Technical Question

Posted by: Justin on 05 January 2002

Suppose you have one of those hicaps which is capable of supplying two DC rails through the 5 pin socket OR a single DC rail from the four pin socket. And, suppose you have a 102 and a headline.

No suppose further that you have the headline powered up only about 10 days out of the year.

Isn't it possible to run both the 102 and the headline from that singular hicap at the same time?

Maybe not the best for everything, but is there any harm done here given the headline gets next to zero use.


Posted on: 05 January 2002 by David Dever
Headline and preamps use two different voltages in-circuit; Headline's current requirements are not high enough that a PSC wouldn't do perfectly fine at as measly a price point anyway.

Dave Dever

Posted on: 06 January 2002 by Justin
the main naim site suggests that the headline can be used with a hicap, which is 24 VDC.


Posted on: 07 January 2002 by David Dever
...on its own.

It it designed to be used with a NA PSC (17 VDC); it's internally current-limited (and down-regulated to 14 VDC).

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 11 January 2002 by JohanR
As I'm doing quite some late night listening using headphones I have some questions:

I'm currently driving the headphones directly from the Hi-Cap (well of course, that means the 82 is driving them) and are thinking of getting a Headline.
The Headline must be driven from a power supply, PSC, Flat-Cap or Hi-Cap. PSC seems a little measly, Flat-Cap has the wrong look and a Hi-Cap can of course be used for double Hi-Caping of the 82 when headphones are not in use. And of course the possibility of telling the Hifi friends that "my headphone amp has a power supply with 430 VA transformer" can't be overlooked!
But does the Headline sound better with a bigger supply? Anyone who has any experience?

On the website Naim says "high impedance headphones", I think my AKG K240 MKII:s are 55 ohm. Any problems?


Posted on: 11 January 2002 by Matthew T
Check out the following discussion on the headline.




Posted on: 11 January 2002 by JohanR
Thank's Matthew.
