S/hand DBLs.

Posted by: Tony Lockhart on 21 May 2002

My wife has just e-mailed me details of a pair for £2950 at Creative Audio. The ad is quite funny.
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by garyi
If they are in the same condition as the picture some one is in for a bargin.
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Simon Crosland
The web page for the DBL's hasn't been updated since 17 January 2002, which if they are that much of a bargain seems strange. Unless Creative Audio are trying to drum up a little business, of course.

Posted on: 21 May 2002 by MarkEJ
...when people go on about how "big" the DBLs are. They actually impinge on your room rather less than a pair of LS3/5as, being up aginst the wall rather then stuck out in the middle with a metre clear all round. They're no bigger than a pair of small bookcases, and personally I think they're very beautiful.

Someone will indeed be very lucky...



(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Martin M
Someone will indeed be very lucky...

I seem to recall that Martin Payne bought them ages I go.

They actually impinge on your room rather less than a pair of LS3/5as,

Yes, you don't notice them after a while. Most speakers end up looking and sounding rather insubstantial by comparison....
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Martin Payne
It's just a stock marketing pic, not that actual pair.

This is what they really look like:-

See What we did on our holidays for a few more details.

Strangely, the speakers have no serial numbers anywhere on them, but Creative sold them new (Naim personnel did the installation), and took them back in part-ex so shouldn't be anything dodgy.

cheers, Martin
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Mark Ellis-Jones:
...when people go on about how "big" the DBLs are. They actually impinge on your room rather less than a pair of LS3/5as, being up aginst the wall rather then stuck out in the middle with a metre clear all round. They're no bigger than a pair of small bookcases, and personally I think they're very beautiful.

When I first broached the subject of replacing Isobariks with DBLs ISTR I described them as 'a bit bigger' than Isobariks to my partner.

From her reaction to them when she first saw them (as we carried them into the lounge, having bought them) I don't think she really agreed with the description.

In practice they take up a very similar amount of space into the room, since they are about the same depth. They are certainly more physically imposing, especially if you sit close to them, as I do. For the first month or two I'd walk into the room and think "oh my gawd", quickly followed by a BFG.

I'd not describe them as beautiful but they have become "part of the furniture".

They are certainly better than Isobariks - as they should be! They seem to cope better with my problem room, which is just a sign of quality, I'm sure. I'm not sure they actually go any louder, though.

Someone will indeed be very lucky...

I still haven't got them working as well as they should, but I have no regrets about buying them. If I had my time over, I'd buy them again.

Once I've finished paying for them, I intend to have the tweeters replaced. I guess they may have had a hard time in their previous life being driven by 3xNAP500!

cheers, Martin
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Jens
Hi Martin,

Can you tell us a bit more about the differences between the Briks and the DBLs. You mention that the DBLs are better, but don't really say how.

Cheers, Jens
Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Charlezz
DBLs are just looking horrible!! ;-)
But NBLs are beautiful...

Posted on: 22 May 2002 by SAD 1
Originally posted by Charlezz:
DBLs are just looking horrible!! ;-)
But NBLs are beautiful...


Pity you're not in the UK you could get a bargain pair of NBLs at AudioWorks. See www.theaudioworks.co.uk if you're interested. Loads of other top end Naim electronic stuff too.

Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
Originally posted by Joolz:
on the same site read the 1st ad for the cyrus amps. made me laugh.


heh, hence the name creative audio I guess.

Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Derek Wright
The text supporting the Fraims in
Fraim Reference

IS enough to get a few forum members hyperventilating

Capability Mick P will enjoy the last few words in the blurb

Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Richard Bowles:
_...mind boggles that someone spends that much money on a pair of speakers, and doesn't get speaker cable that is long enough to run to them without tripping everyone up..._ big grin

Trouble is, I'd need at least 80 metres to make any improvement. That's not beer money (well, it's a lot of beer, anyway).

And they are, clearly, a solid nomination for the ugliest product Naim has ever made, especially in black, maybe in a nice Oak or something they could become acceptable...possibly...in a room the size of a ball-room...

Once you hear them, you do get used to them much more easily.

cheers, Martin
Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Tony Lockhart
I've just read this, and the references to a certain angle iron producer make amusing reading.