Calling all High end Naim Users!

Posted by: naimless! on 22 February 2002

Just wondering....102/hi-cap/napsc or bare 82? Then add a supercap at a later with 52? much in it? at that level is a 250 okay or should we be looking at serious amps ie active/biamp/triamp etc? or NAP500????

Was looking at current prices last night and wondered if i should have gone 82. This was meant to be my last serious fix for a few years but...when you get the bug...well you know! thanx pedro....( now trying dynaudio contour 1.8s! )

Posted on: 22 February 2002 by Carl Leermakers
I just upgraded my 102/NAPSC with a Hi-Cap and it's really a very rewarding upgrade; I did a brief A/B at my dealer's against a standard 82 and felt the 82 missed something (then we tried the Hi-Cap on the 82: now THAT was good...). BTW: if you like the Dynaudio sound you MUST try the 1.3 SE (special edition, not the standard ones) which are imho a lot better than the 1.8 and more or less the same price; they work perfectly on Naim amplification
Posted on: 22 February 2002 by Paul B
Naimless (still?):

If you hope or plan to eventually move to a 52 then add a Supercap to your 102. (I went this route.) The performance of a 102/Super is exceptional and perhaps better than an 82/Hicap. On the other hand if you do not expect to purchase a 52, you are better off with the 82 as it easily surpasses the 102 once you add a second Hicap or Supercap.
