Good News
Posted by: Cheese on 26 February 2001
Naim stuff has an excellent reputation. Excellent reviews everywhere - in magazines, on the Web, in newsgroups. All right.
But my critical sense has always been very strong, and I was (for fun) desperately looking for disappointed Naim users on the Web. I have just been surfing for, say, three hours, using the keywords "+naim +amp +crap".
The result was astounding. Of the about 70 sites found by, the word "crap" NEVER designed a naim product - always material that was compared to it has got this judgement. NO BAD REVIEW AT ALL.
If you want to laugh a bit, enter the same keywords but replace the brand name by Krell, ML or, by far the funniest example: Bose
Have fun and bear in mind that we, as Naim users, seem to have found the ultimate truth