My Embarrassing Moment
Posted by: Lomo on 23 March 2005
There have been many but this is a true account of one that occurred in my teen-age years.
In those days sewered toilets were unheard of and the back yard dunnys were the places of convenience. They consisted of a wooden closet containing a drum which was emptied weekly, except during strikes, a supply of news paper cut to manageable size and if lucky no snakes or redback spiders.
anyway on this day I was sitting , minding my own business little realising the pending disaster. One hundred metres away a workgang was pushing through a new road. In their way was a substantial tree and to save time they decided to place an explosive charge and blow it to smithereens. I am reliably informed that this was a complete success as pieces of tree flew in all directions. One piece managed to travel the distance to my dunny and landed right on top, effectively demolishing it and leaving me with little available cover.
Needless to say the neighbours nearly fell over themselves with joy when they found I was still alive.
Well they fell over themselves anyway.
We did get a new dunny but it never quite captured the atmosphere of the old.
In those days sewered toilets were unheard of and the back yard dunnys were the places of convenience. They consisted of a wooden closet containing a drum which was emptied weekly, except during strikes, a supply of news paper cut to manageable size and if lucky no snakes or redback spiders.
anyway on this day I was sitting , minding my own business little realising the pending disaster. One hundred metres away a workgang was pushing through a new road. In their way was a substantial tree and to save time they decided to place an explosive charge and blow it to smithereens. I am reliably informed that this was a complete success as pieces of tree flew in all directions. One piece managed to travel the distance to my dunny and landed right on top, effectively demolishing it and leaving me with little available cover.
Needless to say the neighbours nearly fell over themselves with joy when they found I was still alive.
Well they fell over themselves anyway.
We did get a new dunny but it never quite captured the atmosphere of the old.