Posted by: Bas V on 07 August 2001

Hi everybody!

Today I have finally heard the CD5. It was hooked to a Job amplifier (anybody knows this one?) and some Sonus Faber Signums. It sounded really impressive on jazz and classical. Then I listened to my favourite band, Tool, and it just collapsed. The dealer said it was the amplifier, I think it was the SF's. It was just too much for these little beauties...

Anyway, next Saturday I will listen to the Epos ES22 speakers. The dealer I know very well and I have promised him for a long time I would see him again. He even asked me if I wanted him to come by with the speakers (a 100km drive)! Service or not? He has started his own business a year ago and I'm happy to hear he's talking with Naim again to become an official dealer (he sold me my first Naim at the shop he worked before).

Some conclusions of my listening session:

- The cd5 is great. When comparing to a Linn (Genki I believe), you just have to laugh. I cannot believe people find it hard to choose between the two!

- Little Sonus Fabers are really great if you like jazz and/or classical. I mean really great!

- SolidSteel will probably be my new rack. Serious stuff: looks good, sounds great, good price (UKP350 - 700). A 5-tier in silver will cost me about UKP400!

- Naim still rules...

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
It's very likely the amp causing the troubles. Even a small speaker can sound very impressive with proper amplification. However, the best speaker in the world won't sing if it's underpowered.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Bas V
Mike & Mathijs:

Considering the amp, it sounded really good! It's a new system, see Okay, I think they shouldn't market it like this, but it sounded really good. A friend of mine has compared it to a Nait5 (it's as expensive) and it was just a little better. So he bought the Job and some Signums.
Now I know the SF's will benefit from better amplification, but a Nap500 would be really overkill. Can anybody please convince me that a small speaker can play a metal band in full flight... I just won't believe it!


Yep, it was CAC. Nice shop, nice people. How can they afford such a building? They must be selling a lot of that Mark Levinson stuff... The other shop I'm talking about is Audio-Excellence in Zevenbergen. The owner, Rob Fransen, worked at Snijders in Rotterdam.

Considering the SolidSteel, it will be the 5.5 for me, as I need a 5-tier. I just don't have enough space to place two racks. CAC says it's very good and will suffice.

General remark:

- The new 5 series look pretty good. Hmmm, I didn't like it at first. Am I getting adapted? Does that make me an adaptor? Damn, I don't like these people!

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 07 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
You say that it "collapsed". Do you mean that the sense of control failed, or that it sounded too small? A small speaker will have problems creating a sense of big scale, but a good amplifier should be able to keep it under control.

If the sound was tight and well-defined, but sounded small and didn't have much "slam", then you will probably need bigger speakers.

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with those speakers or amp, so I'm talking in gross generalizations. If you could clarify what you mean by "collapsed", I might be able to give you further input.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 08 August 2001 by Bas V
Hi Mike,

By collapsed, I mean it sounded small, undynamic and cowardess! It was nothing like my Intro's, which really rock with this kind of music. The salesman told me that they sell the SF's with 80% of the Naim-sets they sell, the Intro/Credo only 20%. Really strange. I like the SF's a lot, they sounded beautiful. But I like some scale and with music like Tool I want to be scared by the dynamics. So, it's my opninion if this is possible with a small speaker or not. The salesman told me that the SF Guarneri Homage (also a small 2-way) is often sold to organ-lovers... How can this be?


They used the original SF stands, which everybody recommends with SF. They are pretty solid with wood and iron.

Regarding the ES22, I will only listen for a general view of the speaker. I don't think it would be a wise move to buy this first, as I need a decent rack first. Unless they really devestate me and trash the Intro's, they have a chance. It's just great, everytime I hear something else, I still prefer the Intro's. But, I haven't heard more expensive Naim speakers...

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 08 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
It sounds like the amp is the problem. The speaker wants too much juice to handle those big transients with enough snap. Of course, the speaker's insensitivity could also be blamed. wink

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 08 August 2001 by Bas V
Listen Mike, hoe can those tiny speakers produce the sound I want? They have only 8 litres, that couldn't be enough to deliver a full drum kit, not even with a Nap500?! Please explain if this is possible...

Regards, bas

Posted on: 08 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
The kinds of problems that you describe (small, undynamic and cowardess) indicate that the amplifier cannot drive the speaker properly. I had lots of small speakers (my Royd Merlins, for example), that sound big, dynamic and courageous. Just to test it, last night I played Tool's Lateralus through my office system (see my profile), and it sounded great.

However, small speakers will never fill the room like a big speakers can. If you want to really energize the room, you'll need a big amp and big speakers.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 09 August 2001 by Michel
Hi Bas I've had the same problem with the SF's.
In my first set I've had 3.5/flat - 92/flat - 90 with SF concertino's. I like to play my music also loud, but the concertino's couldnt handle that. Then I jumped over to the credo's. I played for about a year with those, they can play really loud!!! But I cant forget the SF with sounded much more natural, less cold. Now with my new "set", ( CDX - 102/Hi - 180 - cardas cables) indeed the Signums couldnt play very loud either!!! So finally I ended up with the Amator Electa 2. I dont now If you heard these, but if you like to play your music very loud, and you like deep tight bass, I bett these are your honeys!!!

And yes, I also bought my Naim stuff at CAC.
The building you went to they live there already for 23 years, the bought it for not so much money.
So with a extra "hypotheek" and a lot of money they get because its a monument the have now one of the biggest and nicest Hi-end shops in the Netherlands.

Posted on: 09 August 2001 by Bas V
Hi Michel,

Everybody at CAC gets the same system, pretty good salesmen there! I believe you when you say the Electa's are a different story. I have only seen them, but that was enough. Wooh, I think they're pretty ugly. Nonetheless, I'll give them a try once I have moved!

I have had the same system before as you had. I then played with Monitor Audio Studio 2's and I never felt the 90/3 lacked grip. With the Intro's I didn't really experience that much a difference when changing the 90/3 to 180. I think these are all just easier speakers than SF's.

Do you also have a SolidSteel rack? I'll order one very soon at CAC. This way they can keep this monumental building for a while, haha.

Well, enjoy your system!

Greetz, Bas