Hadcock tonearms

Posted by: Brucie on 28 August 2002

Anyone used/heard a Hadcock tonearm? They are also unipivot (like the ARO) and have recently (or about to) bring out a new version of an older model.

I'm told they are very good and considerably cheaper than an ARO.

Posted on: 28 August 2002 by Ron Toolsie
I used the Hadcock GH228 arm (later rewired to 'E' specification with Litz wire)for several years. It performed remarkably well given its price (50 quid at the time in 1978)on both low weight very compliant MM cartridges (the Sonus Blue Label) and low compliance MC cartridges. Compared to the then standard SME 2 arm it was far less coloured and tonally balanced. It was also suprisingly extended in the LF considering its somewhat vestigial appearance. Given the fact it is a unipivot I would be far less concerned about potential bearing wear if you are buying second hand (?arm).
As good as it was, the Syrinx PU2 (at 4 times the price) was considerably better.

Dum spiro audio
Dum audio vivo

Posted on: 28 August 2002 by Tony L
Bits dropped off, it was a veritable pain in the butt to set up , you were never quite sure if you had the damping perfectly optimised and to crown all sounded worse than an ittok when you'd done all this. Please don't go there.

That would be a GH228 then! I would assume that the new one is a different arm – I doubt there would be a market for such a low mass arm today as high compliance MMs are not really the thing to be seen with in public anymore.

The uni-pivot that I’m itching to hear is the Kuzma Stogi-S ( www.kuzma.net ). It can’t be that expensive as its part of a 1200-1400 quid deck, and it looks like it just might work…

Posted on: 29 August 2002 by king
The GH228 is nice looking, sound decent for the price if you really like a unipivot, but it's no where near the ARO (if you use LP12).

A lot depends on what TT you are using - I have not heard anyone use ARO outside LP12.

To Paul -
I don't think OL arms works on LP12.
In fact, I think OL and Rega arms don't work on suspended decks.

Posted on: 31 August 2002 by ebirah
I concur with Ron.

The Hadcock was fine for the price and was a hi-fi meddlers delight: lots to adjust and play with. I replaced mine with a Syrinx PU2 which, as Ron says, was a lot better and probably not much more expensive if you could find one now. The syrinx also has the honour of being equally unstable despite not being a unipivot - the bearings were in different planes...great after a few pints. I replaced it with an Ittok (after thrashing a Decca London when drunk), which I think was better still (in most ways if not all). I now use an ARO, which is better than the lot of them (at a price so nuff said).

I've always been interested in the apocryphal comments re Regas not working on Linn LP12s. In a fit of downgrading (periodically affects me) I replaced the Ittok/Asak with a RB300/K9 - it worked absolutely fine. My Linn didnt stop doing all the Linny things it used to do (play tunes etc). Heard a mates LP12/RB300 last night - sounded fine...
