I have the chance to purchase a s/h standard unit. This particular one is cut for an Aro with the standard Phonosophie power supply. The owner got the chance to switch to a s/h LP12 with an Armeggedon and has put the Aro it did have on the LP12. He describes it as being more dynamic than the LP12 without the bass bloat.
Am seriously considering purchasing the unit to use as a secondary souce to my CD player (CDS on the way). Have always fancied getting a decent s/h t/t and building up my record collection.
Question is does anyone know much about these decks and how they compare to other t/t's LP12 etc. I would wish to put a cheaper arm on it for the moment (I am thinking s/h here). Does anyone know if it works well with other arms? until I saved some dosh for a s/h Aro and maybe eventually the Naim power supply.
Any information would be much appreciated.
Posted on: 27 January 2002 by ken c
i heard the phonosophie a long time ago at son et lumiere in tot court rd, london. (unfortunately, son et no longer exists). at that time, it definitely sounded better than the his lp12 to my ears. i seriously thought about buying it as it seemed to be very well matched with the aro and geddon p/s -- what out me off is that it didnt seem to be as as well supported as linn, and therefore not much experience with its optimal setup (although i gather this is much simpler than for a linn).
if you find a dealer who stocks and has experience of this t/t -- it may be a very good buy, depending on price of course...(doh!)
Posted on: 27 January 2002 by MarkEJ
Thomas Heinitz do them in the UK. One of the staff seems to specialise (Allistair?). You can also get a surprising amount of info from
www.phonosophie.de (in German) and running the text through
Babel Fish -- which is also quite entertaining.
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)