre. In contrast, drive $1K speakers with $10K of electronics, and you'll have something really special. At my local Naim deal, we hooked up a CDX/82/Hi/250 to a little $300 Wharfdale speaker; I was astonished at how good this sounded.

To some extent I believe that everyone has a different idea of how a speaker should sound, and this seems to be similar to people's preference for shoes. Everyone has a different idea of the "best" shoe, and everyone's foot is shaped differently. Although all shoes will be worn for walking in some manner, each wearer will prefer one pair over all the others. The "wrong" shoe will be "wrong" for some reason (real or supposed), and it's almost impossible to convince them otherwise.

Of course, if you get yourself a good pair of shoes, it makes the journey that much more comfortable. When you're done, you're in a nice place with a nice pair of shoes, and you're feet didn't hurt along the way. Who knows? Maybe you should pick out your favourite speaker first, then worry about the rest of it later.

It's kind of ironic: When my own audio journey commenced a few years ago, I started out thinking that the speakers were most important. I spent eight months trying to find the "perfect" model, and I ended up with Royd Albions. During that search, I purchased my first Naim gear.

Since that time, I've learned that the source is much more important to real listening pleasure, followed closely by the pre-amp. The power-amp and speakers run a distant third and fourth. In light of this, I've continually upgraded my Naim equipment, but my speakers have remained constant. Now my electronics are about to be CDS2/52/250, and I'm still happy with the Albions.

I'll probably end up with 135s before I starting looking for replacements (if I ever do). Part of my hesitation is that I'm happy with the performance of the Albions, and I'm also afraid to restart that quest. The last time I went searching for speakers it took me eight months. Similarly, it often takes me two months or more to find the "right" pair of shoes. I don't know how long it would take to find something better than the Albions.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Steve Toy
First of all, David Scott:
I'mp planning eventually to upgrade the CD player because I already chose the speakers I love, my speaker soul mates, as it were, about 18 months ago, the Rega Naos. This remains therefore consistent with the philosophy of my above posting.
Next, Mike Hanson:
Just because I advocate that when you start out on your pursuit of hi-fi heaven you should spend the most on your speakers, does not mean that your ultimate system should be weighted towards the speakers as the most costly component in your system. On the contrary, when you have gone through all your upgrades, your speakers should finish up as the least expensive component. Simply, that when you take a long-term view of where your system is going, you should get the basic philosophy right at the beginning, in accordance with your own sonic taste, then build on it as you progress through a certain,sure and consistent upgrade path, as is offered by Naim.
Actually, yor own experiences seem rather consistent with my view-point: your Royd Albions seem to be your soul-mate speakers razz
Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Steve Toy
First of all, David Scott:
I'mp planning eventually to upgrade the CD player because I already chose the speakers I love, my speaker soul mates, as it were, about 18 months ago, the Rega Naos. This remains therefore consistent with the philosophy of my above posting.
Next, Mike Hanson:
Just because I advocate that when you start out on your pursuit of hi-fi heaven you should spend the most on your speakers, does not mean that your ultimate system should be weighted towards the speakers as the most costly component in your system. On the contrary, when you have gone through all your upgrades, your speakers should finish up as the least expensive component. Simply, that when you take a long-term view of where your system is going, you should get the basic philosophy right at the biggining, in accordance with your own sonic taste, then build on it as you progress through a certain,sure and consistent upgrade path, as is offered by Naim.
Actually, yor own experiences seem rather consistent with my view-point: your Royd Albions seem to be your soul-mate speakers razz
Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Sproggle

Just because I advocate that when you start out on your pursuit of hi-fi heaven you should spend the most on your speakers, does not mean that your ultimate system should be weighted towards the speakers as the most costly component in your system.

While I have no doubt that you've chosen your system and upgrade path wisely, I think it's best not to think in terms of how much individual components cost when choosing a complete system. What matters is how well the system works, what sort of upgrade path [if any] is under consideration and whether the system as a whole is within budget.
This can, of course, lead to the most expensive part of a well-chosen first system being the speakers - but I can see no reason why it should always be so. In fact, my experience suggests that speakers are usually the least important part of a system.

For example, if a friend came to me and said, "I've got about £2200 to spend on a new CD-based system, which I'll upgrade at some point - what should I get?" I'd suggest that they listened to a CD5 / NAIT 5 with whatever speakers the dealer chose to demonstrate them with, and then look out for a pair of one of various secondhand budget speakers - possibly costing no more than £20 [Plus suitable stands for the components and speakers]. I'd be surprised if a CD5 / NAIT5 / Goodmans Maxim II did not outperform a similarly priced system with a £500+ pair of speakers and any CD player and amplifier within budget - although it's not at all impossible.

Those who think of the source-priority approach as being a logical consequence of the way hi-fi works are, in my view, clinging to a simplistic and fundamentally incorrect view of information in hi-fi. Nevertheless, I have found source-priority to be an excellent rule of thumb when correctly applied - i.e. "Listen to what a source upgrade will do [if you can afford it] before considering upgrades of other components." rather than, "Never upgrade anything but your source until you have the best possible source - if you do upgrade something else first your system will actually sound worse." - which is clearly nonsensical, leading as it does to self-contradiction as soon as what used to be the best available source is dethroned by something better... smile


Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Steve Toy
You've entirely missed my point.
If you are going to buy A system - "That is it! No upgrades, I'll buy more hi-fi when this system is old and knackered, but not until!!" Then it is fine to spend the least on yor speakers. Indeed, the ultimate system for you should always include the speakers as the cheapest component, with the most being spent on the source, then the amps. But if you have any grand/long term aspirations for your system you should buy the best speakers that your modest source/amps can cope with, so that you can then do all your upgrading henceforth without changing your speakers again, on the basis that your chosen speakers deliver the sonic characteristics in accordance with YOUR tastes, and then support the subsequent electronic upgrades which will deliver MORE of the same! The Naim upgrade path I pursued yesterday did EXACTLY that! I only changed the speakers at the end to suit MY tastes as opposed to Steve T's tastes!
Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Steve G
In my recent round of upgrades the only thing I didn't change (and really have no intention of changing in the forseable future) is my speakers (Credos). When I originally bought my system they were the most expensive individual component although the combination of pre & power cost more.

I can sympathise about no changing speakers too often from the point of view of keeping a wife happy - my missus has no idea what goes on with all the black boxes but she'd certainly notice if I changed speakers.

In my bedroom I drive a pair of 150 quid Mission speakers with a 92R/90.3 combination and a very competent used CD player and DAC. This combination cost perhaps 1800 quid to buy and sounds very good, although most would regard it as being very unbalanced. On the other extreme (but costing about the same) I tried my Credos with 600 quids worth of Arcam CD player and amp and that system (also very unbalanced) didn't sound anything like as good.

It would seem to me that modern "budget" speakers are pretty good and do benefit from being used with a better source and amplification which would aid the "source first" approach, but personally I'm more of an advocate of balance in putting together a system.


Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Sproggle
Jeremy,You've entirely missed my point.

Sorry, Steven, but I can't see how I've missed your point - I simply don't accept it. Placing restrictions on component purchases based on the relative prices of components is wholly arbitrary.


Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Stephen Bennett
My old system. Arcam Alpha Original CD/32.5/110/Rega EL8s have 1000 to spend. Try CD 5 on my system. Definite improvement. Try Intro IIs on my system. Ohh I like this! The Arcam isn't a bad CD player, and now I have the advantages of the Intros over my Regas (IMHO) And now my Linn is really nice indeed. I should have a used CD 3.5 soon for the rest of my grand.

So speakers worked for me.



Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Peter Stockwell
Steves and Jeremy et al.

I think I get Mr Toy's point, I have speakers that are revealling of the source without being at the cutting edge of resolution, B+W CDM1Se. These replaced humble TDL RTL3s, which were really masking what the system could do. No I think I can go much better in source and amplification before getting better speakers. I don't believe I could have gone to better source and amplifier with the TDLs, they were so coloured.


Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Steve Toy
I was attempting to turn the classic system hierarchy theory on its head as a way to take into consideration long term aspirations. However I do accept your view that any notions of hierarchy are purely arbitrary, and in fact there are no hard-and-fast rules.It is always better to take a try-it-and-see approach, rather than hold any prejudices.
Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Nigel Cavendish
It makes sense in a way. Speakers are the last link in the chain and are the last bit of gear that can further choke the signal that has been firstly choked by the pre/amp.

Listening to my system through headphones gives a very clear indication of the level of detail that is being lost at the speaker end. Were I in a postion to upgrade then speakers would certainly be an item to listen to. That said I would not recommend starting to build a system by buying speakers first



Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Arthur Bye
I think that Naim's credo of "Source First" is a little disingenuous. After all they do make a speaker that costs $18,000 (plus crossover). I think that source is very important, but a balanced system approach is where you are in the end.

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 20 June 2001 by David Dever
...much like a decent camera--not too bright, not too dull, able to feel the intention of photograph without fawning over its flaws (or the glossy paper).

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 20 June 2001 by David Antonelli

I'd be careful what you say about speakers and their relative importance in a system. When I ditched my albions in favor of Wilson Benesch ACT 2s the step was like 102/hicap to 52 AND CD3.5 to CDS 2 all in one! That was three months ago and I still hold to this. Now, the reason they sound so damn good is that I have great electronics behind them. If I had upgraded to 20 K speakers with a 3.5/102/hicap I would have been sorely dissapointed. But oh no, careful. Those albions (and I adored mine when I had them in my system) are really quite lame in comparisson to a lot of other speakers out there. I too believed that speakers didn't matter, but now i think otherwise. Albions have poor dynamics, a wide dispersive imaging field, dry cardboard bass, and sandpaper highs. And oh, I forgot to mention they have no balls and have a lot of trouble with drum and bass and rock.

At the risk of sounding like yet another pompous canadian, a good source is like a good film script. A good amplifier is a good director. And a pair of good speakers are quality actors. Only when all three are optimized do you get a great film. Certainly some great films have come out of rather weak casts with a good script and director (Bunuel liked working with inexpressive amatures for example, as he felt they were more suited to his vision of a shallow humanity) but these are exceptions.

Dump those boxes!


Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Mike Hanson
At the risk of sounding like yet another pompous canadian, a good source is like a good film script. A good amplifier is a good director. And a pair of good speakers are quality actors. Only when all three are optimized do you get a great film. Certainly some great films have come out of rather weak casts with a good script and director (Bunuel liked working with inexpressive amatures for example, as he felt they were more suited to his vision of a shallow humanity) but these are exceptions.

Dump those boxes!

Sometimes you're reviews are wonderful! I love the analogy, and the conclusion has got me laughing.

Yes, I realize that the Albions have their faults, but I'm not willing to return them just yet. Besides, I can't afford any more big upgrades for at least 6-12 months, and I really want to hear the Albions with 135s, as they were designed to be.

Also, I have a much bigger problem with the room right now than the speakers. Until I solve that, I'm not upgrading any major components.

BTW, I just re-read your write-up on the NAC52 on the other day, and I was quite tickled by that too. You've got a talent for analogy and hyperbole. smile

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 20 June 2001 by John C
, a good source is like a good film script. A good amplifier is a good director. And a pair of good speakers are quality actors. Only when all three are optimized do you get a great film. Certainly some great films have come out of rather weak casts with a good script and director (Bunuel liked working with inexpressive amatures for example, as he felt they were more suited to his vision of a shallow humanity) but these are exceptions.

David at the risk of sounding Canadian myself
Passolini, Ken Loach - bad speakers
John Cassavetes or Godard - minimal script

You really need the amp it seems to me


Posted on: 20 June 2001 by Steve Toy
Well, I think this thread has been a great success! The great systen=m hierarchy has been challenged and not just taken as some kind of absolute gospel. The film analogy is brilliant. Disagreements have occured, but no insults have been traded. Now I really MUST get that CDX, as it's a clear case of GIGO in my system - then a classic hierarchy will be restored! big grin
Posted on: 20 June 2001 by ken c
there is quite a lot of sense in the "source first" approach, for the well rehearsed reason that components further downstream (twds speakers) cannot create music which wasnt extracted by the source in the first place.

extending this thinking, it is also important to ensure that whatever music is extracted my the source is not simply "lost" by components downstream. this would imply that there is really no need to get the best source, only to lose the music that it extracts, for example, in the preamp, or poweramp, or speakers.

following on, you realise that each component must just do enough so that the whole system is balanced, in some sense related to above.

however, there doesn't seem to be any rigorously convincing way of achieving this balance. and in any case, we tend not to stay with one system -- we upgrade -- and so the balance can easily be upset.

one can adopt the approach to get the "best speakers" (most revealing??) so that when u upgrade any component upstream, your speakers will reveal this change clearly. so you could take this approach and iterate with various amps and sources till you are happy.

conversely, you could start with the best source and then select the other components on the basis of which clearly reveals the superiority of the source.

i believe the leaning towards "source first" is based on the fact that its easier to get better sinks than sources -- i.e the performance tolerances on speakers are wider than with sourcses.

the really more fundamental (somewhat theoretical) principle is "a system is only as good as its weakest link". its theoretical because its not very clear, other than anecdotally, how to identify this weakest link. we frequently use price, but we all know how blunt this instrument is.

dealers are supposed to be the font of all knowledge on this issue, given all the experience they have with various kit, but, ultimately, its your money and your choice... i am not really that convinced dealers know a lot more about this specific issue that you or me...




Posted on: 21 June 2001 by David Antonelli

The albions have an excellent midrange that sets them apart from most competitors in that price category. They sounded great with lighter accoustic numbers and had very sweet, pure vocals. They are also very quick. But there was always a sense of great strain in the highs and lows as though teh speaker was never quite comfortable with itself and was trying to do things it couldn't.

I hear you on the $$$$. I want a 500 but will have to wait a year. Fortunately my system is at that point where I listen to it almost incessantly and always with great pleasure. With the albions, about once or twice I got enthralled with a CD and put it on repete for a day or two (My Blood Valentine, Loveless and Radiohead Kid A) But with teh ACT 2s it seems ALL CDs (even crappy circa 1990 ones by bands like Chapterhouse and Ride) get the repete button.

As for my 52 review, hyperbole is a good word. But put yourself in the shoes of a man who, in a dismal town like windsor in the very dead of winter, was just descended upon by the archangelic likes of a 52. Perhaps you too would be listening to the Undertones and leaping around like a fool in the snow.


Posted on: 21 June 2001 by Mike Hanson
I wasn't trying to discount your review as mere hyperbole. I fully accept that the 52 is "that good". It just read like a religious conversion, more than a stereo review.

Regarding the Albions, I know their faults well, and generally agree with your own observations. However, these faults generally appear only with high volumes, and I rarely listen at that level. With my new room being so small, volume is even less of an issue.

For the rest, it's quite marvelous. I eventually will upgrade my speakers, but that's a year or two down the road.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 21 June 2001 by Rico
Yeah wow excellent thread. So the source first thing has been "challenged".

If you can make a system that sounds better by putting great speakers behind a weaker source - good luck to you! If you like the way that it sounds, that's what counts. Just don't tell me it's better, and that source-first doesn't really work! smile

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

Posted on: 21 June 2001 by Steve Toy
I actually agree with the "source first" principle. I just felt like checking it out, that's all on this Forum with a provocative title to the topic. When I get my CDX it will be the most costly component, followed by my amps, followed by my speakers. In summary, for those who are still missing the point, IMHO, it is worthwhile getting a good pair of speakers, which may well be the costliest component, initially, when you start out on your hi-fi upgrade path, but ultimately may end up being the least expensive, and in the meantime you've heard the benefit of all those electronic upgrades through the same decent pair of speakers, Rico wink
PS: I must state that in starting the above topic, and indeed whenever I post on this Forum, that I am NOT a hi-fi dealer, as has been suggested, and I do not represent any hi-fi dealer. I am, however privileged to have access to equipment to audition at a dealer in Stafford where I have made most of my purchases, and shall continue to do so, given the excellent service that I and others have received there.

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on FRIDAY 22 June 2001 at 06:04.]

Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Rico

you've in fact missed the most important step between numbers one and three (your end-point) - and the point, along with it.

That is, in step 'number two', 90% or more of your punters will make a "corrective" upgrade in an attempt to balance the sound of the system where they've started with a mullet-ed system.

It still isn't better. [shrugs shoulders] Are you looking to join one of Vuk's Boy Bands? big grin

Rico - all your base are belong to us.

PS - I'm sure those JM labs must be worth a listen - I'll keep an ear open for them.

Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Stephen Bennett
I too subscribe to the 'best source' idea in principle. It's particulary important with turntables. But it also depends on system balance, if you are going to upgrade and various other factors. I just upgraded my speakers from Rega EL8s to Intro IIs. I didn't go for a CD upgrade because my Arcam Alpha isnt a BAD CD player(CD5 is what I could have afforded). My system (Arcam/32.5/110/Intros) gives me more pleasure than the CD5/32.5/110/EL8 did - I have an understanding dealer! And, as I have a LINN and @600 LPs, my record playing pleasure has increased too. I've also managed to afford a used CD 3.5 in my original budget £1000. I wont upgrade again for at least 6 years - if ever. This is a balanced system for me. Theoretically a CD5 would have been a better buy than the Intros -but for me, it wasn't.

I guess I'm syaing that there are no absolutes in this middle gound of hi fi.

