Nac72/32.5 phono boards

Posted by: monkfish on 13 May 2002

Can anyone tell me if phono boards from a NAC 32.5 which is my present pre-amp will be compatible with a NAC 72. The reason I ask is I may be able to buy a NAC 72 which is fitted with M/M phono boards and I have a M/C cartridge. Also any advice on how different the sound will be and in fact if the change will be worthwhile would be much appreciated as I may not be able to audition the 72. My present set-up is CD5/LP12/GRACE/SUPEX/NAC 32.5/NAXO/3X250/ISOBARIKS there is a flatcap 2 powering the 32.5 and the CD5 and an older NAPS powering the Naxo. I also have a SNAXO 3-6 which I bought thinking it would be a surefire upgrade but I prefer the sound of the older NAXO (which I thought was very strange), comments on this also invited.
Posted on: 13 May 2002 by Rico
Yes. They share the 3xx series phono boards with 42, 42.5, and 62 preamplifiers.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 14 May 2002 by Manu
Snaxo: It is probably not tuned for Isobarik.

IMHO: there is no big differences between 32.5 and 72, the 72 is better, yes (more details, more timming) but don't spend a lot for the "upgrade".

It would be better spent money to upgrade your PSUs:
Flatcap2 for CD5 only;
Hicap for 32.5;
The NAXO/SNAXO needs at least a Hicap, otherwise you loose what the sources/preamp gives.

Posted on: 14 May 2002 by monkfish
First of all, thank you for your input. The SNAXO is definately tuned for Isobariks, and I have also tried tuning it myself via the internal trim pots (under the guidance of Robert Richie who also very kindly loaned me a Hi-cap and I have tried the set up as described by yourself HI-32.5 FC2-CD5). The NAXO cannot be powered by either the FC2 or Hi-cap as it is single rail which is why I'm using the NAPS. I have a buyer for my 32.5 and the proposed upgrade to NAC 72 would cost me approx £100.

Thanks Again
Posted on: 14 May 2002 by monkfish
Also thanks to Rico for the information regarding the phono boards.