NBLs & DBLs and the reproduction of Scale
Posted by: Paul B on 10 February 2002
Presently, I feel that my SBLs (passive/52/250), fine as they are, do not reproduce scale, which I define (perhaps inaccurately) as dynamic range and bass weight (or combination). Note that I do not mean the size of image of individual instruments, although the entire breadth and depth of the sound is also a factor (I hestitate to say soundstage because that implies so many of the static imaging qualities of high-end US gear). I have heard active SBLs briefly but IMO scale was still somewhat lacking. Perhaps scale is directly related to bass reproduction. Here the DBLs obviously excel.
Comments invited regarding a definition of scale plus the abilities of NBL and DBL to reproduce same.
This issue was discussed previously on the old forum but at the time I wasn't entirely sure what was meant. Since that time I have heard both NBLs and DBLs but not enough to fully understand the capabilities of each. From my brief experience with DBLs, they certainly reproduce scale. Can the NBLs, too? Is a 500 necessary to reproduce scale with either of these speakers?