Found a use for old arcam amps
Posted by: Mr_Sukebe on 18 June 2002
Spent part of this evening listening to some CDs that I've not heard in years on a hi-fi.
One of these was the Texas album (White on Blonde).
It sounded simply lousy. I thought that I'd poked in my speaker drivers it sounded so compressed and messy.
The only saving grace was listening to a brilliant Sam Brown album straight after.
Now I seem to remember listening to an old Arcam a number of years ago, and thinking "polite, not very detailed and simply boring". So, here we have a use for old arcam amps, might make this Texas album sound listenable.
Posted on: 19 June 2002 by Simon Perry
When I was listening to a variety of systems before I chose the 112/150, I deliberately brought along a selection of CDs which I'd always felt sounded dreadful (production-wise that is, not musically - a Texas record is always going to be a thoroughly unpleasant listen). For what its worth I found Naim rather more forgiving than I'd been led to believe by the Hi-Fi press...
Posted on: 19 June 2002 by Ron The Mon
Years ago when I was a hi-fi salesman, Ivor Tiefenbrun was making a visit to our shop and asked what rolled foil was doing on our Arcam integrated amp. He thought it was an Enid Lumley tweak, especially when I told him they were enchiladas. I explained to him they were a homemade Mexican dish and that the integrated amp heated it to the perfect temperature(those integrated amps run HOT). After sharing a portion with Ivor he commented that Arcams were indeed good for something after all.
Ron The Mon,
Arch Kan defender and wall driller.
Posted on: 19 June 2002 by Christopher
Best post Iive read in ages!
Posted on: 20 June 2002 by Tony L
Sounds much better than my real practise amp - but I wouldn't do this to my Naim 72/140....
Why not? Doesn't hurt the kit at all unless you play at levels that would destroy it regardless of source. I play guitar and bass through a Johnson J-Station amp modler into a mixer then into a Nait 1 and Heybrook Point 5s and it sounds great. This is the ultimate source first system! I also have my computer hooked up to the mixer too so I can play along to CDs.
Posted on: 23 June 2002 by davewarehouse
...on second thoughts, they're too light.Still, I supose they present an upgrade to a Creek user!!
Posted on: 23 June 2002 by davewarehouse
...on second thoughts, they're too light.Still, I supose they present an upgrade to a Creek user, and at least the whole unit doesn't slide backwards when a button is pressed!
Posted on: 25 June 2002 by davewarehouse
Sorry Andy, It's only after reading this thread again that I noticed the details of your posting above mine.
This may sound Irrelevant but I have a friend who ditched his NAc32.5/SNAPS/NAP140 for a Creek A43(x2) and Creek passive pre and reckons the Creeks are much better, he then sold his Celestion SL600s and got Epos M12s(creek owned)
Either he is (A)Deaf and (B)Having improper relations with Michael Creek or(C)just doing it to wind me up I am unsure.
I make no bones of the fact that I dislike products that are obviously built down to a price, hence my dislike of creek(and others eg Rega, Royd, Ion systems(a poor mans Naim if ever there was one!)However, I didn't notice your Hi-fi C.V. before I posted. Sorry again, I wasn't being funny.