me flash is on the blink...

Posted by: ken c on 31 July 2002

my flash remote decided to play up yesterday. normally when you pick it up, it goes on automatically. yesterday it didnt.

obvious. i havent changed the battteries since i got the unit about this time last year. changed baters to a fresh set carefully checking polarity. no dice.

hmmm... so the batteries may not have been dead after all. measured the +/- pd for each - around 1.45V, except one strangley measuring -3.5V(??)

i have emailed my dealer about this, but in the meantime -- any clue anyone???

grateful for any suggestions ....


Posted on: 31 July 2002 by herm
Hi Ken,

what's up with you?

You used to be a regular in all three corners of the forum, and - unless I'm going blind - one hardly sees you around these days?

Are you terribly busy (enjoying the music), or just not that interested?

Posted on: 31 July 2002 by Steve Toy
My Densen GIZMO is giving me grief too. frown



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 31 July 2002 by dk276
My Flash also decided to play up and mysteriously reawaken recently.

I went through the normal routine of changing the batteries (on 2 occasions mind you) and it was still kaput.

I live in Hong Kong but bought the CDS from Sydney so had to wait until my next trip back to Sydney.

One final check before the return flight the remote was still kaput. After handing it to Harry at Audio Genesis and a quick once over it started to work !

That Murphy was a genius !
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by ken c
hi herm!!!

i still lurk every now and then. music is great. and my system still sounds good, very good. but y're right have been a bit busy -- will start being more active soon i hope. many thanks for asking.


Posted on: 01 August 2002 by ken c
many thanks guys on your advice on flash -- i dont even know where the flash manual is. i was definitely being impatient -- was expecting it to work straight away. will try your suggestions now.


Posted on: 01 August 2002 by ken c
flash all sorted now. the problem was exactly as you pointed out. many thanks guys.


Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by ken c:
flash all sorted now. the problem was exactly as you pointed out. many thanks guys.

Maybe it should say that on a label inside the battery compartment, then?

cheers, Martin
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Chris Bell
My flash will only work with good quality alkaline batteries. I tried using el-cheapo batteries, and the damn thing would not work properly. I have an early model, and the battery compartment is too small, so I can only use certian brands of batteries. Some just do not fit.

Chris Bell

Posted on: 01 August 2002 by ken c
Originally posted by Chris Bell:
My flash will only work with good quality alkaline batteries. I tried using el-cheapo batteries, and the damn thing would not work properly. I have an early model, and the battery compartment is too small, so I can only use certian brands of batteries. Some just do not fit.

Chris Bell

i found it takes quite a bit of fiddly effort to get the batteries in, even the ones that came with the unit.

but using "good quality" batteries may be a good idea anyway --


Posted on: 01 August 2002 by ken c
Originally posted by Martin Payne:

Maybe it should say that on a label inside the battery compartment, then?

cheers, Martin

i would agree.


Posted on: 04 September 2002 by Rico
So pleased I'd seen this thread some time back - made a mental note of its existence as I knew I'd have to change the batty's one day.

That day arrived yesterday - the night before the Low Battery warning had come up... I assumed I'd have a few more days, but no! Yesterday evening dead Flash - not looking so Flash really.

Off to the workshop, hunted out a 2mm Allen Key, exposed the Batteries. Removed old ones, installed fresh Energisers. Reinstalled cover. Flipped over, - hmmm, no lights. Perhaps it needs new set-up, so pressed button - screen indecypherable. Just a pattern of lines for any keypress. Checked batty installation, all ok. Then a lightbulb came on - "RTFM!". Only, it says bugger all in the Flash manual about batty installation, apart from using good quality batteries/don't mix old & new/insert correctly/which type.

"Ding!" (lightbulb again) - check the forum. Found this thread. Read and digested - seemed two options existed. Decided to leave batteries installed and see if it came right while I was out for a couple of cold refreshing beverages.

Returned home later - symptoms still the same. "Oh well, remove the batty's and leave a while". Surfed the net for half an hour, re-installed batty's - Perfect! Flash now looking better than ever, and now set to "Bat Saving" option.

The forum still works! Cheers. smile

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 05 September 2002 by Rico
I'll leave the buggering to you oh great debator.

Thanks for the tip about discharge, though.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio