Why does NANA hate MANA?
Posted by: Alex S. on 12 August 2001
UK: "Mana, its the best thing you can do to your Hi-Fi";
immediately followed by:
USA: "No its not. Its the worst thing you could possibly do;"
followed by:
UK (Parry): "It sounds quite good but its ugly as sin;"
followed by:
USA (Bell): "Its rubbish, rubbish rubbish" - followed by signiature telling us exactly how long he's been Mana-less;
followed by:
UK (Pig): "You're system probably lacks sparkle because you added a Hi-Cap - bin it and buy some/more Mana."
Can someone tell me what this forum thread virus is contributing to the debate, and what are the political forces at work here?
Did the Mana people urinate on all your jackets, and bite the heads off all your pets Stateside - or what?
May I thank the more sensible Mana-philes, Jonathan Ribee, pd Cornelius and others who do occasionally try to add something constructive. And then of course, there's Vuk.
But isn't it all a bit tiresome.
[This message was edited by Alex S on SUNDAY 12 August 2001 at 10:23.]