Audio Counsel and MusicWorks blocks
Posted by: steved on 02 November 2001
The outlet at Cheadle now trades under the name "The AudioWorks", and, from what I can gather, the MusicWorks mains blocks are made here.
The outlet at Oldham is still called Audio Counsel. It seems that they are now making an alternative mains block, the price of which appears to be cheaper than the MusicWorks one.
The MusicWorks block seems to have an excellent reputation, both within this forum and elsewhere.
Does anyone know anything about the new Oldham product?
I have just bought a CDX/112/150, and am wrestling with the various options concerning mains supply.
I'd forgotten how good it used to be.
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
I personally prefer M******'s system to J****'s despite J****'s costing about three times the price. M****** has IMHO the best sounding system of the London contingent. This is not to say that J****'s sucks, it most certainly does not, in fact it is bloody good. As for Tim's, I personally preferred it when cost much less and was set up by L**** on Q********** instead of H***** which I frankly find F***s up the groove and flow completely, even in J***'s system (which is worth more than a small northern town), though I haven't heard it for ages, and he apparently moved all his PSU's round and improved it massively. The position of Tim's sofa is bizarrely more important sonically than his hi-fi, this is a point noted by myself, J****, and J***, and is significant enough to throw some doubt on the flu riddled rantings of all concerned.
I don't insult people on this forum.
Steven Toy has a sense of humour (and I don't think he is normal )
Vuk's son,
The manner in which I wrote my last post regarding Jon Letwate was exactly the same as the way he had been writing to Stallion.
Jon Letwate,
And another thing.......
Dreadful music though.
Also J**** rather missed the point with my use of the word "lovely". Generally my friends seem to have more problems and variability with their hi-fi than me. This is despite (because?) they know much more about it than me and that I take a rather simplistic approach to the whole thing (buy it, let dealer sort it out, enjoy it). Hence when asked about my hi-fi I often say its "lovely" to make the point that my naive approach is arguably more successful and certainly less hassle than actually acquiring thier expertise. I most definitely don't mean "lovely" in the literal sense that J**** was implying.
FWIW My view of the MW leads is that they are musically much less significant than the MW block and that primarily they just seem to clean things up a bit. On balance I choose to have them in my system but if you took them away I doubt I would be overly bothered.
In fairness it should be noted that I have no direct experience of Hydra Vs MW so the Hydra may actually be better. Also as well as J**** and Tim's experience I have heard several other independent sources claim that MW leads "soften things" to a greater or lesser extent. I don't get this but as plenty of other's do it seems likely there is something in it.
PS V** is a big **** *** ****** ** ***
I am grateful for all the replies so far.
However, it is interesting that only 2 people have actually answered my question - ie how does the "new" Audiocounsel block compare with the long established Musicworks product.
As a newcomer to the Forum, it has been fascinating to see how passionate some of the regular contributors are about their views, and how much time they must spend on the net. I wonder when they find time to actually listen to any music!!
At one time I would have been astonished to hear that someone was willing to spend £20, never mind over £200, on a mains block. Now here I am contemplating exactly that, and I'm still no nearer to making the right decision!
The road to hifi heaven is obviously going to be a long and expensive one; and then, just when I think I've arrived, some well-meaning forum members will tell me otherwise....
In the meantime, I AM enjoying rediscovering my CD collection - after all, that's what the equipment's for isn't it??
Steve D
Would anyone living in the Audiocounsel area care to do such a demo to put us all out of your (our) misery?
Also, it is possible to post on this forum and listen to music at the same time, and periodically, the music serves as a very pleasant distraction when the fur begins to fly around here
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.
****** **** ** *** *****. ***** **** ** ***
My god, lawyer speak...
What a sheltered life you've led Tony – before I cut it down, the lawyer speak version was longer than J****'s essay.
You and Matthew have misunderstood why I resurrected the report – I was disturbed by the tone of the thread which expressly or implicitly asserted that the MW block improved the sound of all Naim systems and that this was not up for debate. I thought that the fervour for the blocks and leads was getting excessively evangelical - rather old style Mana-esque even. I also felt that it was doing no favours for Audio Counsel.
I wished only to show that there is room for debate, that preferring something other than MW is a legitimate choice and to set out some thoughts on why someone might reach that conclusion. I couldn't be arsed to rewrite something so cogently described by Jawed. I was also bored by the concentration on what the thing is made of – what it sounds like is the only important thing.
Let's be clear – I like Matthew's system and I bet I'd like the latest incarnation of yours. There is also much to be said for the Audio Counsel's holistic approach: good stands and main distribution, proper cable dressing and a pragmatic attempt to distance the kit from ferrous materials. Get that right (easier said than done), and your system bloody well should sound good.
Oh you should both now have another listen to the various Hutter based systems – mine for one has certainly improved since I (with Jawed and Rico helpfully looking on) put it on spikes as it was supposed to be.
"The position of Tim's sofa is bizarrely more important sonically than his hi-fi, this is a point noted by myself, J****, and J*** "
True – my Sony shortwave portable sounds better on my sofa (entirely non-ferrous ) than a NAT01 on a Fraim. Don't expect me to release details till I've completed the patent application.
"flu riddled rantings"
Fair comment but at least for once I can say we were sober throughout the test.
Fair enough -- but once it was posted I felt I should clarify the mistaken impression it might give fom J****'s references to the word "lovely".
I would agree with your sentiments regarding this thread.
The professional backgrond of a forum member may be relevant on occasions.
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.
Remember the large-case Naim power block delivered with review gear (early DBL or late SBL review?) years ago in one of the British hi-fi mags?
(Dear Naim.... look at the hit count for this thread)
Quite simple, really–and it's UL-listed. Should be easy to manufacture, if you put the time into it.
Dave Dever, NANA