Nait 3 innards

Posted by: plynnplynn on 01 August 2002

I want to get inside my old Nait 3 to extract the phono boards but it would appear that I have to unscrew a 'safety earth screw' and take out 4 'plastic button rivets' first from the base plate. Is this correct? I suppose the whole innards then slips out from the case. The only other option seems to be the 4 small posidrive screws which hold the front on to the base plate. I suspect that these need not be taken out.

Can anyone help so that I do this in the most efficient way possible?

I want to do this because I am lead to believe that the phone boards of a Nait 3 are the same as for a Nac82. Am I correct in this assumption?

Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Ed R
Getting into the Nait requires removing the one screw and gently prizing out the rivets with a fine screwdriver blade. No need to mess with the front panel at all - the outer sleeve just slides right off.

I don't think the phono boards are compatible with an 82 though. You could swap between a Nait 3 and a 92 but nowt else.

Posted on: 01 August 2002 by plynnplynn
Nait requires removing the one screw and gently prizing out the rivets with a fine screwdriver blade. No need to mess with the front panel at all - the outer sleeve just slides right off.

I don't think the phono boards are compatible with an 82 though. You could swap between a Nait 3 and a 92 but nowt else.

Thanks Ed
Job done and phono boards NA 522-4 there. I think they are suitable for 82 from the look of them. Can anyone confirm?
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by plynnplynn
I can confirm that Nait 3 MM Phono Boards are compatible with a Nac82. My RegaP3/K9 is singing beautifully through them.
Posted on: 03 August 2002 by plynnplynn
Whilst understanding and endorsing the source first argument to a fair degree I do also accept more 'pragmatic' arguments relating to systems design which have been described many times in this Forum. My own system is evolving along one of these more pragmatic routes.

There are members who would choose to use words like 'mullet' to describe the current state of development of my system. I realise and accept that it is not perfectly balanced but I do enjoy using it and listening to music from both my vinyl (Rega P3) and CD sources (CD3.5:HiCap).

The following is an observation I have made during the changes made to my system over the last year. I would be interested in any comments from members.

My speakers have remained the same throughout.

I started with a Rega P3/K9; CD3.5 and Nait 3. I was always of the opinion then that the quality of the sound from my vinyl was equivalent to that from the CD3.5.

I moved to Rega P3/K9; CD3.5/FlatCap; 32.5/HiCap; 250. At that point the CD3.5 seemed to be the superior source.

Recently I moved to Rega P3/K9; CD3.5/HiCap; 82/2FlatCap; 250. I haven't quite made up my mind about which source sounds superior now but I can say that the sound quality from the vinyl source (since I took the phono boards from the Nait and put them into the 82) has taken an immeasurable leap. Much more than that obtained from the CD3.5. I am enjoying my old vinyl all over again.

My wiring is so difficult to access that I cannot be bothered to try out different combinations of power supply on the 82 and the CD3.5 and the current state of my equipment support is embarrassing - as is the power supply situation. There is thus much that I can do in relation to cable dressing, supports, and mains. I am however interested in opinions relating to the utilisation of the 2 FlatCaps and the HiCap on the 82 and CD3.5.

The system will also probably evolve over the next few months to include dedicated mains; new support system (being built); LP12/Aro/Armageddon and CDX.

Posted on: 03 August 2002 by Mike Sae
interested in opinions relating to the utilisation of the 2 FlatCaps and the HiCap on the 82 and CD3.5.

If CD is your main source, have you thought about selling the 3.5 and 2 flatcaps to finance a CDX?

My P3/P77 outperforms my CDX on a regular basis. Granted, it all depends on the LP.
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Mick P

Why do some guys enjoy looking at the innards of their kit, most of them do not have a clue how it all works, so what is the point.

It would be far more useful for them to spend their time studying the entrails of a dead goat, in order, to predict the winner of the Grand National.


Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Alco
My P3/P77 outperforms my CDX on a regular basis

hmm,I've read that before. It could be... I only had a P3 for a few weeks in my system and fitted with a Benz-Micro (gold?) mm cartridge.
(about 90,- UKP) It sounded great. At the same time I had a CD3.5 which imo was inferior to the Rega P3,but...then I had the chance to get me a s/h flatcap for my CD3/5. This was a worhtwile upgrade which took the CD3.5 to a similar level as the P3. So, in the end I sold my P3 for more or less the same momey and stayed with CD.

Now, I must confess, I've never tried a P3 with different cartridges, but I find it difficult to believe a P3 could outperform a CDX!

Also, I've read somewhere on this (or another flatearth kinda) forum that Kan's deserve more than a P3. In fact, Kan's would more likely highlight the P3's weaknesses then it strengths.

But,...I hope I'm wrong...cause it would be good news to me. I'm still thinking to get me a decent TT, and a P3 is a hell of a lot more affordable (in Holland) then a LP12. (a s/h LP12 would cost me about 2 or 3 times the price of a brandnew P3)

Also I love the 'plug-and-play' simplicity the P3 offers. (compared to an LP12)

Posted on: 04 August 2002 by plynnplynn
It would be far more useful for them to spend their time studying the entrails of a dead goat, in order, to predict the winner of the Grand National.

I have never been a gambler Mick and so the proposed route to success in relation to the Grand National does not really interest me. wink
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by garyi
Alco a P2 with klyde cartridge is more satifiying than the CDi, IMO.
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by plynnplynn
If CD is your main source, have you thought about selling the 3.5 and 2 flatcaps to finance a CDX?

My P3/P77 outperforms my CDX on a regular basis. Granted, it all depends on the LP.

Thanks Mike
I have children in their mid-twenties who have spotted that I have a number of unused hifi items including a Micromega CD player, a Nait 3, and a 32.5. I suspect that the equipment will thus eventually find its way along with other bits and pieces I might buy to their houses. There have been too many questions about my intentions in relation to the equipment to be able to ignore the issue much longer. Financing new equipment from old is thus unlikely to be a possibility. Who knows there could be another two Allans on the Forum in the not too distant future.
I will however be upgrading to CDX (or beyond) and LP12 this year sometime.
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
Why do some guys enjoy looking at the innards of their kit, most of them do not have a clue how it all works, so what is the point.

They're probably trying to work out where their money has gone wink

Posted on: 04 August 2002 by matthewr

Making internal modificatinos to goats is sick and wrong and best left to the properly qualified. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Mike Sae
It's quite possible, especially when the experimenter has totally botched his Mana support under the CD player.

Jesus, even after buying the stuff and actually using it, people are still open to Mana Attacks.
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Mike Sae
Hey wow, I think I'm starting to get it.

Andrew Genki? I love it. I want to be Mike Neuance.


Mike N
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Steve Toy
It's about wanting to pound the sh*t out of a little sissy boy like Mr. Toy who comes to your house for a nice dinner and a listen, but then goes on to post 15 chapters of ungrateful drivel on the fora describing precisely what he didn't like about your hi-fi.


I actually liked the sounds of the guys' systems I heard before and after dinner, and I said as much both before, during, after and very much after dinner.

I went home expecting my own humble system to sound like a bag of shite, really I did.

Unfortunately for me, it didn't, and the rest is history.

I then made a personal choice for the future of my own system without actually dissing the performance of my hosts' systems.

At residence #1 we actually spent much of the time listening to cobbled bits of both my system and that of my host's.

We even compared our respective racks, and agreed at that time to agree to disagree on how music should sound.

At residence #2, I was blown away by the vinyl reproduction even to this day.

At residence #3, I was impressed also, and even posted to that effect from my host's pc with him stood next to me.

Then I got home and couldn't face listening to my own system lest it sound so awful. I finally plucked up the courage and decided that it did a few things of its own that I liked very much.

The only system I stooped so low as to damn it with faint praise was that of Stallion. I told him what I thought at the time, and he gave his express consent for me to publish my findings here on the condition that I did so constructively.

I must add that during a more recent visit to his place prior to our visiting JW together with our respective partners, I was able to conclude that the Stallion system was sounding much better than on my previous visit.

To my tastes, JW's system was even better than Stallion's, although my g/f expressed a preference for Stallion's brand of music reproduction over JW's.
Despite this disagreement, my g/f and I are still together. wink

Stallion and I even joked later about how rude I must have been not to have given his system a truly glowing report when I heard it the first time, especially as the dinner he had served me was so sooo divine... smile Ditto the wine. roll eyes

(Dinner at the other places I visited was also excellent, as it was also at TC's gaff when I visited him in Feb of this year. As for TC's alleged lack of hospitality that Vuk obviously cites, it is difficult to get a meal right and in a fit state to eat when your guest turns up several hours late without so much of an advanced warning of his tardiness of arrival.

As an aside, I managed to do my place in the Midlands to Edinburgh in four hours and ten minutes without detours and distractions..., and I took the well-dodgy road through Biggar instead of using the fastest route of the M74 to the south of Glasgow and M8 into Edinburgh.)

Stallion admires such candour and honesty, Vuk obviously doesn't.



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on MONDAY 05 August 2002 at 06:11.]

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on MONDAY 05 August 2002 at 06:21.]
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Steve Toy
You are obviously a nice guy in real life. I fail to gauge your humour on many an occasion on these fora. I'm obviously either very stupid, or you could make more use of those smilies you hate to convey your lack of seriousness in these matters.



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Steve Toy
I must now side firmly with Mick Parry about an extended stay in Germany. You'll definitely feel far more at home there than in your homeland. Apologies to Thomas K. (for a multitude of reasons).

I prefer France as I speak the lingo, and I have always got on quite well there.

Our trip to Germany will take a long meander through France as the cheapest ferry option kindly forces us to do this. smile



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 04 August 2002 by Steve Toy
I'm obviously either very stupid, or you could make more use of those smilies you hate--Steven Toy

Yes indeed, one of your two guesses is completely on the mark!

Unless you pride yourself in having the reputation of that bitch-lecturer you recently mentioned, I think I may be right in all three.



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 05 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
Under normal circumstances, I'd place the Planar 3, with good MC cartridge, neck-and-neck with the CDX.

Vuk appearing to recommend a total mullet! Smokin!

Posted on: 05 August 2002 by garyi
Trouble is I hear they have the net in both France and Germany.
Posted on: 05 August 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
P.S. How can you humiliate the clan this way on the day we made public your promotion to Serie A?

I hadn't realised the elevation of my status, so in an attempt to redeem myself and promote the behaviour becoming of such dizzy heights, I would like to support the notion that any unauthorized goat modification should be deeply frowned upon, and reported at every incidence, irrespective of the addictive, guilty pleasures it may bring the participant.

Andy razz