FC.2 - Opinions sought
Posted by: phil. S on 14 September 2001
I will of course experiment myself, but, I would really like to hear what other people have experienced with the following:
FlatCap connected only to CD5
FlatCap connected only to 112
FlatCap connected to both CD5 and 112.
My dealer reccommends "only to CD5"
What do you think?
Thanks in advance for any responses.
Regards Phil
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I know what the manual states. That is not what I asked for in my post. I was attempting to learn from other peoples experiences.
Could you at least read the posts properly before you ram your opinion down our throats.
Phil (a new Naim convert)
Congrats on taking the plunge. I hope you find the water to be great. This forum is a fount of wisdom, knowledge, and opinion. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell which is which. Personally, I think Mike H has contributed all 3 at various times, and I bet he'd agree - it's just that he and I may disagree on which statement is fact, which is wisdom, and which is opinion!
You're the one who has to live wit the choice - try it and listen.
Tell us which you prefer. Then maybe someone will start arguing with you.
Phil B.
That is not what I asked for in my post.
Yes, I know (and knew). However, I just discussed almost this exact topic in another thread, and stated myself clearly there. I was being lazy, and decided to save myself some time. Please note that I was polite enough not to tell you to RTFM.
As to real trials, I've done them all and I agree with Naim's synopsis.
Both the CD5 and 112 really appreciate having *-caps help them out. The CD5 really wakes up with the Flat-Cap2, and gets a little bit better with a Hi-Cap. The 112 also likes the Flat-Cap2, but really blooms with a Hi-Cap. Therefore, the pre-amp should have the better supply.
When the CD5 is used without the Flat-Cap2, it seems a bit edgy and disorganized. Adding the power supply makes it sound more natural and confident.
The 112 used without the Flat-Cap2 seems thin and choked, with meager bass. Adding the Flat-Cap2 makes it open up, bloom (as I said earlier), and sparkle (if you know what I mean). Dynamics are also much improved, as is snap, and rhythm. It makes a wonderful difference.
Finally, each of these components running without an external power supply tends to get on my nerves. That's why I like to have a power supply on both. Therefore, I suggest that you use the Flat-Cap2 to power both.
Now did that properly address your query?
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Thank you
Guess I was having a bad day yesterday,,,sorry
It's always a nice day for it, have a good one
I agree that Naim's recomendation is best i.e. primary o/p to 112, secondary to CD5.
I'm interested in Mike's comment that the Hicap only makes it a little better. I have a DIY supply and frankly it's a big, huge and very musical improvement to the CD5 + FC2.
The better supply resolves more low-level detail, adds a much greater sense of refinement (in the same way as moving from CD5, to CD5+FC2 does). It also seems to add a sense of rythmic detail and pace that is very worthwhile.
I wouldn't expect my own supply to outperform a Hicap, but will be putting this to the test soon, with Alex S's ears for independent comparison.
The Hi-Cap is definitely better than the Flat-Cap or Flat-Cap2 on both players. I would also say that the difference between Hi and Flat is somewhat more pronounced on CD5 versus CD3.5. I agree with your observations, Andrew.
However, when I compare CD5/Hi/112/Flat2/150 to CD5/Flat2/112/Hi/150, the second option is decidedly better (IMO). The extra body, realism, slam, etc., are very much appreciated. Putting the Hi-Cap on the CD5 does make it a bit smoother, but the whole presentation shrinks because of the "mere" Flat2 on the 112.
I've also done the comparison of CD5/112/150 with the Flat2 on the CD5, then 112, then both. With the Flat2 on one or the other, that particular component's traits were improved most, but having it on both definitely provided the best all-around performance. It just jelled.
Ultimately, we each have different priorities when it comes to stereos. The best thing to do is try each option, and decide for yourself. It's not necessary for us to agree.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Why are you carrying out all these comparisions of entry level stuff--shopping for a third system?
In most cases it's because I'm visiting the stereo shop with a friend, or just going to see what's new. If someone else is doing the demo, I listen in.
Besides, I already have three systems (counting the home theatre).
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I'd agree with your synopsis, but just felt your original post didn't convey what I would hope is the full benefit of adding a Hicap.
The preamps do seem to get more from the better supply, probably because more circuitry is receiving the benefit.
To put it into perspective, the CD5 hadn't been getting so much use since the recen LP12 enhancements. Adding the better supply made a big enough musical difference to make listening to the CD5 a viable alternative, rather than an 'also ran'.
It's not as good as the LP12, but it has an exceptional ability, for it's price, to get to the heart of music, and not stand in its way.