Hi cap and Nait 5

Posted by: Nuno Baptista on 30 August 2002

As you know I´m looking for a new cd player.I want to know if I get a better sound adding a hi-cap to my Nait 5 instead a flatcap.

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Bob Shedlock
absolutelty not. In fact the emf from the transformer will inject serious health risks to any unborn children in your area -----
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Or add a Hi cap just makes sense if I buy a CD 5 too?

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by David Stewart
Just buy the CD5 first, then we'll all start applying our concerted brain power and experience to your next upgrade big grin big grin

Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
I don´t know if I´m going to buy a Naim cd player,the hypothesis add a hi cap is for a no Naim cd player,as you know like Rega sound too!

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by seagull
or QS Ref

or Hutter

or Fraim... wink

but buy that CD5 first!!!!!

Let the CD5 burn in for a few weeks (months?, mine is still surprising me after several months), buy loads of CDs and listen to them, buy more CDs listen to them, buy more cds etc. etc.
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
this is not a post for cd player´s
It´s just for a technical issue
Many of you use Naim amplification and no Naim cd players!Do you have a flatcap or hi cap in your amplifier?

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nigel Cavendish
and forget naim.



Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Phil Barry

You've said that cost is an issue in your CDP decision. The hicap is pretty costly, and it won't improve the quality of the bits taken off CDs, so I don't understand why you're considering it.

Are you unhappy with your CDP? Or are you just unhappy with its nameplate?

If you don't like the NAD, your best bet is to replace it with soemthing you like. If you like the NAD, then keep it. In that case, spend your money on music, an LP player, or a hicap.

Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
No,I´m not happy with my cd player.First I will buy a cdp but I just want to know if makes sense to add a hi cap to a amplifier without a Naim cd player
"forget Naim" - do us a favour - No I will not
I just want to test a few days a Rega source,but I prefer Naim cd players to Meridian or another!They have a fast sound! big grin

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Mick P

Take a long holiday, do not go anywhere near Hifi or a PC. Clear your mind, decide what you want to do and then do it.

Do not come back to this forum ever again because it confuses you.

Please log off and enjoy your music. You are not suited to online discusion, you are indecisive and discussion confuses you and makes you ask too many questions, so even when you buy your CDP, you will still be wondering if you bought the best one.

I hope not to see you here ever again and I say that for the nicest of reasons.


Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
I don´t know everything about Naim upgrade paths ,that´s all.
the cd player is another issue,I don´t know why you come back with this argue"You don´t know which cd player to choose" mad

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by garyi
Nuno, buy a hi-cap theres a good chap.

What about a picture of your sistem?

Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Steve B
Nuno, Yes the Hicap will improve the performance of the amplifier. No doubt more so than a Flatcap.

But, the Nait 5 is an excellent amp on its own. I would not worry about adding a power supply until you’ve got a decent CD player in your system that you are happy with. (When that day finally comes).

1 thing at a time dear boy.

Steve B
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Thanks Steve. Yes,first I will buy the cd player.
I´m saving some money but it costs 1 000£
First source.
I´ve got some new ideas,but I will post here another time

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Joolz I see that you´ve got a Hi cap and a Flatcap
This make sense without a power amplifier?

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Steve Toy
I speak to Nuno almost on a nightly basis on MSN Messenger, and without wishing to divulge the content of our discussions on the subject of hi-fi, Nuno goes round and round in circles - I have told him this many times aleady!

He has now decided that the best option for him is the CD5, or a s/h CDX when the price drops following the launch of the new CDX2 in a matter of weeks.

On the surface, his endless questions can be quite tedious, but he does listen, and eventually he learns. He is obviously deeply dissatisfied with his mullet system, but is constrained by his budget (as we all are) so patience must prevail for him if he is to hit musical nirvana without making the kind of mistakes which will leave him crying in his beer.

He obviously enjoys his time on this forum, and many of us can't resist contributing to his threads, so it would be best just to continue being nice to him!

I'm signing off now for a couple of weeks as I'm leaving for France/Germany in just a few hours.

Have a good one in my absence! smile

Mick, you can text me if you wish during my trip.



It's just a pleasure to hear music as it was intended to be heard.
Posted on: 31 August 2002 by Mick P
Quote..Mick, you can text me if you wish during my trip.

Steven, just enjoy your holiday.


Posted on: 31 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
I was talking with Naim´s dealer yesterday and we have the same opinion,the Nait /Júpiter is not a good comb/ the problem is the leading edges,Júpiter can´t play it good .So it lacks dynamic and rythm
Now I start to save for a Naim cdp
It´s a better choice and easier to do upgrades! wink

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 31 August 2002 by herm
Thanks for the update, Nuño.

We're real thrilled to know you're going to start saving.

We're keeping our fingers crossed.


I think I'm not exaggerating if I say a lot of us just cannot bear the suspense of your keeping us posted on every tiny micro-inch of your progress towards the purchase (possibly) of a CD5. Some of us have been begging you to give us a break and buy any other kind of player, and sod off.

That's why I'd like to propose you'll get back to us when you are the owner of a CD5 and not before.

This entire thread - allegedly about the question whether you should get a Hi-Cap - is / was completely useless.

1 the matter has been discussed before at various occasions. All you'd have to do is search and read back. But that wouldn't grant you the opportunity to post yourself, wouldn't it? I don't think anyone in the entire history of the forum has created so many threads without anything going for them.

You want to know about the Naim upgrade path? It's dead easy. If it's more expensive, it's up. You don't seem to have a whole lot of disposable cash (and there's nothing wrong with that), and so you don't really need to know about XPS or 552. But please. If you must: search & read, don't post a vapid thread.

2 getting a CD player seems to be your priority (well, actually, I suspect looking for hifi buddies is your real priority); it has been for quite a while and you have made no progress whatsoever; you have rejected several excellent and kind offers of a s / h CD5, and basically all you did was waste our time.

I'm sure you don't want everybody to get real tired of you and your posts. So please kick this habit. Try to figure out a way to make some extra money and get the CD5 (or whatever) and come back when you've done so.


Posted on: 31 August 2002 by garyi
Poor Nuno, I like him, I think we should keep him.

Mick, perhaps Steven wants you to text him with instructions?

Posted on: 31 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Don´t worry
As soon as possible I will be back
I´ve learn to trust my ears,doesn´t matter what others think!My local dealer is a good example.

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 02 September 2002 by Nuno Baptista
when I test the source in my Nait maybe my judgement was wrong.Some times , more complex the source will interfire the comb/ Amplifier/speakers.So that lack of rythm or flat sound can be a consequence wrong comb/ speakers/amplifier

MY sistem : Naim Nait 5 amplifier,Nad c 540 cd player,B&W 601 speakers,Naca5
Posted on: 02 September 2002 by garth
Hasn't anyone else twigged to the fact that Nuno is actually Ivor Tiefenbaum and he is just having a go at us?n
Posted on: 02 September 2002 by herm
My bet is he's just the genetically unprecedented offspring of an unholy Toy - Stallion union.

Lately el nuño has been relentlessy advising people on what and how to use their gear - mainly as to NACA5, but still... roll eyes

Posted on: 03 September 2002 by Jay
Nuno - you remind me just how bonkers this place actually is big grin

Don't give up mate, my Naim sistem sounds fantastic, you won't regret buying a CD5.
