Speaker positioning

Posted by: Bosh on 07 November 2001

The Fraim, PXO for SBL and Black burndy arrived Friday and the SNAXO/Supercap and 2x135s left in the same van (Am I going mad? - see sideways step)

Fraim is a massive improvement over the Audiotech but I have spent a desparate 5 days trying to get the system sounding right (it had been pre-warmed for 3 weeks). What had I done, I almost contacted the dealer to get the 4 pack back. Relatively speaking, the sound was constrained, bass very bloated, lack of clarity.

The SBLs were positioned exactly as at the old place, 6 ft apart and 10cm from the rear wall.
Moved the speakers away from the wall the bass tightened to the detriment of other aspects.

Then I decided experiment with moving the speakers further apart, settling on 8 foot. What a huge difference. Even er indoors agrees. Based on both 02 and Naimed LP12, the 2 pack on Fraim is up there with the 4 pack on Audiotech/Soundstyle and I'm a happy bunny again


Of course a 500 would still be nice and I cant wait for the CDS2 which hopefully lands on Friday

Posted on: 07 November 2001 by Allan Probin

How long is the wall the SBLs are against ?

I've got my SBLs against a 14ft wall, just over 4.5 ft apart (centre-to-centre), ie at 1/3rd points along the wall.

Intuitively this looks too close but this is where the SBLs sound really fast and have the best groove. Doesn't do much for the soundstage though.


Posted on: 07 November 2001 by Bosh
18 foot. Cant have them less than 5.5ft due to the fireplace. The point is to experiment. 4.5 foot for you seems to translate to 8 foot for me