The All New Fritz Thread 09.02.06.

Posted by: Berlin Fritz on 08 February 2006

As from 'Now' I've decided to play on this thread only; will post no more links or pictures of any kind, and will personally not refer to any other members of this forum directly, innit*


Fritz Von Cleaning out the belly button fluff:
Posted on: 11 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
I read an excellent description of a Stafffordshire bull terrier on here earlier.


I didn't know that publically known racists posted on here, or were even allowed to in fact, what one learns in the course, eh?**

Kent International Airport, How Silly*
Posted on: 11 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Whales are far more intelligent than dogs!

The talented Mr Fritz*
Posted on: 11 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Just finished watching 'Don't say a word' with Mickey Douglas, bloody good filum, innit*


As a lad I had a tadpole, and although I never knew its sex, I really do miss it, in fact I'm gonna check some old pics out later and have a little scan, then I can put its picture on the wall near my bed, unfortunately I never took any photos of my friend the ant, who I called Freddy, because he was always dreaming*
Posted on: 11 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
I was shocked & stunned to read seriously explicit language on the old Pink Salmon Show earlier, coming from one of this place's esteemed members no less, though I heard that after New Year, said member wasn't going to be on there anymore, innit **

What can one believe these days eh?
Posted on: 11 February 2006 by Happy Chick
I must say .. I often enjoy reading your threads. I must admit I don't always understand wot you are raving on about sometimes.

Posted on: 11 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Originally posted by Fredrik_Fiske:
Funny sense of humour, though... Fredrik

Not saying which sort of funny for all that...

A Norwegian Would
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Earwicker
Originally posted by Happy Chick:
I must say .. I often enjoy reading your threads.

You READ Fritz's rambling twaddle? Was there nothing on telly? The man needs help.

Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Originally posted by Earwicker:
Originally posted by Happy Chick:
I must say .. I often enjoy reading your threads.

You READ Fritz's rambling twaddle? Was there nothing on telly? The man needs help.


All cheques gratefully recieved!
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
I didn't know that a Scorpion was a tank, the things one learns on here really, and there's mre thinking that a Scorpion isn't a tank, luccky we've gopt some real pro's on here to put us right innit*


Fritz off in his hunter helicopter, to visit the westland fighter factory inb Swindon*

P.S. How do you get round the British ban on exporting MIlitary choppers to certain countries? Send em all in bits to the Channel Islands, as toasters, innit*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Husband beating within the British Services, both physical & psychological has been going on un-checked for far too long, the laughing, stigma aspect, etc, and is much more prevelent than in Civvy Street, innit*

Fritz von Nagging to get a Scorpian Tank turret back on me 432 cos it's much safer inside, innit*

Graham's Port is rather tasty I find:

I wonder if this post will be published today? If not it'll probably be published as group tomorrow, wunnit: Did you know John Peel died?
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
I'm pretty shocked & stunned at the unbelievably unpatriotic way the 'news ov der screws' is treating out boys in Iraq, with obviously tampered with tape, and pictures, bloody treason in my mind, Christ! they risk their lives to help bring the country back on its feet, and put Saddam (to his friends) in court (with 2 Judges, not just one), and now this innit, just not bleedin cricket, some thanks, eh!*

Bloody Media eh, it's enough to make people lose their faith in the Police as well I reckon! they should be banned, ban all papers, ban the radio & tv, except Big Bruvver & Corry Straße, then there'll be no probs for when our Gordon supposedly takes over the sinking ship, though Our Jack will actually be doing the job, as is well known, and what with nobody giving a monkeys toss about voting anyway (especially when its raining, and there's emmerdale on t'telly) (Don't get me started about postal voting, and muiltiple households, Students, should be banned too) Ban em all:**


Fritz von Ban the peace-nicks, bloody lesbians, all ov em* obvious innit:

N.B. Berlin teenagers (16), as from this september will be able to legally vote in local elections, various partys have reacted variously! Ban em I say, & PFI €urope to the hilt, so it too can enjoy the personal and national debt that Britain so thrives upon at the moment (but who to blame? I know let's invade Iran or Syria with out chums the Poles) What's a University then?* * Oldest on earth is in, er, Teheran I believe, and did you know that all the Brit etc, workers in the middle east, as well as mnay Arabs, get absolutely wrecked on booze etc, in Bahrain every weekend, ssshhh or God might hear, and one wonders what the 2 million plus 'Non jewsish' Israelis think about the regular 'officially sanctioned' Arab papers showing Jews as Nazis, etc, etc, etc, you'd think they'd burn a flag or something wouldn't you, like the Norwegians do*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
I was thinking (Wot!) that if in a Democracy, one sends young conscripted men to war, when they cannot even vote there's something drastically & fundamentally wrong with that system, innit. I'm sure any caring Yank on here will put me right, but 'Nam' comes to mind here. Wether people are interested in politics etc, is totally irrellevant, and I personally feel this is purely evil in essence, especially when we see the priveleged top WASPS (current & ex Presidents included) evading their duty through some chicanery bullshit.

The great Northern run is a brilliant thing! I recall last years fiasco at some folk trying to blame the NHS for not preventing three men dying of heart attacks during it (a few die every year it seems?), so surely they are resposible for themselves, or is auntie nanny state to blame when it suits one?

This proposed 'all New' British anti-incitement law (which Blair will spectacularly lose next week) seems another total waste of time and your money, dunnit? just to remind anybody who's the slightest bit interested, that old Gobshite two hooks who recently got 7 years in UK (will he be sent to US, if he may be executed?) was sentenced on a Law that's well over, er, a hundred years old. I personally think it was a big mistake to see him so sentenced, as my instincts (which are usually right) tell me he will soon go to appeal, as have it quashed (If he's not done in the nick first that is). However dissagreable this man may be, the flimsiest of evidence was put against him, as well as the FACT that he's been openly 'ranting' Quite publically & Legally for years in London (with Police presence & a larf besides, (also an important PR scenario), so I expect 'Hyde Parks Speakers Corner' will soon be banned too, think about it, cos once these 'freedoms go' they do not lightly return, if ever at all at all:



And we don't want any singing of the 'boys from the old Brigade' (IRA Song) in boozers either (except in the big apple that is) Aaah, innit, nice***
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Thinking again earlier (twice in one day, a record) how good virtual internet forums really are, especially in the realms of 'friendship'.I recall one ex-supposed Buddy on here, who got all chummy, though in reality wanted to control, boss me about, and take advantage of my good nature, in a very sly way I felt, fortunately somebody pointed out to me the dangers of such insincere folk before it was too late, fronm those who publically proffess how jolly nice they are, etc, rather odd behaviour in the real world, especially for a so-called introvert, innit. Yes, that's why virtual Chums are so much lees dangerous than the real world. There, I'd have to make sure I didn't get a kicking down some dark side alley, just when I thought we were Chums*

Fritz Von You just cannie be too careful these days, innit* 'It's a God awfull small affair for the girl with the mousy hair***'
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Having just read the last post on the old 'dessicated spurs fred', I must say I was shocked & stunned. Adam old Boy! I really think you should give this Chap a real talking to asap, he's talking absolute sense and logic here, you can't allow that on here, shoreleave John?

Fritrz Von Bloody frightening if you ask me*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
N.B. Mind you! It's a bloody miracle anybody can afford Lecktric in UK these days, never mind yer Naim kit, innit*

You know me*

F. Annoying you all as always*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Having had some nice contact & experiences in the past with the strongest and most switched-on, and least snobbishly-superior, of the old Scandinavian club, namely the Finns, it's no surprise at all to me at least, and going by their history with neighbouring Russia, that they've opted for clean efficient Nuclear power, ensuring self-sufficiency, instead of the risky business of trusting power from an outside source to be always reliable, innit*

Fritz Von Reminds me of how UK used to be once as well, but now alas when things go wrong with the supply, they can blame somebody else, namely the French & Germans, can't they, as we all know they will*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
It's becoming more & more obviously noticeable (well to me at least anyway), that those Honourable members on here who use two or more different names to post and attempt to be funny & interesting, are losing their touch! The styles and content are so similar they might as well just call themselves Berlin Fritz II, and enjoy speaking to themselves between threads, and that really is sad, innit*


Fritz von being himself as per always, and a big thanks to the kind fan mailers earlier, especially the psychiatrist in waiting****
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Just finished wrapping a copy of my most favouritest book to send to my Old Girl ammorra. Amazingly enough it, (The Iron Heel, By Jack London) will soon Celebrate a Century of existance, quite a brilliant an inspired Masterpiece peice of work in my view, but Hey! What do I know?*

Fritz Von My new Bosses are in Tulsa at present, I don't know what time it is there though? and don't care much either to be honest*


£55 Grand for a bottle of old plonk, a snippet, innit* Let's hope the MOD drag the NOW through the Courts, innit*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Grate to see 5 threads from one Chap alone on the old front page, now that's what I call enthusiam Sir*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Did Sharon ring Tim?*
Posted on: 12 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
I wonder just how much actual mileage an individual can get, after constantly telling the world she's gonna give a donation to charity if she loses a bet, then during the time period, constantly reminding everybody of said 'Bet', then telling the world many times constantly that the bet will soon be honoured, and what a good Chap she is?

Fritz Von Bit like Screwing the Taxman through Masonic business-privelege etc, really innit, then telling the whole world constantly that you regularly give to charity (with dish that wasn't yours in the first place) great!!!**

Apparently the Mets 'firearms unit' are going to 'Independently' investigate scabdalous NOW Squaddie abuse allegations (only the Civvies though)* sounds fair enough to me!
Posted on: 13 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
I wonder if the electric cowboy had seperate spurs?*
Posted on: 13 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Having long ago accepted the naked truth; that the majority of chaps posting on here know everything about everything, all of the time, I was just totally refreshed in seeing an interview with the flamboyant Sir Digger Jones (Boss the the CBI) on the old auntie. Here's a Geezer who talked serious common sense & logic, and I was most impressed I must say with his general overview of British Industry (PFI naturally wasn't mentioned though, unfortunately).

Fritz Von I was so relieved that one of those Iraqi kids didn't bring out a knife or something, and injure one of our brave chaps, (Special Branch style) anyone'd think it was their bloody country, the way they carry on, innit! Blair trying to change tack before his return, pathetically with shabby cheap Alisdaire tricks (engine failure, my arse), you couldn't make it up. I think we all know the game 'about not technically lying', it's first year law school trickery.

Diggers reckons Spanish & Chinese will be the big languages to learn for business this Century,one assumes he means for Brits (don't know if he speaks Norwegian or not though ?). Talking of Wolwos, there's rumout that one hit 85 MPH on a motorway once, but down hill, with a strong breeze behind it, and in the slipstream of a Wobinsons jam lorry (almost an oxymoron, innit)*

I wonder if Our Adam would allow Diggers on here as guest poster, or perhaps he talks too much sense? like that spurious chap yesterday!***
Posted on: 13 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Senior Moment

An elderly couple was attending church service, about halfway through she leans over and says, "I just had a silent fart what do you think I should do?" He replies "Put a new battery in your hearing aid."

Having just read the original redwine thread, I can only but agree with the last post! One certainly does see a hell of a lot of screwtop bottles these days here in Germany; though even more popular with most of the wino's and dole scroungers here are the 1 liter tetrapacks, where one doesn't even need a corkscrew. A friend of the Chief's has mastered ripping one open with her teeth, and downing it nearly in one. Yer average pinta plonk'll cost yer from a staggering €0,87 right up to €0,99 though the coke's very dear. Screwtops are fine, but one does tend to shred ones fingers somewhat in the cold, and of late I did see one particularly fine 2,5 liter bottle going for a pretty hefty €2,35 in Aldi, though most people only go for the good stuff like that at Christmas time, innit*

Fritz von Thunderbird Wine is fine***

I wonder why the MOD are only now hurrying their Murray mints to find scapegoats, cos tnat tape's 2 years old, remember the photos being developed in a norf English shop afore too? How I larfed, talk about daft first class plonkers shoppin emselves², innit*
Posted on: 13 February 2006 by Berlin Fritz
Just as a little pointer to contrast the extreme bullshit the British Govt are trying to sell at present; re-new-ID card technology. As I'd mentioned many months ago the New German Passport is now in full operation (required for US visits, etc) and is doing fine at a cool €57 for a 10 years Jobby. With Germany also having a larger population than UK (81 Million) one would expect to experience far more beaurocratic probs too, innit. Shocked & Stunned evening news viewers, have just been informed that the newstyle ID card, soon coming into play, will be nearly 50% more expensive than the old one. Yes! No more €8,00 for five years, it's now gonna be a staggering €14,00 because of all the new info and stuff on board, let's just hope England's not gonna be any where near as expensive, eh?


Fritz Suffering in Europe, without a stiff upper lip (cut)***