The soundrel demasked!
Posted by: Top Cat on 04 November 2001
Due to peer pressure, public requests and for reasons of consistency, I am reverting back to my alias of Top Cat. Just thought I'd better warn you all first
TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
To those who don't know, Top Cat is the real name behind the handle John Clarke.
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.
I knew all along that this is just modern day CB. Ya all know...somewhere for you to hide!
Mr Clarke posts on other forums as Top Cat, so for reasons of consistency, it seemed a good idea to do the same here.
I was one of those who suggested it to him.
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.
Call yourself by your proper name, non de plumes are plain bloody stupid.
Also another foolish trait which should discontinue immediately is this curruption of Vuks name, son of vuk etc.
Vuk was very anti non de plume so why do it.
Also using names such as Blzevuk is only going to irratate the moderators which serves Vuk no good at all. You are making his return more difficult than need be.
Of course, if you don't like it people then tough! I don't want to go the way of Vuk but if that's the administrators fancy then so be it...
TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."