second hand CDX

Posted by: Den on 30 July 2001

I have the opportunity to buy a one year old second hand CDX for £1350. I live in the Netherlands and the guy who's selling lives in Germany 700km from here, so picking it up is out of the question. Sending it by post is an option, but i am afraid of the risks. What are the risks and how do you guys arrange such things?


Posted on: 30 July 2001 by Bas V
Hey Dennis,

I have once bought abroad. My 102 comes from Belgium. I have picked it up myself. Okay, it cost me a day, but I coupled the trip to a visit to Brugge with my girlfriend and so we had a great day for free! I would never buy blindly from a private party.
But another thing, do you think this upgrade will be the best? I personally think it would be better to buy a CD5 and some new speakers like the Intro's or something. I trully believe the source-first-strategy, but it must never be exagerated. The CD5 (+FC2) will be fine in your system!


Posted on: 30 July 2001 by Den
Hey Bas,

I think you are right about the CD5. But I was thinking..... At first I had planned to buy the CD5 and a NAP150. I was hoping my dealer would be so kind to trade in the Nait5 and give me a NAC112 instead (when I buy the NAP and CD5 together). In total it would cost me F7300,-. But....a second hand CDX would cost me about F5000,- (maybe even less), a NAP 180 about F2000,-. Together F7000,-. I could sell my Nait5 and Flatcap2 and buy (after a really big fight with my girlfriend mad , because the Flatcap is 3 weeks old and the Nait 2 months) a 102 or even a 82. Well... this might give you a new perspective???

Dennis smile

Posted on: 30 July 2001 by Bas V
No it won't Dennis...

You should take the time to enjoy your stuff. What's next, buy a CDS2 within a month, then a 500? If that's your aim, go there straight away. While upgrading so soon you will always loose money. The CDX you can get is not a steal, so wait. I know of a CDS for DM4900, now that's a much better offer!

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Den
Bas..I know you're absolutely right. I need to enjoy. But, now I have the opportunity to buy a CDX for about the same money of a new CD5. A CD5 would be a dead end (from a source first point of view). A CDX gives me the opportunity to upgrade at a later time to a NAP180 or NAP250 and a NAC112 or NAC82.At the moment I can't affort all these upgrades. So, for the moment I have to enjoy my new Nait and Flatcap2 for at least a year. That's not as difficult for me as it might seems because I like them so much. Maybe, to much!!!!

smile smile smile smile

Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Stephen Bennett
I'd be wary of sending the CD via post. Check out my other threads regarding my used CD 3.5. CD players are delicate - mine got broken again coming back from Naim with extra transist screws in!

You may be lucky, but thats a lot of money to take a chance on. Get the seller to confirm he'll take it back or get it fixed at Naim if it's damaged in transit. Postal insurance is no good - my package wasn't damaged - they wont pay out.



Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Willem van Gemert
I agree that CD players are sensitive equipment, but how do you think Naim ships its players around the world? Per parcel service with a sticker on it "handle with care". I have sent a CD 3 per post without any problem and my CDS came per parcel service, again without any problem. If you have the possibility to check it out before buying and pick it up yourself, it's preferable, otherwise I'd take the risk. Only if the contact with the seller is good and you feel you can trust him. If you have doubts, don't do it, there will be other opportunities.



Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Bas V
Hoi Dennis,

There's also a CDI for sale for DM2500. I have one too and it sounds great! It's better than a CD5. I haven't compared it to CDX, but I have heard lots of people who say it's a close match.

Groeten, Bas

Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Hermann

I got my first CD Player on saturday last week via parcel service. It's a used one. There wasn't any problem with it.

I often buy secondhand Naim gear for friends and all was shipped by any parcel service. As long as you can talk to the guy you'll get a feeling is he serious or not. For me this is the most importend point.

I'm currently beeing in contact with some guys to collect another little system for my girlfriend a CD3.5/NAT03/NAIT 3 and some Keilighs.

Anyway Den in your case the guy has the original packing of the player and therefor it should be no problem. smile

I remember there was a little problem ones (hi Willem, do you remember? wink ) but was solved quite easy!!

I've some really good experience with Naim user during the last 10 years or so.


Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Stephen Bennett
....I don't Exaggerate! I'd buy Amps mail order in an instant, but would be very wary or CD players, speakers & Turntables. I know Naim ship worldwide - but the dealer sends back broken CD players. Anyhow, if you want to risk over a thousand pounds, thats up to you!



Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Den
Yesterday, I have send an email to the guy offering the CDX. He hasn't answered so far. I realise that it isn't actually a steal so I think the price have to drop a little bit (DM4500 now). I think DM4000 would be a fair price. When he's willing to drop the price I will travel to Germany and pick it up myself. If DM4500 is his lowest price I have to look further. I think, for me, the CDX is a better choice than the CD5.
Posted on: 31 July 2001 by Willem van Gemert
Hi Hermann,

I remember there was a little problem ones (hi Willem, do you remember?) but was solved quite easy!!

And if I remember! It was my first used sale and it turned out the NAT 03 had a problem! A very embarassing experience, but it wasn't due to the transport. The NAT 03 had been faulty all along without me knowing it. My dealer had not checked the unit before selling it to me and I just thought that all Naim tuners had difficulties staying tuned! Luckily you had the experience with your son's NAT 03 so you discovered the problem.

You're absolutely right about trusting the other. Often already from the e-mail contact you can see if somebody is serious, even more over the phone. I once made the mistake not to rely on my feeling when I bought a used Headline + NAPSC. The seller turned out to be an asshole who sold me a defective Headline and refused to take it back to have it repaired. Luckily Music Line was so kind to repair it for free! That's the reason why it is not so risky to buy used Naim gear: the excellent after sales service and, at least in Germany and the Benelux, the 5 year guarantee!



Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Den
I got an answer this morning. The CDX is already sold. Problem solved. What do you guys(/women?) think of a CD2 compared to the CDX or a CD5+FlatcapII.


Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Bas V
Sorry to hear this Dennis. Why not go for the CDI I mentioned earlier? Most here prefer it to the CD2 and it comes pretty close to a CDX. It's way better than a CD5 an will only cost you DM2500! Or go for that CDS for DM4900, that will beat the socks of a CDX!

Good luck, Bas

Posted on: 01 August 2001 by Bas V
Hi Per,

How are you? I haven't done the comparison myself, but it is logical reasoning. Most people here think there is not that much of a difference between a CD5 and CD3.5 (some prefer the 3.5). Well, the CDI and CD2 sound much better than the 3.5. That I've heard myself. More stable, wider stage, better bass, more details. This is how I've come to the conclusion. I know it's not 100% valid, as I should have listened to it myself. Sorry for that. Have you decided on your speakers yet?

Greetz, Bas